The group of death of this EuroCup. Each single team in this group consists of players who have either already achieved a lot or have the potential to do so. On one hand we have Poland tMoe, Europe Rockit, Anonymous EASYMODE and somewhat hated Belgium OVERLOAd. On the other, we have Germany SPEEDLiNK and France frogs. Players of the former have recently been subject to a lot of praise considering their stunning performance for Germany Germany in the CB NationsCup XIII. The team led by France Em0ReJ also seems to have the necessary potential to fight their way into the playoffs. Without doubt their greatest strenght is Belgium xAv, one of the most agressive rifles in the game. Unlike in any other group, in group C anything can happen, there is no clear favourite.
  • Azatej and Netherlands perfo from Anonymous EASYMODE]
    Considering you have teams like Poland tMoe, Belgium OVERLOAd and Europe Rockit in your group, what kind of performance can we expect from Europe EASYMODE in the group stage?
    Pure rape.

    What about EC in general? Does Europe EASYMODE have the quality to battle for a podium finish?

    Which of the teams in Group C would you consider to be your strongest rival?
    Belgium OVERLOAd because of Belgium lio.

    Considering the mix-ish nature of your team? Will there be any special preperation before the match against that team? For example, actually having a tactical briefing prior to the game?
    5v5 esap 1600+.

  • Em0ReJ from France Frogs]
    How do you see your teams chances when it comes to progressing to the playoffs, considering your group has been touted the group of death?
    I think we would reach playoffs in any others groups, in this one it will be harder but I still believe we can steal the 3rd position.

    How far do you think frogs can make it this EC in general?
    Top 10.

    Against which of the teams in your group do you think your side will have the greatest difficulty in grabbing a win?
    Probably Europe EASYMODE, if they are active enough they can win the group.

    Will the match against them be any different for your team in terms of preperation?
    Depends on our first results, if we really have to win to reach the playoffs then we can do kind of "special" preparation against them, but I think we won't need it.

  • vila from Belgium OVERLOAd]
    Your team was unlucky to end up in what many refer to as the group of death. How well do you think Belgium OVERLOAd will perform in the group stage?
    Well, it will be quite a challenge to be able to pass the groupstage but I think we are capable of doing so, dont' think we'll get a first place but 2nd or 3rd is more realistic, we need to start of well in the first match, a win would help us a lot , unfortunately we have to play vs Poland Lanproofed Poletards so I can't have the excuse of them cheating afterwards if we manage to fuck it up.

    How far do you think your team will reach this EC, I believe that OVERLOAd is worth much more than just a spot in the playoffs?
    IF we manage to pass the groupstage there are only 3-4 clans in the other groups that are actually decent and we should be well prepared since we have a hard group where every team is capable of going to playoffs, so IF and i say IF we pass we could be going a long way, passing the group will be the hardest part I believe.

    Like you've said, there are many good teams in your group, but if you had to pick the most difficult, or most retarded, team to play against, who would it be and why?
    Most retarded without a doubt : Anonymous EASYMODE (guess the other 5 clans will pick us as most retarded). Most difficult team might be France Frogs just because they can't be underestimated. The others are quite clear on what skill level they are but frogz can surprise.

    Why is Anonymous EASYMODE the most retarded team in your group? Is it because they are a mix, or is it because of who actually plays in that team?
    This will probably be the most difficult question to explain because these guys are retarded on so many levels, i'll have a start with probably the worst of all 5, mr. England Meez (this guy actually thinks he is cool). Apparently they have some horny attraction to Belgium lio since they always refer to him (or is it because none of their players is half as skilled as him, who will tell) They seem to have the mental age of a 7 year old girl since their Lineup announcement was to be done by a 'self-written' song a mental damaged guy could even write on the tune of the Powerpuff girls. Their selfmade flag seems to have given them some sort of 'imaginary' power, but in fact it is an easy recognition of whom on crossfire you should have on your ignore list. I won't go into the details about the Netherlands Dutchies since they seem to follow their England 'leader' into the depths of retardism. But I have a final word over for the Poland riflestick. You joined a clan that suits you, congratulations.

    The amount of emotion in that last answer would make any Spanish soap opera jealous. Nevertheless, with France Frogs being the surprise package in the group, are you going to approach the game in some special manner or will you simply connect to that server and bring that win home?
    Frogs is the last game and possibly this one could be the decisive game of the group for us (If it's not over already), they won't know what to do when I come up with all kinds of flame (before the game to irritate them) & attack formations that will blow their defense into so many pieces that a deepthroath girl would blush.

  • ZaK from Europe Rockit]
    The groups have been announced, how do you think your team will perform in the group stage?
    Well from what i can see we have one of the hardest groups, we played Poland tMoe several times in pracs, we didn't face one of the other teams.

    What about EC in general, has Europe Rockit set any particular goals it wants to achieve?
    Hmm, we haven't rly talked about it but i think if we want to perform good we will head for top3 i guess!:)

    Many people regard group C as the group of death, but which single team do you consider to pose the greatest threat to Europe Rockit?
    I guess that will be Anonymous EASYMODE on paper, but Poland tMoe will be hard aswell, since they are quite active.

    Should we expect Europe Rockit to practice harder in preperation for those matches, or are you going to approach them like any other game?
    I don't think we will change things as in playing more pracs, changing tactics etc.

  • DuKe from Germany SPEEDLiNK]
    Your team was unofortunate enough to be drawn into group C, which is considered to be the group of death. How well do you think your team will perform considering the oposition it has to face?
    You're right, the group C is the group of death. Which means basicly that everyone is as strong as the others. This is an advantage for us because everything is open and we can beat every opponent in our group. If we can keep up praccing and getting into a stable performance we can easierly end up as 2nd.

    What about EC in general, has your team set any goals?
    Well, after we joined Speedlink we are really motivated to reach the playoffs and maybe get into the 1/8 or maybe the 1/4 final. So ending up at the top 10 would be our goal overall.

    You claim that your team can easily finish 2nd in the group, but who is most likely to finish on the top?
    I would say that Poland tMoe is the strongest opp in our group. Eventhough Belgium OVERLOAd and Anonymous EASYMODE are a really tough match too. But Belgium OVERLOAd is just about Belgium mAus.
    Quote by kapaaYeah, it's pretty important to give comms if you get Belgium mAus full :D

    I don't know how active Anonymous EasyMode are at all. Europe Rockit is no match at the moment but France Frogs can maybe suprise...

    Will the way you approach the game against Poland tMoe be any different than the way you approach any other game? Since I play for Poland tMoe myself I'm not expecting an honest answer to this one!
    Of course not. Every opponent is the same :)

  • edain from Poland tMoe]
    The groups are out. How do you think your team will perform in the group stage?
    Well I guess there ain't single one difficult opponent in our group, but some of our matches got special background so maybe this will make them interesting.

    What about the EC in general? How do you see your team's chances in the whole competition, I presume you are hoping for a podium finish?
    I'm really glad that we have some great comebacks this season, surely it will spice up the whole competition which wasn't that exciting during last few editions. No doubt that our main aim is the top 3 and we will put all our efforts to get there.

    Are there any teams in your group that you find to be particularly difficult oponents?
    Germany SPEEDLiNK might be a challenge due to huge among of praccs they have, Anonymous EASYMODE and France Frogs have some nice players in online competitions, Europe Rockit ain't that bad also.

    Are you going to prepare something extra for the match against them?
    Nigga, please.