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What has become of One Day Cups?

One Day Cups, also known as ODC. We all know them, we've all played them. They are part of the game, same as trolls are part of Crossfire. And they have something in common with trolls - only few of them are decent, while most of them simply tries hard to be cool but fails.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I thought it would be a good idea/read to do a monthly column on "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" side of ET, its players and the community. This is all my own personal opinion and don't mean any harm or offense to those mentioned in it, although you probably deserve it!

The Good

What would you change?

In response to the latest vote, What would you change at Crossfire, and how would you change it, I've decided to write a column to express my personal opinion. All of the following is written from my subjective point of view and does not intend to offend or represent someone else's opinion.

First of all, I have to express the fact that I don't see a normal vote as an option to receive good suggestions and feedback for Crossfire.

Let Her Be

If a man gets lucky and he founds the woman of his dreams, he will probably hope his woman to stay just as she is. Woman might grow more mature, but she won’t stand more beautiful with cosmetic surgery and Botox in long term. The best man can do is to let the woman be herself and grow older with her.

A Silver Lining

Two months have passed since the AEF event -- seems like time flies. The holidays are over, and that depressing nine-to-five job is knocking on the door again. If it ain't that lame ass job, it's those miserable school days. Looking outside the window, the rain is pouring down like a motherfucker -- it appears the sunny days are definitely over.

Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now

“Heaven Media is key to the growth of Crossfire” TosspoT; 19:38:07, 13/10/09

It’s almost a year to the day since the ‘Swine Flu’ crash of ’09 - welcome to Crossfire 2010. We’re one year older and what have we learned, what’s new? Hopefully Crossfire now backups daily onto a separate hard drive, there’s been one mouse giveaway to generate content, everyone’s installed adblock and then there’s…?

Spawntimes: A Brief History of Spawning

All online FPS games begin the same way, by spawning. From Quake to RTCW to CoD there is that same common element, a fundamental and obviously unavoidable feature of the genre. Of course the spawn systems differ; in fact I was careful to choose examples that showcased the three main different spawn implementations that we see in competitive games regularly.

All hail the king

In W:ET teams seem to come and go, yet there is one side which we can always rely on to show up at a major event, albeit in some shape or form: Dignitas. RELOAd and Jakazc go back for a long time, with the Estonian's first LAN with the team being the second edition of the Crossfire Challenges.

Rockit meets SPEEDLINK

Rockit and Team SPEEDLINK are the favorite teams to proceed from group C to the playoffs. The teams are starring in the final match between two group favorites and seem to be in the run for the "best team sporting a German flag" competition as well. Though with one German player Rockit does not live up to its flag, but maybe the team can live up to the expectations the community has on them.

Impact vs Zero Empathy

Impact Gaming met a strong opponent in the form of Gamerz Connexion earlier this morning, however gzcon were not able to capitalize on the map they won by forfeit against the late arriving Impact, meaning Impact are still the reigning team in group B and seem to be in quite a comfortable position to secure their reign.
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