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UPDATE - MYM drop Moon & Grubby

MeetYourMakers, one of the biggest organisations in eSports who had several million dollars of private investment behind them have shocked the eSports community by announcing the release of its Warcraft 3 team including the two WCG Finalists, Moon & Grubby.

QuoteThe two Warcraft 3 and Starcraft MYM teams have achieved almost everything there was to achieve, the awards and achievement lists are almost endless, but the most memorable ones where “the double” as Warcraft 3 champions in WC3L and NGL, Olympic champion (Grubby at WCG) in Warcraft 3 and the first Danish CPL gold medal back in 2002 (Won by Bjarke in WC3).

Interestingly though, MYM do state that they're taking a change in direction with regards to team recruitment as the reason behind this decision, so maybe they'll pickup an ET team afterall? :P

Source - http://www.mymym.com/en/news/15720.html

Update - Rakaka reports that Moon could fall straight into the hands of Korean organisation WeMade Fox for a whopping €16,000 a month!

Source - http://www.rakaka.se/?news_id=8825

Announcing CC6

Today I'm glad to publicly confirm the next Crossfire event, The Crossfire Challenge 6. Held on the bank holiday weekend of May 1st-3rd the WZZRD Gaming Center in Enschede will once again play host to Crossfire's finest!

Contrary to previous comments regarding the next event, this will not be an upscaled version of the event due to some planning issues. Right now we've a popular and successful project and product, when that product moves upwards in stature we must make sure all avenues are covered and at this moment I wasn't confident enough to roll the dice on the upscale. This event is very much to keep our community flowing and active because the events have become an integral part of the competitive calendar.

Tournaments and prizepurses are still all under consideration and a more formal announcement will be made in the coming weeks. However right now you can start planning to spend your bank holiday weekend in Enschede! Lets hope for good weather.

UKeSa Signups ongoing for CoD4

image: 6b30294e2faef13c6317c394b04a93f2The United Kingdom eSports Association has opened its doors to signups for its tournaments last week and Call of Duty is lagging behind some of the other big hitters! For all you CoD teams out there its time to get your backsides in gear and sign on up. Call of Duty currently sits 4th on total player count behind CS:S, CS 1.6 & TF2, you can sign up here!

Wolfenstein release date rumours emerge

Reports emerging from various computer sales companies are suggesting that the next installment of Wolfenstein may just be 3 months away. Thats right, April 2009 some 7 and a half years after Return to Castle Wolfenstein could be the month that changes everyones lives (and not because I'll be turning 23).

Inspired by this journal release dates have surfaced from the New Zealand herald (that gaming institution) of a April 24th release date whilst Play.com has June 26th as its release date (backed up by games tracker).

The latter would prove unlikely if its to be considered a major release for its publishers as recent years have seen major releases limited either Spring or Pre-Christmas and with the previous wolfenstein title selling over 1 million copies, it could be considered a major release.

And Then Some Drama (updated)

CC5 winners FatGames went on to join Danish Multigaming organisation And Then Some, all seemed like a dream come true for the British team who turned down several organisations prior to this move. That dream quickly became a nightmare after internal conflicts saw the removal of d1ablo and now an even bigger conflict has seen the team removed from the organisation.

Cadred caught words from ATS manager peco, stating the team had lied about their ages and had arguments with ATS staff members. However Juszn countered that argument (again on Cadred) stating that the Danes didnt have any sponsors for the team (this despite having a highly reputable CS team). The sponsor due to cover those costs was being brought in by one manager, Ikky who has since departed the team.

You can read more of the drama and fuel the fire over on Cadred


ATS Manager Peco has given Crossfire the following statement regarding the breakdown with the team and management.

QuoteA key to the success of this organization is and always will be mutual trust.Yesterday, however, things were very different our main Call of Duty manager Ziga Kovac got into a fight with one of our staff members. After some of us tried to cool him and the other "part" down, Ziga got more angry. He then sabotaged some of the sponsorship deals we were about to make just to make him feel good. Later on we discoverd that his age and his upcomming "sponsordeal" was all fake. We had a serious meeting what we should do next. And as most of you may have seen we chosed to stop our cooperation with the call of duty team simply because we didn't want to go out and search for a new manager & new sponsors. We did however offer the team to help them out to find them a new organization since we got some quite good contacts. And when i was talking with duffer about helping them out with a new organization, Jasdev went on to Cadred and lieing about what really happened and giving them a official statement which really wasn't mine.

