Team Switzerland

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Switzerland vegi
NC XIV: Switzerland zeKxa
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: 3rd in group stage (1 win)
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 1 (elimination by Croatia Croatia)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]Because I am:

    -lot of experience
    -got the "know how"
    and finally attractive :P

    Ps. I want to bring Team-Switzerland back into the top 5! And that can only happen with a new leader on the top.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hello everybody, my name is Chris, I'm 17 years old and from . I play ET since 4 years. And I'm very proud to be a Swiss!
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    Because I want to bring the Team Switzerland back into the top nations. I'm very motivated and able to lead the team as a Captain!
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes I've... it's hard to get these, because most of them are inactive :/
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    gifty, dabster, olgaa, gunner(??), reaver(??), and me - backups are hard to say since there are to many possibillities.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    Just don't underestimate us, we're able to surprise, but we'll see how far we can get ;)

  • Entry:[quote]Because I was captain last year.
    Because I rule and I will pick the best players to play together.
    Luv <3[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I have been playing ET since 2004. I played a lot of etpub mostly with HESS Clan then I moved to etpro. Only the Swiss boys and some old-schoolers from 2.55 should know me :]
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I’m the best man for this job because even if I’m not very active on the ET scene at the moment, I can get smart, fun, skilled and reliable players for the next NC.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I'm thinking about giving chance to 'new' guys who never played NC and which are motivated.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Never, it's our secret weapon.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    As always: having fun, pass the group stage and then trying to kick some great nations’ asses.

By the looks of things Switzerland kneJii is trying to build up a lineup consisting of oldschoolers to bring his nation back to higher ranks. However this will be hard since most of them are inactive so I personally would go for Switzerland zeKxa who will try to build up a line-up consisting of active players
to be sure that his line-up has had enough playtime lately.

Team Ukraine

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Ukraine malczik
NC XIV: Ukraine malczik
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Didn't pass qualifiers (elimination by Romania Romania)
NC XIV: Last in group stage (0 wins)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]i'm good![/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I was unable to contact this person due to him not being registered here on CF and ClanBase preventing me from sending more than 5 PM's per day

We can be sure he'll be voted captain. All we can do is wait and see whether he'll be able to field a line-up and whether they'll pass the qualifications this time round.

Team United Kingdom

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: United Kingdom hYpe aka KAMZ
NC XIV: United Kingdom Yaki
Previous Achievements:
NC XIV: Loser bracket semi finals (elimination by Germany Germany)
This Year's Applicants:
United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]I am aware of/acquainted with all of the current top UK players that would be interested and motivated to bring an active performance to this season of CB NationsCup, I was always the type who can push players into activity and I will not choose a roster that will treat this NC as a joke. I will try to avoid the conflicts that happened in the previous 2 seasons of NC for the UK with disagreements between players.

    Vote for me for an unbiased choice of the strongest and most active lineup! (Hopefully without all of the drama too)[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Artsar hasn't been able to send me his reply yet due to the holidays but ensured me he would as soon as possible.

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]I think I should be the captain, for many simple reasons, nations cup is here to be won. Not to be treated as a joke, and a laugh (although it is good to have a laugh) I can offer great motivation tactics, and a great atmosphere, in addition I am aware of the most top et UK players within the community, and I am aware of what aspects we can achieve! I feel that UK can handle this Nations cup series with the Lineup I have in mind. I will also try my best to avoid any conflict within the Players, and try to eliminate any problems that may occur.

    Vote for me, if you want to see some serious UK massacre and to see some old players back in which will ensure this year’s WIN!![/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I haven't heard back from United Kingdom darkrider yet.

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]I am a new British upcoming talent and currently the best etplayer in et! If it wasn't this map, it's my sensitivity[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I'm IceQ, currently the best etplayer in et but koop is making me play bad
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I'm currently one of the best etplayers in et like I said, killing them instantly with my 3hs and out aim almost every player if I have a better aim than them :)
    although I can't aim with the luger with this mouse on this map with this sens
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    yes, these players I have in mind already played a game with me and I think they enjoy it as I give them a lot of motivation
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    fumble, r0ss, sqzz, Jinosta, razz, koop
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I plan on winning NC without any drama this season!

