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ESL Major Series - Qualifier Update

Two days after we announced the first national and international qualifiers, today we bring you another update on them. Three new national qualifiers have started and unfortunaly two are being cancelled. Furthermore we have an update on our international qualifier.

Yesterday Germany Germany and Poland Poland opened the signups for their national qualifiers. Both countries are one of the biggest countries so far and therefore it was not really a big suprise that we have already exceeded the minimum team limit of eight for each country. The next one is our Denmark Danish Qualifier. Since Denmark is one of the newest countries at ESL, we have decided to host the qualifier in our international section.

Germany Germany: Signup
Poland Poland: Signup
Denmark Denmark: Signup

Europe Europe: Signup
Finland Finland: Signup
Italy Italy: Signup
Netherlands Netherlands: Signup
Norway Norway: Signup
Russia Russia: Signup
Sweden Sweden: Signup
United Kingdom United Kingdom: Signup[/hide]

As ETQW is quite a new game, we knew that it would be hard to find enough teams for qualifiers in certain nations. Today we have to announce the first changes in our list of national qualifiers. In consultation with our national partners of Bulgaria Bulgaria and Portugal Portugal we unfortunately will be canceling both qualifiers. If you and your team comes from one of these countries, you can now join our international qualifiers for a chance to qualify. Due to these changes, Europe will now get 5 slots for the EMS. More changes may occur, but we will inform you about everything in time.

Another change affects our 1st EU Qualifier. Due to the unexpected small number of signups, we have changed the start of the first round to Wednesday and extended the signups to Tuesday.

At the end we like to present you a nice introduction into the ESL Major Series. Gameriot published a nice article about the EMS and the concept behind it.

ESL News
ESL Major Series Qualifier Guide
Gameriot introduction

ESL Major Series - First Qualifiers

Only two days after we announced the qualification details of the ESL Major Series, we are happy to present you today eight qualifiers. Italy Italy was the fastest country and will host the first national qualifier. The signups are already open for two days and will be closed at Saturday night. Starting with the first round at Sunday evening, the cup will end at Monday, 10/22/07. Besides this we have opened today the signups for all national qualifiers which will be not hosted by our national partners. The closing day of the signups is not yet decided, but will be announced in a seperate news.

Last but not least, we have the 1st EU qualifier where two of the 32 teams can get a slot for the ESL Major Series. The signups opened some minutes ago and will close at Sunday evening. The 1st EU qualifier starts on Monday and will end one week later. Detailed information about the fixed matches and rounds will be published this weekend. Now it is up to you: Join your own qualifier and be sure to know which one is the right one:

My team has X members from Y country, can we join the international qualifier?
If your team is more than 60% made up from one of the countries listed below (ingame and on your team profile) then you can not join the International Qualifier, you are considered a national team.

Teams with national qualifiers: Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Alpen, Bulgaria, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway

If your team is a national team from one of those countries see the other news posts for information on how to qualify or read our EMS Qualifier Guide.

All open qualifiers:
Europe Europe: Signup
Finland Finland: Signup
Italy Italy: Signup
Netherlands Netherlands: Signup
Norway Norway: Signup
Russia Russia: Signup
Sweden Sweden: Signup
United Kingdom United Kingdom: Signup

ESL Major Series Qualifier Guide

ESL Major Series Qualification Details

image: ems-banner

The ESL Major Series is incoming! With a total prizefund of 2,000 Euro, the ET: Quake Wars ESL Major Series will be one of the main events for all ET:QW teams and players this year. 24 of Europe's best teams will fight for the prizemoney in the coming weeks. Today we like to inform you about they way you can qualify for the upcoming tournament.

How to qualify for the EMS:

The winner of a running season is already qualified for the next EMS. Since this is the start of the EMS, there is no former champion. All 24 slots will be distributed to qualifier tournaments all over Europe. In order to participate for a certain country, the clan has to have at least 60% members with nationality of the country in which they want to qualify. 60% of their line-ups have to consist of members of this nationality during the qualifier just as in the EMS if the team qualifies.

Every national qualifier needs at least 4 teams, for countries with two slots the limit is set to 8. If a national qualifier does not have enough signups, the slot goes automatically to the international qualifier. For all teams which do not have enough clans in their country for an own qualifier or if a clan is too mixed up by different nationalities, there will be international qualifiers where all those teams can participate in.

