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Inside Insignia Cadre

Alongside fellow manager Kim, Kimmo "Sauna" Vähä-Ruohola is the brains behind the well respected Finnish multigaming community Insignia Cadre. After negative-image's well publicised move to the organisation, I decided to have a short chat with the man behind the venture, and discuss the mechanics of the move.

Former Powerhouse Darkie

Once upon a time Denmark was represented at the highest level of Wolfenstein, with Darkie one of the most fanboyyed men in the game. He was an impact player who was on the tips of everyones lips, however after the dizzy heights of Dignitas he vanished like many a pro before him. Find out his story, filled with sex, drugs and rock and roll this is one tabloid shocker!

Interview with the biggest ET prick...

After my first interview with a low- player, I decided to search a better one. Here he is: stormG.

Hello stormG, most of us know you as "the-I-play-only-on-my-server-and-kick-you-if-we-lose-or-if-you-dont-rup-in-10-secs" , but can you introduce yourself to the others?

Sure, my name is Floris De Ruyck and I'm 18 years old. I'm from Belgium and currently studying law at the university.

How and when did you start playing?

Arching with Arachon

First of let me apologies for the interview tittle sadly i like the flair and imagination to come up with any remotely memorable. however today Arachon taken time out of his busy schedule to answer a few question

Hello Arachon, how are you today ?

I am feeling very nice, beautiful weather outside and spring is coming. So yeah, very nice :)

Let's start with the boring stuff, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your gaming history

A Hummer from Humm3l

before i get uber flamed, I would just like to state that I like my meat bloody. I have read Foonr’s tips on journalism the xfire way, but alas they were after the fact. edit: converted from hummel english to something closer to normal english[/b]

Hi humM3L, for those that aren’t familiar with you, why don’t you tell us about yourself and your gaming history.

Let's do this properly

Following a spate of recent skintness, I instead directed my time to interviewing a character I think most are more than aware of by now, the unforgettable shoutcaster experience that is Mashed. We did it the old fashioned way: the proper way. Read on xfirefans.

Interview with KKC|Vindicator

Most interviews are about important highskilled players. But most of ET isn't based on those players. I decided to take a few steps down and interview a lowerclass player (and because he is a big attentionwhore). Without further ado, I present you, Vindicator.

Kiss: Hi Vindicator, can you introduce yourself to the community?

Vindicator: Hi, I'm Matthias "Vindicator" Delbar, 15 years old and I live in Belgium.

Kiss: How did you start gaming?

Interview with Impact.teKoa

Sources : eC4 site --- #ec4[/b]

We, from the management of eC4, decided to make one interview per week with known players from the gaming scene.
For our first intereview, we caught up teKoa, who plays with Impact.Gaming (Xpaz, mystic, Raveneye, Tiigeri, teKoa, m1lk).

The interview.

fast : First of all, I wanted to ask if you could introduce you?

Interview with Speedlink.Trigger

Today inFlux! Rockafella did an interview with none less then Trigger from team SPEED-LINK. Who is without any doubt the best German Call of Duty 2 player and of course known for his career in Call of Duty under the ranks of OCRANA. After we saw OCRANA returning to the scene with a new team and SPEED-LINK recently adding z1N, Rockie thought this might be a good time for an interview.

CPC2 - Team survey

Next month, CPC2 will strike down in Enschede! Qualified teams are planning their trip and praccing to get in best shape! I was curious and asked some of them to fill in a little survey!
Have a nice read!

The Questions:

Q1: Some of you got a direct invite, some had to play a qualifier match. Any words/remarks about the system and invites?
Q2: Some lineups got more than 6 peepz, which 6 will be playing in Enschede?
Q3: How is the team travelling for Enschede?
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