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TosspoT's shg wrapup

Copenhagen saw sparks fly in the various tournaments across the shgOpen, whether your game was ET, CoD or CS there was something for everyone this weekend and it was a fantastic advert for competitive gaming, with both ET and CoD putting their names out there with a great response.

KiH to roll back the years in CPH!

KiH head to Copenhagen with nothing to lose and everything to gain, the one time RTCW powerhouses are an outside shot at best for the top placing but they’ve a roster of pure brilliance that may just cause an upset or two.

It had to be you!

This weekend Idle completed the move to the dream land of Dignitas, where counting their pennies before every event was to become a thing of the past and whilst it may not be raining money for their new ET team, they do have a security that no other ET organisation have had the luxury of.

R.I.P Supply Depot

About 3 years ago now I can remember myself and Snuggs running around the Void matchserver with supplydepot freshly installed. We were amazed by the map, it had fantastic potential as we’ve seen. I spammed Shakes until he gave in, and in the ‘Shakes cup’ which was the first to include the XP restrictions, supply depot was played and loved. Both Shakes’ new config and SupplyDepot were welcomed into CB from a cup that never even finished.

Oh what a mess we're in

Oh what a mess we’re in! The offline world of ET, or infact of Wolfenstein has never looked better, yet online we’re in a right pickle. Its an unwritten rule that Wolfenstein will always succeed on Clanbase, the Eurocup seasons have always proven to be a fantastic spectacle no matter the game and the open cup and ladders have offered a great avenue for anyone to get the games they so desire.

Being Dignitas Mick

Mick is the biggest star in Call of Duty history, but through his highs and lows what has he learnt? I talked to Mick about everything from winning to losing, from kicking to recruiting and even about having a girl under the table! Read on for through this huge interview with the CPC 1 champion!

Please go ahead and introduce yourself

Sensationalism doesn’t suit you

Whilst I am more than happy with the mass cheat bust of the past days I must say the reaction has been somewhat over the top and the overall problem is far from solved. Who did you want to get banned? Danone? Butchji? When they weren’t on that list what did you feel like? Well it seems that what was a great achievement has unearthed the problem in ET that enough never really is enough.

Holz's Army Training!

One of ET's most likable characters has returned, Quakecon champion Holz has rejoined idle all be it just for two weeks! Holz left the world of ET back in September to venture into the Estonian army, following in the footsteps of Galahad and Gazeta. You might still have to wait a year or two until Night goes into the army, but by then holz will back full time for the Estonian ET side!

You still float my boat!

Excited? You bet I am! Right now there is something in the air, last night saw 1088 people turn out for the return of mystic and along with it they turned out to see the topsy turvey fashion that competitive ET (except idle) is taking.

All eyes on Poland

This weekend ET's focus heads to Poland as some of ET's finest do battle for 2,500 Euros. All eyes are on German speaking zeroPoint for the victory, but in truth the competition is a long way from conclusive.

Its been a horrific week in Poland following a mining accident, its effects have spread across the country with sporting events called off and even rumours of sponsors pulling from PGA, but the gaming must go on with international eyes on Poznan this weekend, and ET once again.
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