F to the natic are back at it!

image: 1404Fnatic have revived their Call of Duty 4 division in a surprise move. The team disbanded in October of 2008 citing the indecision in the Call of Duty community as to their reason. Having now decided against CoD5 the team is back in action under the fnatic brand, the move was surprising as Fnatic decided against bringing back their CSS squad in a similar move earlier this month, they went instead to LLL.

Fnatic have returned with the following four man lineup with a mystery fifth to be announced!

Sweden Linqan
Sweden odyx
Sweden KyoChi
Sweden nikokick
Sweden tba

You can read more about it on the fnatic website

ATS ditch d1ablo

Low Land Lions and Cadred have broken the news that controversial Call of Duty figure d1ablo has left the team.

d1ablo was a key figure in the MYM team and played an outstanding CC5 to aid in Fatgames rise to first place. His departure is the second departure from the team since winning CC5 with United Kingdom rzE leaving (as was initially planned). His departure leaves the team with some major reconstruction work ahead and no immediate replacement due.

LLL sourced from Juszn that the problems were down to internal conflicts and diablo's love for Call of Duty 2 which has undergone a revival in recent weeks. However its not all bad for the effervescent Brit, he won the most overrated CoD player in TeK-9's 2008 CoD awards

Happy Christmas!!

image: Happy-Xmas-Tux
Crossfire wishes [cuser] a Happy Christmas

CC5 Day 3!

image: groups_et

Latest News

With Fatgames (CoD) and Epsilon (ET) the winners are set and the prize ceremony is next on the schedule. Just a few minutes left before tosspot will welcome the teams to hand out the cheques and to contribute the community awards done by #TAG.et's overdirve.
Make sure you dont shut the quadv stream down yet and keep on the road, CC5 is still live and kickin!

9.30 Day 3 is up and runngin
CC5 is ready to come to a thrilling conclusion with both tournaments delicately poised ahead of the day where €12500 will be decided. A few interesting obstacles had to be overcome yesterday, firstly the ButtonBashers.ET matches were postponed from last night to this morning due to the illness of one of their players and secondly the Dignitas vs ButtonBashers CoD game ran late due to FatGames vs CubeSports and FG with 4 match points deciding to go with shotguns and losing those rounds (thus needing another map)!

image: game8282 Consolidation final: Mamut vs. Button Bashers
Setting up right now it's button bashers facing mamut in the consolidation final. QuadV is up and running showing you the grand final in call of duty - but ofcourse you can tune in at GamesTV.org.
Finland Xpaz, known as beeing the man for the predication, added his on here: "The matches at the lan have been so offense-based with everyone setting monster times, so its impossible to tell whats gonna happen. If I had to go for someone, I'd probably go for BB just because I believe their keyplayers wing and maus will top those of mamut."

CoD4 Grand Finale
The Call of Duty predictions came up and the final matches are decided. They will come up this afternoon right after the ET consolidation final. Read the entire post over here.

We've a small error with the Bracket system so here are the playoff results for you so far:

Single Elim Brackets

Round 1

Netherlands ButtonBashers 2-0 Sweden vae
United Kingdom Reason Gaming 1-2 United Kingdom Dignitas
Poland Tempus Moriendi 2-1 Germany KomaCrew
Italy CubeSports 1-2 United Kingdom FatGames

Round 2 (Semi's)

Netherlands ButtonBashers 2-1 United Kingdom Dignitas
United Kingdom FatGames 2-1 Poland Tempus


Netherlands ButtonBashers vs United Kingdom FatGames

3rd/4th Playoff

United Kingdom Dignitas vs Poland Tempus Moriendi[/hide]


No mather if you are oldschool and known since CPC1 on crossfire's event or if you are interested in the CoD4 players showing up with their opinion, we got something for everyone over here, so start checking it out. Baggiez, eiM and Hentai are the editors on side for these interviews.

Local information for clans from the Cabins

If you are leaving on Sunday, you have to bring the keys for your cabin to the WZZRD LAN Centre until 11.00 CET in the morning. Make sure you don't miss that and check this out with your team.


You can place bets for the Call of Duty matches on XLBET.com. For ET Fans keep enjoying GamesTV.org's gbooky system.

