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With the votes being open for the ClanBase NationsCup captains I thought it might be interesting to get a little deeper into the intentions of those who applied. Therefor I (tried to) contact(ed) every single applicant to ask them 5 small questions about their intentions if they were named captain of this years team.

The reason I'm doing this is to give everybody an equal chance to get voted for. Since few people take the application form on clanbase serious I figured this might be an excellent way to shed some light on those who are just trolling and those who are in it for the long run. Per nation I have also added a small conclusion. Just keep in mind that this conclusion is my personal opinion.

The article is constructed in a very simple way. I'll discuss 3 nations per page and the last page will give you an overview of the people I think will come out on top after the voting is done.

In some cases I haven't been able to contact certain captains (yet) due to either the CF search not allowing me to search for playernames with less than 4 characters and/or people not checking their clanbase PM's and/or clanbase not allowing me to send more than 5 PM's/day and/or people not having filled in an e-mail address on their CB-Account.

This article was supposed to air together with the news that the votes were open however at that time i was still missing answers from ~ 45 people hence the small delay.