Team Estonia

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: Estonia Allen
NC XIV: Estonia Raul
Previous Achievements:
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 3 (elimination by Netherlands The Netherlands)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]Well motivated, I have played for the Estonian team 3 times. Won once. Should know all the best players.
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Hello. My name is Severi " Sinnu " S., I'm 20 years old and I live in a city called Tartu in Estonia. I'm studying psychology and English in the University of Tartu. Been playing ET for ages, around 5 years or so.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think I'm the best man for the job because I have played NationsCup in Team-Estonia thrice now, even won once. I know all the best players that this amazing country has to offer and I mostly get along great with all of them. I'm also driven and motivated to lead us as far as possible.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Well, to be honest, I've spoken to some players of Estonia all ready, not mentioning any names ( mant), and well, I kind of have an idea of which players the team should consist of. I could get almost all of them, not only Reload, since he isn't playing any more.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    I wouldn't like to give anything away just yet, since I might not even be the captain. I would only like to share with you that my lineup will include a player like Mr. Enemy Territory. I would also like to point out that our strongest hand, which has been all ready been played once, is our backup nordaN.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    My goal is to take this team sky high. We're going to go as far as we can and we're not going to be stopped easily. NationsCup play-offs - here we come.
  • Shoutout to mant, freeze, raul, nait, all, hell, bff, yench, subbi, jyrkz, sh1zzle, stib, h3lix, joshua and dAAaaaF (read: dave).

  • Entry:[quote]Just because I am Edgar. The most known Estonian person in ET and in real life for all his different aspects.[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I am a 22 years young student who likes to party a lot. People from the community most likely know me from playing with "cheater" Finland crod and for just being lame.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think I am well known in Estonian scene, been on different ee-lans and pwning guys there (though lost all except one where we were playing 6on6 together).
    Got contacts online and offline with the key players from the scene. I actually don't think I'd bring in new talent since there actually isn't any, but we'll see.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Haven't contacted any yet, since the voting is still to be taken and I can't be 100% sure I'll be captain after all. The line-up should be obvious already, though I'd make some changes compared to the previous NC's. (just to say, I do have line-up in mind, but I'd skip that part for the future ;))
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    It should of course include Estonia Night and perhaps Estonia Anderson (if he got the time and interest to represent his nation).
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    Obviously to win NC.

  • Entry:[quote]I know all the players, played before in NC. Would be fun to be captain.
  • Q&A:
    I haven't heard back from this player yet.

At first sight it looks like Estonia Sinnu is the right man for the job. However Estonia JyrkZ only applied late and has thus had less time to check his inbox. So I'm waiting on his reply to finalise my opinion on who might be the best pick for Estonia Estonia.

Team Finland

Previous Captains:
Previous Achievements:
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]I'll finally get a proper connection at the beginning of next year (just in time for NC!) so I'll be able to play ET again.

    Why should I be the captain?
    - I'm one of the most experienced Finnish ET players left playing the game.
    - I have previously presented Finland in several tournaments (NC/WC/All-star) and also been the captain once or twice before.
    - Although I haven't been playing that actively for a while I still have a pretty good knowledge of the current Finnish ET scene and thus know who to ask for the team.
    - I have played tons of tournaments organized by CB and mostly been responsible for my teams so I know the rules and how the system works. This should help the team avoid getting any unnecessary cards/forfeits!
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I'm a 22 year old fella from Finland (obviously). I've been around almost since the beginning as I started playing ET about 4-5 months after the release. During my time with ET I've played for such clans as murso, Insignia Cadre, vicious & evil and YoYoTech. I've also played at several different LANs (CPC1, CDC4, CC5 and CIC7), represented Finland in both Nations Cup and World Cup and represented Scandinavia in the European All-stars tournament twice.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    I think that I should be selected as the captain because I'm the most experienced candidate as I've been playing on the top level for years already. I know how to fit the right players into the right roles/positions, have vast tactical knowledge and can also do the in-game leading. Also I'm in good terms with all the Finnish top players and should be able to gather the best possible team to represent Finland.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    I have a good idea of what my ideal lineup would be and who are the next in line in case some of the players I would've wanted aren't available. I don't think that there are any top players who would say no to me just because I'm the captain.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Sorry, but as I've not been selected as the captain yet, I've not been in contact with any of the players yet. So I will not be able to give out any details of the lineup at this point as the only thing I have is a list of players who I'm going to ask for the team.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    As I said my aim is to get the best possible lineup and the goal of the team will obviously be to win the tournament.

