image: 2cyfubc

image: 41287007

Quote by Ville "kapaa" KaarioWell I kinda understand that we got the waiting to be busted award, tbh even I think some of our players are too good sometimes, for example Fel & Squall. Fel's rifle skills are from another world, some actions have been already shown that no one ever saw before. Then, the Squall, probably most accused player from our squad who won last LAN, he was probably carried by rest of the team, ENSAM, well he was already busted for public-hax so everyone accuses him because of it, totally understandable. Sample on other hand is pure talent. And me? I'm just a newschooler with bad aim.

Quote by Taneli "Squall" HärkönenSo everyone thinks that we cheat more than Poles :( That's kinda harsh, but golden pocal is still pocal so thank you for this!

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Poland Team Poland
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