Written by United Kingdom foonr

Germany Arni

[img|left]http://img371.imageshack.us/img371/8793/arni6dw.gif[/img] Arni is probably one of the lesser known names here, without good reason, apart from the fact that he isn't egocentric, loud, or attention seeking. Not that the others are, but Arni just doesnt crave the spotlight.

Nevertheless, his contribution is extremely impressive. Try if you can to think back to the times when ETTv was a new concept, and ettv_b1 was really hot stuff. Nevermind the fact it was extremely limited technology compared to now, there were a select few who become dedicated towards improving ETTv, and giving the community quality coverage to enjoy.
Arni really has been around since the very start of ETTv, pushing the technology forward, and closing any gaps he could fine (there were quite a lot!). A frequent visitor on the ETPro forums, giving the team support on an unprecidented scale, arni's ETTv servers are constant visitors to the GamesTV lists, for which he is also a site admin.
It was a pleasure to interview him:

United Kingdom foonr: Well 2005 is coming to its final close now, how has it been for you personally?

Germany arni: Its been a great year with a lot of ups and downs - a lot has been archieved during this year. Things really pushing us back was for example the crash of gamestv.org but a lot of improvements in the acceptance of ettv by the playing clans has really brought us further.

United Kingdom foonr: How difficult have you found it in implemting ETTv into the game, from when it was first ever introduced, to the state it is in today?
Plain sailing or tough?

Germany arni: I havent been on board with the ettv crew for the whole time so i cant really comment on the beginning, but what i can say is that we are a very large step further since when i started in the beginning of ettv.org - Back then ettv was mainly experimental and we needed an hour before every game to set everything up and fix arising bugs. We have finally reached a point where we can in my oppinion offer a solid ettv coverage without too many technical problems.

United Kingdom foonr: Obviously like you mention we've now got GamesTV.org - a wonderful service. How much do you think it has improved the service to the community, rather than ettv.org?

Germany arni: From the point of view of the ET community gamestv.org is not much different from ettv.org. The idea behind the change of name was that gamestv.org will be covering matches from all sort of online games. Currently we are in contact with supporters from the cod and css community and we hope to offer more games soon.

United Kingdom foonr: What about yourself, do you see a move into another game if the technology is right in terms of broadcasting?

Germany arni: For myself i still think et is a very interesting game which is far from dead. So i'm currently not planning to move on. I think 1200 full slots for single games really show that our coverage is really appreciated by the communuty. If i should really move on i will most likely move on to get a proper RL ;-)


United Kingdom foonr: I'm sure everyone will be glad to hear that!

Germany arni: ;-)

United Kingdom foonr: Especially after the news of Angrykid's departure, it's good to have those who are clearly committed.

Germany arni: Angrykid did not leave his position in the gamestv.org crew - he will go on working for gamestv. He just stopped his clanbase admin job.

United Kingdom foonr: Right you are :O>
And so we were chatting about this earlier, but what does this nomination mean to you?

Germany arni: I just completely did not expect to be nominated. There are so many people that do a great job keeping the system running. I think this nomination should actually go to everyone in the gamestv organisation channel - you rock.[/i]

United Kingdom foonr: Any shoutouts in particular, or the entire organisation as a whole? Then of course you have the etpro developers themselves...

Germany arni: Yeah big thanks to bani and zinx for not banning me from their forums or support channel for whining about new bugs every day. Thanks to the whole gtv.org crew and my (ex-)clanmates. I wont start specific shoutouts because i'll forget someone important otherwise ;-)

United Kingdom foonr: Heh, always a good tactic.
Well thanks for your time arni, it has been a pleasure. All the best of luck for the vote!

Germany arni: Thanks a lot for doing this whole survey ;-)

Vote for Arni!