image: 2pzloqu

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]Being the best aimer on the planet definitely gets you a truckload of fanboys. This player has been cheered at for merely connecting to a server. The ETTV logs of Belgium mAus' matches are probably 50% "OMG MAUS OMG". This timeless creed has been the insignia of this players' success. Even on an off day he has all the ETTV viewers fixed onto him. And not without reason, nearly every time Belgium mAus is in action, he gets highest damage. So overhyped? The hype around him has reached biblical proportions, almost as epic as the legend we call Finland mystic. But overrated? Check the Best Aimer 2009 award, and you'll see that overhyped isn't necessarily overrated.

Quote by David "mAus" HerreWell this is an award I do deserve! And everyone needs an idol, so here I am.
Thanks again for the votes, and for the egoboost!

Belgium mAus
United Kingdom BaggieZ & Hype
Poland dialer

Total votes: 1333