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::Cadred CC5 Coverage

CC5 Day 2!

image: groups_et
The Crossfire Challenge 5 is well underway here in Enschede. You can keep up to date with all the ongoings from the event here!

Latest News:

22.00 Lower Bracket Final for Entertainment
image: game8275The lower bracket final with FiF facing Mamut will take place within the next 10 minutes. Make sure you dont miss that major and deciding match might be broadcasted on QuadV, but it will also be on GamesTV in just a few seconds. Mamut struggled against the PolagZ very hard while FiF beat them twice alreadz in two very entertaining matches. Get ready and watch your back, on GamesTV and QuadV!

18.00 copyright vs Overload
Germany Overload sees themself most likely unsatisfied as part of the looser bracket of th ET tournament and is now facing Europe Copyright in a match which can have any kind of outcome. Do not miss to tune in to this!image: game8258

17.00 dESIRE vs Epic-fail
After Europe Epic-Fail dropped into the looser bracket tournament of this events competition they will face France dESIRE in a very interesting match. Both teams have more potential than they were able to show up to now and so we can be curious on who will be able to win this match.image: game8262

16.30 PolagZ vs mamut.si
Poland PolagZ secured the remaining top spot in the second groupstage of the ET tournament. They will now face Slovenia mamut.si in their first playoff match and we are expecting a great fight between these!image: game8264

16.00 ButtonBashers vs Zero Empathy
Netherlands Zero E managed to go through the second groupstage and are now facing Europe ButtonBashers in the playoffs. They overcame Germany AoW and Europe TAG and will for sure give their best to keep up the streak.image: game8263

14.30 Zero'E vs AoW
Both of these teams already showed what they are made of within yesterdays groupstage. Art of Wolfenstein will again try their best to fight their Online-Only name while ZeroE will give them a hard fight to be able to proceed into the Playoff of the Crossfire Challenge 5 Event! Tune in and dont miss this match.image: game8256

14.00 v&e vs Epsilon
We will see these two teams fight in the playoffs of this incarnation of the Crossfire Challenge. Both finished their groupstage on the very top with a final round standing of 12:2. Can this finish dreamteam stand up the challenge versus Epsilon who have nams as sNoOp and butchji on their side? This will truly be a stunning match and a must watch! Check out the Preview Column![/url]image: game8253

3on3 Tournament for Sunday

The sign ups for the 3on3 tournament will be opened near the tournament start. The prize money depends on the teams that sign up. 50% goes for the pool, 50% takes the charity. The prize money will be fairly split for the top positions.
Sign Up Fee:
Signed up:
Cup layout:
Single Elimination
Find the admin room if you have any questions, don't know adacore yet or want some information about the schedule for the 3on3 tournament.

The participants for the tournament:
Europe epic fail -: Germany faky, Germany vegi, Lithuania dunno
Germany AoW Mix Germany evilynn, Austria scorch, Germany blade
Germany Ovr/AoW Netherlands lavod, Germany cooles, Germany krest
Germany Ovr Germany hummel, Germany criatura, Germany fireball
Netherlands Unk Netherlands parra, Netherlands shakes, Netherlands jesse
Europe Ran Germany felix, Netherlands tele, Netherlands eddo
Japan HENTAI United Kingdom hentai, United Kingdom pansy, England griim


No mather if you are oldschool and known since CPC1 on crossfire's event or if you are interested in the CoD4 players showing up with their opinion, we got something for everyone over here, so start checking it out. Baggiez, eiM and Hentai are the editors on side for these interviews.

Local information for clans from the Cabins

If you are leaving on Sunday, you have to bring the keys for your cabin to the WZZRD LAN Centre until 11.00 CET in the morning. Make sure you don't miss that and check this out with your team.


You can place bets for the Call of Duty matches on XLBET.com. For ET Fans keep enjoying GamesTV.org's gbooky system.

:: Tournament Brackets
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:: Watch Live on QuadV

Day one was a big success, some very exciting group games in both ET & CoD and now with the day 2 underway there promises to be some some even better matches for you to enjoy. You can of course watch ETTV on GamesTV.org and bet on the tournament at XLBet

Other -

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::CC5 Schedule
::Cadred CC5 Coverage

Webcam Link watch LIVE http://en.justin.tv/wzzrdtv
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