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Oh what a Night!

TLR have been the only teams to show what they are really made of. With some impressive games today, they have shaken off yesterdays jitters and are almost into the full swing of things. Night is a veteran of CDC. He’s been to them all except CPC2 and even then when he didn’t attend, his team extremely missed his presence.

Another chat with SL!

Looking at the QW’s game, I noticed something of interest. Until now, SL have not really found any sort of rhythm or form and have had some strange results with sporadic performances. Then they played 4kings and something was different. I don’t know how but they upped their game one hundred percent and really made 4kings look incredibly average with an excellent team ethic.

A Random interview.

I've known sol for ages and I've never met him before. So getting an interview from him had a a decent motive, as I don't have much time at the moment to walk about the event and talk to ET players. Anyway, here it is!

It's np for me!

No rest for the wicked they say, so god knows what I've done. Anyway, enough of that. After a late night followed by some crappy Dutch weather, I needed a pick-me-up. So when I arrived this morning, I got just that. I was witness to an exciting game between np and ephix, which eventually went to a deciding game.

twidi talks, while he walks!

Once again, I quickly legged to grab another person for a quick fire interview. This time, it was the unfortunate (?) turn of our sexy twidi, to answer some easy questions.

SL Trigger with pedro!

With the help of the mighty chosen, I managed to secure a word or two from SL's very own squad leader Trigger with their very important match with TLR looming on the horizon.

How are you finding the LAN so far?

Post match reaction with utr!

After Dignitas beat SL with a decent display, I thought it prudent that I caught with at least one of the guys from the winning side. After JakaZc bumped me, I talked to utr for some neat, short questions.

How was your game against Speelink?

A chat with SL.QW

In between matches I managed to catch up with urtier and Melkor for a incredibly quick chat about Speelink's first match and their next match which will be against the formidable Dignitas.

How did your first game go?

Well, we only played against five players, since tcm were one player short due to some issues with that team.

We...three...four..two kings of Orient are...

Everyone knows the name of 4kings. Anyone who doesn't has either clearly been hiding in a cupboard for the last 10 years or simply too busy chasing buses during the 4kings golden years. However, after losing to EYEballers in the recent QCUP, 4kings has been on a downward spiral ever since.

There's more to him than meets the EYE!

Now that the Crossfire QCUP is over, we have our winners. One of them being EYEballers! With this in mind, I thought I would catch up with EYEballer's squad leader mintR, to gauge his reaction over his team's recent cup victory. I also wanted to cast an EYE (chortle) over CDC4 and how he feels the tournament will go for his team and how the competition will fair in the rest of the tournament!
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