image: UQ

uQ-Gaming / Parodia [img|right][/img]
United Kingdom uQ-Gaming 4 - 0 Estonia
United Kingdom uQ-Gaming 4 - 2 Europe IDKFA
United Kingdom uQ-Gaming 4 - 2 Finland Gods.Inc

uQ might have claim to a new website, however their team is all but over. They publically announced their splitting after this Eurocup, meaning that these finals truely are the last chance for silverware to arrive under the uQ name. Of course, the core group of players have existed long before becoming 'uQ'. They were of course known as Parodia beforehand, and only became a part of uQ-Gaming when rG took away the previous ET team from uQ to form Reason-Gaming, who then played for a long time under the name of ... United Kingdom 141.

Having lost narrowly to Estonia u96d last season, the Fins are back, and this time will be hell-bent on not making the same mistake twice. They hold all the cards: their explemplary form, the double-elimination bonus of reaching thefinal via the winners bracket, and the desire to win.

Germany Swine had a short chat with uQ riflenader Finland Raveneye:

Germany swine: It's the same situation like one year ago...again your team from the winnerbracket, and idle (u96d) from the loserbracket. what do you except for the final?

Finland Raveneye: Some regular IRC fights about the server and some other things, but the match itself will be really great as the finals always are.
IMO, it isn't. They have only 2 players from the old EC squad. If you want to link together previous EC and this one, I would call call it uQ vs mix of previous TOP5 clans. ;x

Germany swine: I saw idle looking for some 6on6 these days, but noone searched from uQ. How do you prepare for the finale?

Finland Raveneye: Playing couple of pracs per day, and we are using the good old IRC to do it, you just aren't in the right channels. :P

Germany swine: Ok, is a mixxed team, everyone says that the old u96d Lineup was much better but this team lost only 2 maps in this eurocup.
So maybe they are a little bit underrated in this case?

Finland Raveneye: It is a mixed of players from previous EC clans, but you can't say that they are still mixed, now they are clan. And they are good, but not as good as u96d was.

Germany swine: So you think it will be easier for to win the EC this time? :)

Finland Raveneye: Ye, if we keep praccing.

Germany swine: We read these days on xfire that uQ wont take another ET Squad. What's the future for you and your team after the ec/nc?

Finland Raveneye: I'll stay in uQ playing Quake4, can't really say about the others but I think that they are going to choose between RL/WoW.

Germany swine: What do you think? Is ET dead or still alive?

Finland Raveneye: We are entering to the last generation of ET, there will be players in the next EC and OC, but then it is going to die slowly.

Germany swine: Ok, fast round, answer my questions with one word. Nationscup? ET: Quakewars? RTCW 2?

Finland Raveneye: NC: Boring, ET:Q: Crap ,RTCW2: Savior

Germany swine: thx for the information and your time and gl for the match :)

Finland Raveneye: thx


uQ have anyone of 7 players to choose from:

Finland Raveneye (cl)
Finland Xpaz
Finland Jauhis
Finland Mystic
Finland Saintt
Finland Drc
Finland Jafo

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