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SplashDamage announce DirtyBomb

SplashDamage have returned to the PC FPS Realm with their latest title DirtyBomb. To be launched on the Unreal 3 engine the game is a made for PC FPS title that in the words of Paul Wedgewood when I bumped into at Gamescom 'you guys will really like'.

League of Legends Season 2 Finals Today!

RIot Games League of Legends Season 2 finals start in Los Angeles, California today. With $2m up for grabs in prize money the much talked about tournament will conclude in style with the worlds best ready to fight it out.

Blizzard ready their next moves

Blizzard, famed developers of the Starcraft and Warcraft series and fresh from the new WoW update are readying their next moves in the games sector. In an eSports sense the developer, despite being a profound supporter of eSports, have recently been overshadowed by moves made by Valve and certainly RIOT. Now the boys in blue are ready to strike back...

IPL announce $100k for Shootmania

The IGN Pro League (IPL) has announced today that it is to launch, in conjunction with Ubisoft, a $100,000 Shootmania tournament at Novembers IPL finals in Las Vegas. The tournament is the biggest prizepurse for a death match game in many years and continues Ubisofts support of Shootmania as an eSport title with support starting at E3 this year and extending to ESWC beyond.

Crossfire Content Competition!

Hello all, as you might have noticed in recent weeks we at Crossfire have been in need of some juicy content that only Crossfire can produce! Whether that's controversial journals, through provoking columns or just plain old news - the summer is over and we're in need! Interested? Read On for the awesome prize.

Welcome to Crossfire 4!

Welcome to Crossfire 4! Long in the making and even longer overdue we are pleased to welcome you all to our new humble abode. The goal of the new site is to open Crossfire up to the next generation of users. Whilst we will always be true to our heritage we must also be forward looking, this ideology will safeguard our long term future.

iDamage - SD move to iOS

image: splashdamlogoET developer Splash Damage have today made some large company announcements as they announce both a new game and a new game publisher as they focus their efforts onto the mobile space.

Today Splash Damage announced the pending release of their turn based tactical combat game, RAD Soliders. The Game is a far cry from their World War 2 antics on the ID Tech engine but for those who do love a good mobile game it looks fun enough.

Splash Damage appear to have freed themselves of both Activision and Bethesda with whom they've published their most recent works and migrated their publishing to exclusively free to play titles. In doing so they've founded "a brand-new British Publisher of free digitally distributed games, whose production values are set to bring AAA for all leading platforms focusing on connected experiences across them all." called Warchest.

Little hope for the ET fan? Well maybe not. Splash Damage do confirm work on a free to play, unannounced, secret PC game. Splash Damages biggest success to date came with such a project known as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory so maybe just maybe Splash Damage will return to their roots and pickup their MP40's once more. If they did pickup their MP40's it wont be on an IDTech engine as the company has migrated onto the Unreal 3 Engine for their upcoming PC project! I hereby personally guarantee Mr. Wedgewood more downloads on an ET Sequel than on any iOS game! Who's with me?

:: Warchest Games
(Credit to Ruben0s for finding the Unreal snippet)

Dignitas return with Polish stars

image: team-dignitas-logo_1_With the cat well and truly out of the bag after Poland Krein's comment in Merlinators recent column the Digntias side have returned to ET at the request of their sponsor, Razer. A brand replete with ET heritage has looked to invest in a different avenue of ET lineup. No Night, Reload or Sanctity but a group who would want it more:

Poland Krein (c)
Poland Robaciek
Poland kot
Poland d0ktor
Poland wiaderko
United Kingdom R0ss

Dignitas will be moving R0SS out to Poland to train with the team and learn the language at the new Dignitas Poland Gaming house. R0SS welcomed the opportunity to leave Anexis after recent tensions with Night wanting to bring Jere into Anexis to replace the Brit.

Poland Krien had this to say:

This is the greatest opportunity I could have hoped for. We turned down the opportunity to join 141 because we didnt want a free gameserver. I've wanted to play with R0SS for years and so to bring him into the team was a no brainer. We won't let this chance pass us by.

You can see Dignitas compete in BFB2 later this month, expect to see some big things from this talented bunch.


BFB2 Schedule and Signups

image: headrzr

The time has come!

Razer up the Ante!

image: headrzr

It must be Love...

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