Top Seed: Europe Spot 16

A team that was made literally 24hours before the close of the signups mainly by Malta toxic. It has gone through some changes in the runup to the LAN as United Kingdom razz came in to replace Germany zerender. The team is being financed by Next Evolution for the event.

Germany FLoPJEHZ
United Kingdom meez
United Kingdom razz
Germany sNoOp
Malta toxic

The team boasts a lot of top names, all having formidable LAN experience and with most being LAN performers. United Kingdom razz comes in to play his first LAN, although his online experience is vast. The last minute addition of Germany FLoPJEHZ may make a big difference less then a week before the event, his riflling skills helped Team Germany in the recent Nations Cup run where they finished third.

Player to watch: Germany sNoOp
sNoOp is a real LAN performer, rarely do players perform better offline then online but he is one of them. Able to bring top aim and pure fragging to games his style and skill make him one of the most enjoyable players to watch attending the event.

Game Changer: Malta toxic
The man from Malta is a great all round player and there is little he cant do to help his team achieve whatever is needed. toxic has had numerous top LAN performances in the past but will perhaps be more relied on now then ever to ensure his team do well.

Spot 16 have a real chance for a Top 4 spot, but will rely heavily on the performances of United Kingdom Meez who is quite out of practice and United Kingdom razz who will be making his first LAN appearence. If these two can play even averagely the talent surrounding them will carry them through to at least the later stages in the playoffs.

High Seed: Denmark NORDIC eSport

Denmark NORDIC eSport have gone through lineup problems in the last 6months having changed the last two players in their team two or three times. They finally took on Germany kReSti and Germany sTOWNAGE to complete the lineup and online it has gone well after they finished third in this season Eurocup competition.

Norway Eirik
United Kingdom griim
Belgium Lazio
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE

The lineup consists of steady aimers in Norway Eirik, United Kingdom griim and Germany kReSti as well as Germany sTOWNAGE. Belgium Lazio will back his team mates up with the rifle and leading.

Player to watch: Germany kReSti
kReSti is a great aimer online, bringing a lot of headshots and high accuracies. He will be under pressure at the LAN to replicate these performances and his team will surely be hoping he does as they hope to push for a Top 5 spot.

Game Changer: Norway Eirik
The Norwegian is a top aimer as well, and can take down entire teams in a clip when the odds are stacked against him. He seems to deal well with pressure and this will serve him well at LAN - how much he effects each game will rely mainly on how much Beer he doesnt drink. ;)

NORDIC are another Dark Horse team, and they could surprise on LAN as they have a number of top aimers as good leadership in Belgium Lazio which gives them a nice boost in team work and tactical approach. A top 5 performance would not be too much of a surprise depending on how they perform in the playoffs.

Mid Seed: Germany teamoxid

Germany teamoxid had initially decided that they were not going to support a team to the SAGE event but thankfully changed their minds. The team has gone through some major changes over the last 6 months with only eujen and stRay remaining in the lineup.

France An7ho
Germany Bl4d3
Moldova eujen
Turkey FireBall
Germany stRay

The team took on Germany Bl4d3 after the demise of SPEEDLINK and with the captures of France An7ho and Turkey FireBall they could upset and make it into the playoffs.

Player to watch: Turkey FireBall
FireBall has a lot of experience at LAN as well as online, he has a certain annoying style which greatly helps his team in games. He is considered a good aimer and if he is on form at LAN it will give teamoxid every chance of making it into the playoffs.

Low Seed: Europe enhanced

Netherlands Carlos
Sweden cupcaKe
United Kingdom Keando
United Kingdom Scarzy
Netherlands Tw1zZt

This being some players first LAN attendance it will hopefully be an enjoyable experience for them. especially United Kingdom Keando who I personally will be getting a gangsta photo with.

Player to watch: United Kingdom Scarzy
The UK lad has some top aim online, he will look to gun down opponents to help his team in any way progress, most likely in the consolation tournament, come LAN.

enhanced will hope to take from the groups whatever they can and push on into the consolation tournament and aim for the win. the lineup had a slight issue but most of these players have played together for a little while.