In group D, Finland fintastic5 seem to be the clear favourites to progress to the playoffs from the top of the table. Nevertheless, the competition for the remaining two spots will be intense. Although the odds slightly favour Belgium Friends in Force and Poland 1stCav, the three remaining teams should also be considered in the race. Most spectators will without doubt focus their attention on Netherlands kris who is one of the three starts reviving their ET careers this season.
  • Boski from Poland 1stCav]
    Considering you will have to face Finland Fintastic5 in one of your group matches, how well do you think will Poland 1stCav perform in the group stage of this EC?
    It's really hard to say because we are pretty inactive lately. Though our group is not hard as for example group C. But clans are quite equal and only Poland fintastic5 seems to be out of reach and it will be tight fight for other teams for 2nd and 3rd place. I think we can take 2nd place but also we can be 6th.

    If you manage to secure a place in the playoffs, what will be your next goal?
    With a bit of luck we can win a few matches in playoffs. But of course we won't be favourites so every win will be success for us.

    Among others you will have to face *EU*, another team managed by Poland Homer, in the group stage? Is it reasonable to say that there is an extra dimension to that game, namely the winning team will show that it deserves more attention from Homer than the loser?
    I dont get that question. I am leader of Poland 1stCav and Poland Homer is leader of Europe *EU*. That doesn't prevent us to be friends, and co-operate. Each other will keep one's finger crossed for his team. Surely it will be very exciting match.

    So, despite what everyone thinks, Poland Homer is not involved in running Poland 1stCav at all?
    He just helps me out a bit. :)

  • Gifted from Belgium Belgian Fraternity]
    Considering you have Finland Fintastic5 in your group. How well do you think your team will perform in the group stage?
    I hope we will be able to win 3 games out of 5 & proceed to the playoffs. Beating the Finland fins is impossible i think, they will win this season again imo.

    Is reaching the playoffs your team's ultimate goal or are you aiming to achieve even more?
    Reaching the playoffs would be amazing already since this is the first EC for all of us, but even if we wont make it we will give our best every game. Thats why I like it that their are more teams in each group, so we can play more good games.

    You've said that you are aiming at winning 3 out of 5 games in your group? Which two teams are likely to be the ones against which you might loose a game?
    Like I said we won't be able to beat the Finland fins & I think that Belgium FiF is pretty good, it all depends on how Belgium Jere is performing. Last time I saw him playing he took out 3 guys each spawn, so it was impressive.

    Since you see Belgium Jere as the main threat in your game against Belgium FiF, is it reasonable to say that he's going to get a lot of full spawns in that game?
    I would say something that we won't change our playstyle, we will just do whatever it takes to win the game!

  • wssquad from Europe United Soldiers of Europe]
    What kind of performance should we expect from your team in the group stage of this EC?
    I think we've got a chance to perform pretty well at this event or at least in the group stage. If i will take our praccs into consideration, passing it shouldn't be a problem for us if i have to be honest.

    In the group stage you will have to face another team supposedly managed by Poland Homer, Poland 1stCav to be exact. Will your team try to prove in that match that it deserves more attention from Homer than the other or will you approach it like any other game?
    100% 2nd option.

    Among the teams in your group, does any one of them pose a greater threat to your team than the others?
    For sure Finland fintards who are at least for me the favorites of the whole tournament. Other teams in our group are kinda on the same level.

  • Lepari from Finland Fintastic5]
    The EC Groups have been annouced. Considering your team partially consists of players who have won two consecutive EuroCups in a row, should we expect Finland f5 to win their group?
    I think we have pretty good chances to finish at the top position. But a lot of depends on my performance actually, since I know the other members of our team will deliver, but I'm still quite rusty and can fuck up a lot especially in 5on5.

    What are your aspirations for EC in general? Do you think that with two Finland 'masculine men' on board you have a chance for a podium finish?
    We haven't really discussed about our goals with the team, but I think many people expect us to finish quite high, and so do I actually. There are of course a lot of good teams, but our teamwork is quite good and the lineup is solid, so we should be able to perform well (top 3 finish). A lot of depends on my personal performance actually, since I'm clearly our weakest link at the moment.

    Out of all the other teams in your group, which one would you label as the most dangerous?
    First of all, I must admit that on paper, our group seems to be the easiest one, and I hope it will be that in game also. I don't know the opponents that well, but I think the most dangerous will be Poland 1stcav.

    With Poland 1stCav being your main threat. Are you going to approach that game the same way as any other or will you approach it with even greater commitment?
    I'm pretty sure that we will approach it the same way as any game. One prac before it if possible, and just laidback gaming without taking any stupid long spawns 8)

  • Jere from Belgium Friends in Force]
    The EC groups are out. How well do you think Belgium FiF will perform in the group stage?
    Hmm I'm not sure. We aren't really the team we used to be, but things are improving. Reaching 2nd place is obviously our goal.

    I take it that you are confident of your team reaching the playoffs, what comes later? Have you set any particular goals to achieve after you advance to the playoffs?
    Didn't really think that far yet. But seeing the current EC-scene I would be happy placing top-5. That would give us enough confidence to go on to AEF (with worm joining us again and vanq not going probably (work)). However, a 5-8 spot is more likely I'd say.

    Is there any team you are particularly afraid of in the group stage?
    Obviously Finland fantastic5. But our most important games should be the ones against bF and 1st cav, they are stronger than phantoms and EU imo.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this will be the first EC for Belgium bF, why do you think they are stronger than, for example, Europe EU which consists of several players with EC experience?
    We've played Europe EU twice already in pracs and they didn't impress me at all. Even with us playing really bad we could beat them. They got a lot of potential tho, but I can't see them playing good this EC yet.

  • vokki from Portugal Phantoms]
    The EC groups are out. Unfortunately, among others Portugal Phantoms will have to face the some of the holders of the past two EuroCups who now form a part of Finland Fintastic5. How do you think your team will perform in the group stage?
    We will do just fine. Finland Fintastic5 will win the group but rest of the teams are pretty equal skill and any of them can get to the playoffs. But I think we will able to pull it through since we are praccing a lot and finish second after Finland Fintastic5.

    You seem confident that your team will reach the playoffs, is that your final goal or is your team aiming to achieve even more this EC?
    The playoffs are our primarily goal, we will see how our performance will evolve during the group stage. Maybe top8 would be realistic if everything goes well for us.

    Except for Finland Fintastic5 are there any other teams in your group that you think may pose a threat to Portugal Phantoms?
    We have played against every team expect Finland Fintastic5 in our group. Belgium FiF seems strongest from them and it will be probably hardest match after Finland Fintastic5.

    Will you be practicing with even greater commitment before the games against Finland Fintastic5 and Belgium FiF or will you approach those games as if they were no different from any other?
    We are normally praccing really much already so there will be no difference in our preparations for those matches.