There are 7 major countries that i felt were the most important to question, those being: Finland, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Estonia, Poland and The UK. Here are the players people voted for as the players they wanted to see in their nations, listed in order of preference.

The winners of the most recent Nations cup, many will argue that this team should require no changes, however with the recent comeback of players such as Finland Xpaz, Finland Raveneye & Finland mystic, many will be reconsidering. The previous team, from Nations cup X, consisted of the core of two top teams, Finland murso and the former Europe one4one team, with 3 players from each, and this had been proven to work fantastically well, with Finland having taken the gold, however to bring in a core of Finland parodia players will have many strengths and weaknesses, with there being 3 brilliant individuals available, yet the question of whether or not the change is required. With the recent performances of Incomplete in eurocup, players such as Finland Sanda, Finland Spirea & Finland Matias may definitely be worth considering.

Rifle Naders: Raveneye, Iron, Tiigeri
Field Ops: Xpaz, mikza, kmble
Medics: Lepari, torspo, Squall

Coming a very close second place last season, this team may also require few changes, however with the availability of what some would consider stronger players, there maybe changes ahead of us in the future. These votes may be questioned, especially with the likes of Belgium lio being such a strong multiclasser, questioning what class Team Belgium would require from him.

Medics: Shewie/snot, david, mAx
Rifler Naders: lio, rafiki, vilango/mesqi
Field Ops: maus, acid, ganon

A controversial team, having lost to teams such as Switzerland Switzerland last year due to the questionable unavailability of certain core players. However, despite an initially poor performance, Germany went on to show brilliant performances. With no details about the availability of (arguably) germany's two best players Germany senji and Germany urtier, and players such as those of Germany helix, the line up may still be as strong as last season, but there is certainly many strong players available for Team Germany to select.

Medics: senji, butchji, biqq
Field Ops: urtier, evil, butchji
Rifler Naders: ohzor4, riddla, hazer

Winners of season IX, though questionable due to fielding players such as Netherlands foSt, Team NL is considered one of the teams with the largest potential, though it is often criticized for it's repititive line ups, and can be considered particularly biased. Team NL, hosting some of ET's top players, such as Netherlands teKoa & Netherlands m1lk, could certainly prove to be a competitor for gold this season. With the recent performances of upcoming players such as Netherlands rocky & Netherlands abort, and the comeback of players like Netherlands Ati_, Netherlands overboost & Netherlands Azatej, there are three top players who have not yet played for Team NL with a good shot at doing so this season. With the questionable inclusion of Netherlands mize, some may consider him to have paid the price, however it does seem that people have voted for him as one of the better players available. As to whether or not he is included is certainly a decision left down to the captain & the community.

Medics: tekoa, mize/m1lk, Leonneke
Field Ops: bull, perfo, lightning
Rifler Naders: licid, Ati, sem

Winners of Nations cup VIII, yet coming 5th out of 6th in their group last season, Team Estonia has certainly proven to have a huge discrepancy in the skill level of the nation. With some of ET's best players being estonian, such as Estonia Night, Estonia Reload & Estonia r3vers, the nation has much potential to compete for gold, should the right lineup be produced, yet should a similar line up to the previous season be seen, it is likely that similar results will be gathered aswell.

Medics: Reload, pela, asd.
Rifle Naders: r3vers, Night, indu
Field Ops: Nitro, Night, kMz

Winners of Nations cup VII, a nation holding some of ET's best players such as Poland kot for example, Team Poland has shown some very strong performances, but occasionally disappointing ones too. There could be many reasons for this, but should Poland field the right team, they've got potential to surprise us for the coming season. Very surprisingly missing wiesiek...

Medics: chester/rico, gotti, oic/S4rna
Rifle Naders: Robol, krisek, nrs
Field Ops: kot, wrobel, sOme

United Kingdom
Often criticised for showing a core of United Kingdom SoF players, Team UK has shown particularly strong performances in the past, and has proven to host some incredible players, such as United Kingdom razz, United Kingdom Mztik & United Kingdom sqzz. With the recent return to ET of these players, team UK may just be climbing out of the gutter of its poor performance last season, though with the unavailability of the sof players, it'll be interesting to see just how Team UK will bring itself along.

Medics: sqzz, Ste, razz
Field ops: Mztik, razz, Sheep
Rifler Naders: hentai, h20xygen, miXer