  • Entry:[quote]Why should I be the captain?
    - I'm one of the most experienced Finnish ET players left playing the game.
    - I have a pretty good knowledge of the current Finnish ET scene and thus know who to ask for the team.
    - I have played tons of tournaments organized by CB and mostly been responsible for my teams so I know the rules and how the system works. This should help the team avoid getting any unnecessary cards/forfeits!
    - Finland trust on me!
    - Got lot of time to organize this stuff
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    Playing this game for 7 years now. Got many fakenicks in the past but my 1st gaming nick was kirurG1 and -=SVV=- my 1st clan. They recruited me from public instead of TheDevil69 known as Squall these days. This was all you need to know about me.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    Best man after twidi. I think he is the best option for captain only if he gets proper internet. I would build team finland from players who are still active and owning. And yes I know who they are.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes and Yes
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    winning the NC ofc

  • Entry:[quote]koska olen ainakin parempi kuin kumpikaan noista ylhäällä mainituista tai ainaki parempi kuin swani. ja erittäin olen kokenut pelaaja nuoreen ikääni nähden ja ammun +100 päätä puplikil 30 minuuttiin. kiitos jo etukäteen äänestäneille ja tiimiin voi kysyä sitten kun kirjoittaa tuonne IRC kiin että /q poliisi-koira tai jotain vastaavaa ja kysyy että pääseekö tiimiin mutta ei välttämättä pääse[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I'm poliisikoira from finland . i have played ET more than 6 years
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    because i am good info and can carry my team
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Yes, I've contacted mystic and he might return for this NC
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    all the way to the finals and pick up the golden pocal!

  • Entry:[quote]I would pick only very skilled players to the team and lead them to victory with nice results. If you want to see Finland winning this NC with fantastic line up consisting of young blood and old-school pwners then I am the right choice. I have leaded Team Finland 2.55 twice with great success (2nd in 2010), enough said?

    BOOTS TO ASSES[/quote]
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    I'm 17 years old full-time ET player from Finland. Crowned as the king of 2.55 some years ago. I like to beat up [flag=spede]Sankari in my spare time.
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    First of all, I wouldn't play myself. I'd just gather a good line up consisting of young blood and old-school pwners like I've said in the NC application. I'd be the match arranger and mental supporter for Finland, and I think I've good knowledge of the current Finnish scene so it will be quite easy to pick very skilled players to the team. I don't think other captain candidates have as much motivation as I have for this job.
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    Finland Pergament
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    I didn't announce my Finnish dream team yet but I can say my goal is to make it to the final and I'm quite sure you will see Finland there. Doesn't matter who will be the captain because Finland will have a strong line-up anyways.

I think this one will be pretty straight forward. In my opinion Finland twidi has the best chance to become this years captain for Finland Finland since he's clearly the most experienced (imo).

Team France

Previous Captains:
NC XIII: France HoreK
NC XIV: France emoReJ.
Previous Achievements:
NC XIII: Loser bracket quarter finals (elimination by Estonia Estonia)
NC XIV: Loser bracket round 3 (elimination by United Kingdom The United Kingdom)
This Year's Applicants:
  • Entry:[quote]Due to the lack of availability of some of the former players and the captain of the old team France, I'm applying for the job of captain in order to bring my experience to this team.
    During the last NationsCup, I was given the opportunity to join as player and now I'd like to continue this experience as captain. I will do my best to represent the values of France and keep up the good work undertaken by the last captain in order to provide the team with the best results possible
  • Q&A:
    Q: Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
    My name is Fabien "An7ho" M. I’m 22 years old and I've been playing ET for about 5 years. I used to play OC Premiere for a couple of seasons & played last EC with mCon. I stopped to work few days ago & I'm looking for a new one atm
    Q: Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
    You just have to read my application on Clanbase : "Due to the lack of availability of some of the former players and the captain of the old team France, I'm applying for the job of captain in order to bring my experience to this team.
    During the last NationsCup, I was given the opportunity to join as player and now I'd like to continue this experience as captain. I will do my best to represent the values of France and keep up the good work undertaken by the last captain in order to provide the team with the best results possible".
    Q: Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
    Of course I have a lineup in my mind but I'm not sure about 1/2 players. We have to play together before the beginning of the competition to see who’s going to fill these positions. Like I said to the French community, I'll add 2 or 3 new players for the NC.
    Q: Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
    So I'm pretty sure about 4 players including myself but there are 2 free spots because we have to replace emorej & maxuh who aren't available for the tournament. So, you’ll have to wait till the beginning of the competition to check our roster.
    Q: What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
    The main goal is to reach TOP5 of course but if we can make the same results as last edition, it will be great too. I know it will be hard due to some strong opponents like Finland, Belgium & some others but I'm sure we'll make our best to represent our country.

France An7ho is certain of his captaincy for this season's NationsCup and I'm confident he'll do a good job. However I'ld like to mention that France SIMOON tried to create his own team under that banner of Bahrain Team Bahrain. I suspect he didn't see his chances high enough to run for the captaincy for France Team France. This application was however removed. ( I suspect since he played NC before for France France making it impossible to play for another country)