Team Colombia

Previous Captains:
NC XIV: Columbia zicario
Previous Achievements:
NC XIV: Last in Group (0 wins)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]I should be the captain of Team Colombia because I keep track of news, announcements and schedules posted on crossfire. This allows me to contact efficiently the other members of my team before hand, and be ready to give our best at NC XV.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Well there's not really much to introduce. My name is Juan aka Paper and I've been playing this game since late 2006, competitive from 2008 or so (still low- though). I'm looking forward to this Nations Cup as the Colombian team has shown improvement over the last appearances.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am the best man for the job simply because I keep track of things (news, applications, registrations). This will give the Colombian team a fairly good organization. I do know all of the line-up from way back, so they know they have a friend in me, as well as an organized captain.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    The line-up is pretty much settled. I would like to get the 3 backups to be in the main line-up though, but some of them are inactive or have things they can't postpone.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Paper, Stoner, Terra, David, Eitileda, Nemesis - Torm, Paraco, Zcario
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    Our main objective at NCXV is getting to the group stage. Being a fairly new team means we have to fight our way thru qualifiers. Other than that, once we get to the group stage we will try to give our best to give everyone a good show.

Being the only applicant for his nation Columbia Paper is certain of his election and since he already has a line-up in mind I'm sure they'll get a qualifier this season once again.

Team Croatia

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Croatia suVi
NC XIV: Croatia frozz
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Loser bracket round 1 (elimination by Sweden Sweden)
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 2 (elimination by Estonia Estonia)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]I'm the only one with motivation to lead this team.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I was unable to contact Croatia hVk due to the search function here on crossfire disallowing me to search for names less than 4 letters long. I'll add this section as soon as he contacts me himself!

  • Entry:[quote]L O L[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hello, I'm Daniel from Croatia, started playing ET occasionally back when it came out but really got into it in 2004, been leading a few clans since then and was in twice as many, I've played every single OC and ESL hosted tournament since I started so you can call me a true ET nerd, also played a lot of other fps games but nothing beats ET :)
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    Well to be honest there are not many Croats left playing ET, and even in the previous seasons no one really wanted to take the captaincy so we kind of took turns, and with so few of us left now it's my turn, firing back that I didn't want it in previous years :P
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I have a couple names in mind but I have to check who is actually willing to play first.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Can't really talk about names until I ask around and see who is available and willing, but let's say I'd like to have a few players that I've been playing for years with
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    Goal this year would be to try not to embarrass ourselves :D nah, would be good if we could give our best to get out of group and from there on everything is fine, in last few years we were 5th and 3rd and managed to cause a few upsets and beat quite a few highly rated nations in reaching that, although there are not many strong nations left you can always count on like of Estonia, Netherlands and Finland to give you a hard time so I'm hoping for playoffs :)

With me having been unable to contact Croatia hVk I think it is unfair to assume that he is not the man to vote for this season. So I won't pick sides for now.

Team Czech Republic

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Czech Republic Rifleman
NC XIV: Czech Republic t4MjEE
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Loser bracket round 1 (elimination by Spain Spain)
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 1 (elimination by Canada Canada)
This Year's Applicants:
Czech Republic
  • Entry:[quote]So HI! I guess I don’t have to say something about me, Czech guys know me and besides that I was captain for last NC.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hi, I’m t4MjEE, currently ET Supervisor for ClanBase and I was captain/manager in last NC for team Czech Republic
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I guess there are better guys for that, but I rate myself as enough for it.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Well, in CZE are only few use able players, so of course I have in mind line up and mostly those guys are available for this.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Check last NC’s line up, this team isn’t going to be very different. There will just be a few changes because there are some players that are unable to play due work/school etc.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    Our goal is like every year, try to win NC or at least surprise a few better nations. I hope we can get further in the tournament than we did last year or at least reach the semi-final.

Czech Republic
  • Entry:[quote]I want to be captain again (like 3 seasons ago) because I want to show that Czech Republic can play on decent level - that’s my target.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    My name is Marian, I am 21 years old player from Czech Republic. For a lot of people I am new but that is not true, I have started with ET in 2004 and have played for a long time under the nickname Flash - maybe someone could remember the Bloody F*ckin Users movie. In 2009 I decided to change my nickname into malfoy because people thought that I am the same person as Belgian Flashy
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    Why do I think I should be a captain? well that is a really difficult question but in one sentence. I was a captain and I have got a lot of experiences in national team and I would like to do my best when the people will decide to give their votes to me.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I got the line up in my mind but I don’t want to tell that because it’s definitely useless to say that - I am not the captain yet.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    My target with national team is prove that Czech Republic can play more than second match in the playoffs but it would be really hard because a lot of well-known people finished their gaming carreer

Czech Republic
  • Entry:[quote]for those who don’t want to see another NC team with iR (zeroE) players only[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I haven't been able to contact this player yet since he has no account here on crossfire and I couldn't send another message on clanbase yet.

Czech Republic
  • Entry:[quote]Mature, old school player, respected within the community, played (and won) some Czech LANs, speaking fluent English/French.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Haven't heard from this player yet.

Czech Republic
  • Entry:[quote]I want to give chance to other players. I don’t want to see only iR (zeroE) players in Czech NC team.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I am not old-school because I only play et for 3 years now, I’m new to the Czech ET-scene so I’m one of the new talents :D:D:D.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I don't mean that I am the best for it, but I want to give chance for some new talents like me.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes I have a lineup in mind for when I will be captain, I hope I’ll get the people I want.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    zajaczek, CYPIS, teente, mnew, green clon, jalo(I hope) - malfoy, charlie
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I don’t want to replay last year, I hope we will pass the group stage

With both Czech Republic t4MjEE and Czech Republic malfoy having nations cup captain experience and both Czech Republic mnewcko and Czech Republic ZajaC pulling the “time for a change” card I think this will be quite an interesting vote. However I think that once again Czech Republic t4MjEE will go home with the captaincy for the Czech Republic Czech Republic.