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]I’m the only one capable of putting together a decent team and making sure it succeeds. It will be a very hard season without kamz.

    Thanks x[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I haven't heard anything from United Kingdom reAlize- yet.

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]BOOM! Enough said.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I am Wakizashiuk, 24 years old and if you haven’t heard of me you shouldn't be playing ET.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I have been the best man for the job for the last 6 years but people haven’t realized it yet.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Oh I have a naughty lineup ready for when i get elected: Wakizashiuk, Skydeh, Fumble, Owzo, griim, Zurgy, Goso, baggiez
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    With previous years the UK hasn't performed since they always choose the worst players for the squad. This year, as you can see from my lineup I have chosen the best and bravest e-playas around.

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]Because I’m really pro and am king of console gaming.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Didn't get an answer from United Kingdom MISTRY yet.

United Kingdom
  • Entry:[quote]I am aware of/acquainted with all of the current top UK players that would be interested and motivated to bring an active performance to this season of CB NationsCup, I was always the type who can push players into activity and I will not choose a roster that will treat this NC as a joke. I will try to avoid the conflicts that happened in the previous 2 seasons of NC for the UK with disagreements between players.

    Vote for me for an unbiased choice of the strongest and most active lineup! (Hopefully without all of the drama too)[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    I didn't receive anything form United Kingdom Blu Mar Ten yet.

United Kingdom KAMZ - Didn't contact him due to the obvious troll
Reviewing the UK applications I can but notice that this poll will be battled out between just three players being United Kingdom Artsar, United Kingdom IceQ and United Kingdom Wakizashiuk. However I don't think we should rule out United Kingdom reAlize- just yet eventhough he didn't answer my PM yet. If i were to pick I'd say, based on the information I have at this time, I would pick United Kingdom IceQ however lets wait on the replies from United Kingdom Artsar and United Kingdom reAlize- to make a final decision.

Team USA

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: United States of America Steveb
NC XIV: United States of America azuKi
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Loser bracket round 1 (elimination by Latvia Latvia)
NC XIV: 3rd in group stage (1 win)
This Year's Applicants:
United States of America
  • Entry:[quote]Will present the best available lineup, I know everyone in the NA community. Don't worry, Kardons grandma will carry.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Haven't heard back from this player yet.

United States of America
  • Entry:[quote]LOL ITS YA BOI

    off the top of my head...

    starter spot GUARANTEED: kARDON, Bliss

    if former USA players want their spot hit me up: (Axcess, Ouch, Common, etc.)

    new blood to inject into Team USA: sandbag, ohurcool, peaches, BRANDON, Larky (:D)[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Havent heard back from this player yet.

United States of America
  • Entry:[quote]Pick me because I will assemble THE REAL DEAL USA lineup for this event.

    USA.LoL will be the best team ever.
    Dyrus the Great will be our godmode carry top and bot (he likes switching around with teleport for the lulz) while saintvicious will be performing miracles ganking bot lane and leaving with a double kill and a tower.
    Let's not forget our solo mid AP carry champion, RegiBro. He will call the shots and win us another WCG... err NC. Ofc, I have to mention the fragalicious AD carry monster Chauster and Xpecial stomping kids since 2008 bot lane.

    We are here to win this shit, bro.

    Wait, this is not LoL... fuck, sorry[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I am Ceres, long time BusDriver. I frag LoL
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I am real TERROR! I also have the best roster.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Dyrus, Saintvicious, RegiBro, Doublelift, Xpecial (Chauster - corki only)
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    We win this, np.

United States of America
  • Entry:[quote]I was on team USA for 5 minutes before azuki kicked me off. All USA player hate me but so I get anim to play. kardon not allowed on team USA. My team looks like this

    Anim bN frosty sickfrugz *openspot*

    backup is opiate (no slac though) and shafty and ipod and embarrassed and dominator and twoguns

    vote for me I wont big led down[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Haven't heard from this player yet.

Based on their applications I'd say none of them is taking this 100% serious except for maybe United States of America sandbag. However he's not very liked within his community so not likely to be picked so it's very hard to predict the outcome here this time.