image: n5n6g6

image: idle

Quote by urtierWe are happy and honoured that the community wants to see the old idle team return. We did not expect to win it against greats like gunslingers, dignitas and others, especially since everyone got bored because of us in those years. Back then the competition was different than it is nowadays. Even though we got many LANs now, and sponsored events, I feel it was more professional and friendly. The maps were better as well and not totally overplayed. Now most maps are inside and wherever you could airstrike, someone built a roof.

Finland parodia
Europe Old Dignitas

Total votes: 1626

A little bit of history:

The origins of the dominating lineup lay in u96d. Estonia Night, Estonia elps, Slovenia JaKaZc, Estonia r3vers, Estonia intact and Estonia d0zer took $25.000 home from winning Quakecon 05, after which they moved to idle. They tried out DoD:S but decided to come back to ET with an all-estonian lineup. After that they took in Belgium mAx and Ireland SoL, who got replaced by Germany senji and Germany urtier. The lineup at that point consisted of the following players: Estonia DeadMeat, Estonia Night, Estonia Holz, Germany senji, Germany urtier and Netherlands teKoa. They still lost their EC final to parodia, but were by far the second best team. Some more changes were made, such as the return of ex-u96d player Sweden ferus, who later on became a professional salaried player for the CGS.
This formed the most well known idle lineup and probably the most succesful lineup in ET history.

Estonia Night, Estonia Holz, Netherlands teKoa, Germany senji, Germany urtier and Sweden ferus for Quakecon 2006 and CPC1.

In the end Estonia Holz was replaced by Estonia r3vers because his army-duty, Netherlands teKoa traded spots with Estonia RELOAd, and Slovenia JaKaZc got in and Sweden ferus out. The lineup at that point was the following: Estonia Night, Estonia r3vers, Estonia RELOAd, Germany senji, Germany urtier and Slovenia JaKaZc.

The team started an almost legendary winning streak of 13 months. During the last five months the team lost only 15 stopwatch round in practise matches, seven of which were adlernest. Their average goldrush attack time could have been under five minutes.
In February '07 the team lost only one map, versus neg. img.
In officials they probably didn't lose a map for months in a row.

It was during the winners bracket final of the PGA LAN Crossfire Qualifiers against zP that idle finally lost a match. Switzerland Gifty, the zP rifle, pretended to have a headache so they couldn't play on after 21:30, while idle waited half the day. The day after Estonia Night couldn't play. Without their teamleader, idle wasn't as good as the used to be, which resulted in a loss. The incident caused a massive response from the community, who could not believe the unbeatable had been defeated.

[IMG|right][/IMG]Some idle players claimed it was all a setup, and United Kingdom TosspoT, being the manager of zP at that time, had allowed the game to be postponed to the next day, while Switzerland gifty's headache would probably have been far less of a decissive factor than the unavailability of idle's leader, Estonia Night. Idle had to drag in the ex-idle player Estonia Holz, who was inactive at that time.

However, this was only a 5on5 match. The side kept on winning 6on6 matches until they finally had to throw in the towel at CPC 2. The team then again had to play without Estonia Night, with Ireland SoL replacing him. The idle side was at that time playing under the Dignitas name, and they lost versus TLR. In the end the idle team as we know it probably didn't lose a single 6on6 where Estonia Night was playing until CC5, after many inactivity breaks and without much practising.

So after 13 months of being the absolute best team of the world, idle stopped to exist. Most of the players moved to dignitas, but could never regain their impressive dominance. will go into the ET history books as the most succesful team ET has ever known. It is a team we'd all like to see back. Motivation has been an issue for a long time with most of the idle players, after winning just about everything there is to win. Perhaps in the near future with CiC7 approaching and more competitions to follow ET will become more professional again, which might perhaps mean a return of! was:

Estonia Night, Estonia r3vers, Estonia RELOAd, Germany senji, Germany urtier and Slovenia JaKaZc.
Estonia Holz, Estonia DeadMeat, Sweden ferus, Belgium mAx, United Kingdom AdZz, Ireland SoL, Netherlands teKoa, Netherlands guardian and Estonia gza.

Their achievements:

Quakecon 2006
Crossfire LAN 2006 (CPC1)
SHG Open 2007
Eurocup XIII
Eurocup XIV
ESL ET IPS 6on6 2006
Invite #ET-Cup
Eurocup XII