Every team has a star player, and here are the players who got the most votes in total from each nation.

United Kingdom
sqzz - Some may be thinking 'no surprise', yet some may be considering others such as Mztik, razz, or Sheep. Whatever it is that you're thinking, sqzz has proven himself to be ET's best medic, with exceptional ability for revives, and movement capable of capturing flags at ridiculous speed. Of huge use to the team, whilst still being capable of winning most 1v1's, sqzz is the player that people voted for as the best. Having recently moved into Europe polar, alongside United Kingdom razz, this player now competing in EC, will certainly be one of the UK's most important.

senji - Having been considered ET's best medic by some, and most certainly a core player of ET's current best team, senji has been voted the player that team germany needs most. Many will be curious as to why Germany butchji was not voted for as much, but i guess people felt that experience and game sense were of more importance than aim, hence wisely choosing senji. Alongside Germany urtier, senji will certainly be an important part of team germany, should he be available to play.

Raveneye - Possibly ET's best rifle, alongside Xylos, Raveneye proved himself to be something spectacular with the rifle nade a long time ago, and is known for it now. Not much i can say about him really, other than if you want a rifle to see in nations cup, this is your man!

maus - Considered of the best aimers in ET by some, currently competing in one of ET's best teams, maus has proven himself to be a good field op, capable of dealing huge damage, and a great aimer. A core player of team belgium, maus is definitely one to look out for.

perfo - Game sense, aim, and stupidly loud game sounds. Capable of amazing performances, one to look out for, though if you're looking for sheer aim, i would personally recommend tekoa or milk. An intelligent player, perfo may just surprise you!

Night - you've heard it all before

kot - Spectacular aim, very intelligent player, one of the best players in ET, no question. Rumoured to be the next player to join dignitas, should anyone drop out, kot is without a doubt the best player in poland, and one of the best in ET.