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JyrkZ & mant interviewed

I caught up with K1ck.et/Squad.ee members for an interview. Enjoy.

For those whom don't know you, can you please tell us your name and a bit about you?

Hi, my name is Eduard "mant" I, I'm 20 years old and I live in the summercapital of Estonia - Pärnu.

My name is Jürgen"JyrkZ"M and I come from Estonia.
I am studying in Tallinn school of economics and business administration.

Sitting down with Sup3r

Today the Next-Evolution management sat down with Nevo.ET Sup3r to have a little chat about his life, et and his future plans with Enemy Territory! Hope you enjoy!

Q: Hello Sup3r, why don’t we start with a little introduction of your non-gaming life ?
Hi Felix !
I’m a 19 year old Belgian guy named Sander.
Don’t do any sports anymore just the occasional late-night jog AL1-style.

Seanza: The Man, the Legend

In the run up to the SAGE LAN event which will take place in Enschede in early July, I caught up with Seanza, the man behind the event itself, to find out more about him, how he got into gaming and future events he hopes to give to us.

Q: Hello Seanza, to people who don't personally know you please introduce yourself. Who are you and what are you currently doing outside of gaming?

Treborator speaks about ET:XreaL

I was asked by GameFrog.fr to translate the interview of Treborator. I thought it would be nice to share these words with Crossfire.nu community.

Jere gets Exposed!

[center]Next Evolution Rick caught up with Jere, the current rifle from their Enemy Territory team for an interview. Enjoy the read!


Q: Hello Jere, Welcome to this interview - For those who don't know you yet, can you please introduce yourself?

G2P.7ele in the spotlight!

I caught up with 7ele of G2P for a small interview to get some insight on how the new team is doing.

First of all I think some congratulations are in order with you finally making it into one of the bigger teams.
You already had your short run with Team Rockit where you

Anime Interview

There aren't enough interviews on Crossfire. The most recent was almost 3 months ago and we'll need another 4 interviews posted after this one before we finally manage to displace m1ke and b1bub4bu from the front-page.

Consequently, I present to you an all encompassing interview with the much maligned Anime Linux Nerd Club clique. Answering my questions will be:

Baggiez (yes I'll be answering my own questions)

m1ke and b1bu in a different way

As part of the Nations Cup coverage we have decided to make a video interview with team Slovenia captain m1ke and member b1bub4bu talking about this years NC experience!

Six years of RazZ!

As part of the November ET-Cast we are bringing you an interview with the well known UK player rAzZ, we hope to bring you many more interviews as a part of ET-Cast in the future!

Hello Razz, please introduce yourself and let everyone know who you are outside of the gaming world.

Chat with 'flaming dragon'

Today I would like to invite you to read an interview I made with The Last Resort's engineer, man known for his LAN bar performances and being not so light weighted. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you R0SS.

Hello R0SS, why don't you tell us a bit about your non-gaming self first?
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