Top Seed: United Kingdom Next Evolution ESC

The UK organisation Next Evolution ESC come into the SAGE competition as second seeds after playing well in the seeding tournament a few weeks ago. The team consists of five Belgians who have played alongside each other for a good amount of time in former teams and on the national stage.

Belgium AL1
Belgium chry
Belgium Jere
Belgium Sup3R
Belgium uNDEAd

As mentioned the team has played together for quite a long time, although recently having a lineup change with Belgium AL1 replacing former Belgium World Cup winner Belgium lio, they should have some very good team work as well as aim and spam. The team is known to perform much better at LAN events then online, which could make all the difference against other top teams.

Player to watch: Belgium uNDEAd
uNDEAd brings to the team some great aim as well as team play as what most would consider the 'Rambo Medic' role. Being part of the AEF and Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 Belgian fraternity teams will give him a big boost on LAN where he can concentrate on personal performance rather than the effects of it being one of his first events. uNDEAd was recently part of the successful Belgium national team that finished second in Clanbase Nations Cup XXIII.

Game Changer: Belgium Jere
Jere brings with him a lot of experience and rifle skill which at any point can turn a game on its head for his team. Usually Jere is heavily relied on to perform but in the current team he has more time and less pressure due to them being a great group of skilled players.

Next Evolution will battle for a podium spot and I would not be surprised at all to see them in the grand final itself, that being said they have some quality teams infront of them battling for exactly the same positions so they will need to perform well on the day to live upto their own hopes and expectations.

High Seed: Netherlands gaming2perfection

g2p come in as a real dark horse lineup after being the only team to beat Anexis eSports in the last few months. The team consists of former Nevo/MVP players as well as top talent from elsewhere. A late team for the event which was formed after the demise of the former Nevo lineup the team have been in good form and will hope to surprise come LAN.

Poland Frag Stealer
France kARnAJ
Poland numeric
Netherlands 7ele
Poland zMk

The lineup is a solid one, and quite balanced. There is a lot of experience at the top level from the players, although 7ele has recently made the step up to high skilled play since the turn of the year he is still performing to a good standard and fits in the team well.

Player to watch: France kARnAJ
The Frenchman brings pure firepower to the team and can mix it up with solid aim as well as spam skills. Being part of the Team Dignitas AEF winning lineup he has gone through periods of inactivity over the last year although he has been part of a handful of teams since leaving Dignitas - being a trial for Anexis as well as the former Nevo lineup he will try to proove the doubters wrong on the big stage.

Game Changer: Poland FragStealer
FragStealer is one of the most experienced players in Enemy Territory today having played for many years as well as playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein before that. He was part of the CiC7 3rd place team tMoe with current team mate Poland numeric. On top of his experience he brings great aim as well and if he and kARnAJ are firing well they will add a lot of strength to the g2p team.

g2p will on paper battle for a top6 position, but they could well push into the top4 if they perform well. Although I have highlighted their main players, their performance will be more down to how their other players perform as part of the team - if they can replicate some online performances they could be a real team to watch.

Mid Seed: Europe epic eSports

France b3ck
Netherlands Jesse
Belgium plAyer
France rAffou
Netherlands rAtte

epic eSports have had some lineup issues in the months leading up to SAGE as they were unable to complete their lineup. Fortunately they have now and the team is likely built around Eurocup player Belgium plAyer. Some of the team this will be their first LAN appearence and this could harm their chances in the tournament.

Player to watch: Belgium plAyer
plAyer brings with him experience of playing at Eurocup level and hopefully that will help his team mates in their push for consolation tournament victory. The Belgian is a good aimer on his day and can cause even the bigger teams in the groupstage some problems if left to play his own game.

The team will most likely be battling it out for the third spot in the group, and they will want to finish at least third to give themselves as good a chance of winning the consolation tournament.

Low Seed: Europe Titanz

Belgium BrCH
Poland cisy
United Kingdom herbal
Finland peeho
Belgium p5y

Titanz also had lineup issues but managed to sort out their team in the last couple of weeks. Team leader BrCh attended both CC6 and CIC7 although he only played at thr former - as well as having LAN veteran United Kingdom herbal in the team, they shouldnt suffer from LAN nerves. They will however probably lack the practice and quality to challenge the top two teams in the group, but their game against epic will be just that, epic.

Player to watch: Finland peehoo
I have been informed that the Finnish rifle is one to watch, the pressure will surely be on as the team will battle for third place in the group with epic eSports they will need the Fin to be on fire during that game.