ESL Demo Cup Semifinal - Copenhagen vs. [GR-OF]

image: copenhagen-vs-greek

Sweden Copenhagen eSport will be taking on Greece Greek Operation Forces tonight, and you don't want to miss this. Coverage will be provided by GIGA 2, QuadV and Gameriot; check the details to stay on track of all the action.

Yes, this is really happening; the clash is about to occur tonight. After quite a couple of rounds with a large amount of dull matchups, the semi-finals of the ESL Demo Cup are expected to bring some interesting action to your doorstep. Numerous organizations have jumped in on the heightened levels of interest, and links to their coverage are provided below.

The two juggernauts Copenhagen and [GR-OF] will be clashing at 21:30 CET, and you can see this live. So be sure to check your supplies of popcorn and M&Ms, because we aren't providing any of these, and you're going to need them.

ESL Demo Cup
ESL Matchlink
Gameriot's semi-finals preview

ESL Demo Cup - Round 2 live at game-tv.com

image: ocr-vs-prog

The first round of the ET: Quake Wars Demo Cup has been played and today it's already time for the second one. Round two kicks off this Tuesday and features again a live match for you. game-tv.com will broadcast the match between Germany OCRANA and Germany progressive e-Sports, which will be available from 21:00 on.

Although both teams could win their first match, the conditions could not be more different. As the winner of the German ET: QW Beta Cup the German giant OCRANA is again one of the main favorites for this cup and it seems as the underdog progressive e-Sports has only one chance today: to fight as long as possible.

EuroCup XVI announced

image: eurocup

One week after the announcement of the new Fall Cup Season, ClanBase presented today the games and tournaments for EuroCup XVI. The list contains 12 different games and a total of 15 tournaments, following Crossfire games will be part of the next EuroCup Season:

Enemy Teritory (6on6)
Call of Duty 2 (Search & Destroy + Capture the Flag)
Warsow (1v1 Duel)

Signups are already open for more than a week and will run till the 23rd of September. Select your game and cup here.

As you can read in the official CB news, an EuroCup for ET: Quake Wars is also missing as the tournaments for Counter-Strike, Warcraft III or FIFA.

ClanBase News

ESL Demo Cup starts - live on GIGA 2

image: dkh-vs-kc
With the end of the Crossfire Demo Cup some hours ago, it's time for the next ET: Quake Wars Demo Cup. As announced previously, the first round of the ESL Demo Cup starts this Monday at 21:00 and features 32 teams. Big names like Germany OCRANA , Europe Junk52 or Sweden Copenhagen eSport have also signed up as several new founded teams. The time will tell if the well-known teams can dominate the upcoming weeks as expected or if a completly new face can suprise us in the tournament.

ESL Major Series is coming - presented by ASUS

image: ems-banner

The Electronic Sports League proudly presents the Major Series powered by Asus! The ESL Major Series (EMS) is the collection of Pro leagues situated right below the ESL Pro Series and Masters path. While the ESL Major Series is potentially offering offline finals or TV studio matches for some games, the ESL Major Series is mainly executed online so you can participate from the comfort of your home.

With a rich variety of game genres, ESL Major Series is the object of affection for a large part of the eSports community. In future seasons even more games will be featured.

The first season of the ESL Major Series will have a prize-pool of 15,000 Euro cash and hardware-prizes worth 5,000 Euro provided by ASUS. The ESL Major Series starts off with eight different games, two of them are:

image: cod2 Call of Duty 2 (5on5)
image: qw Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (6on6)

Qualification details will be following in the next days and weeks.

ESL Major Series
ESL News

ESL IPS - The End

image: 30599Some days have already passed since we saw the last match of the ESL International Premiership Series. Some days in which we got several request to publish the final money ranking. We don't want to keep you in suspense any more and are happy to present the money distribution of the ESL IPS Season 1!

The first season of the ESL IPS set many new records for Enemy Territory. No other online tournament in Europe has ever seen a bigger prizemoney than our 1500 € and no other tournament has ever had bigger Qualifiers. Every team should become the chance to qualify for one of the main events for ET in 2006 and to our full satisfaction nearly whole Europe tried to get one of the slots for the IPS. More than 100 teams played from July to September in 6 different national and international Qualifiers a total of 225 matches and made our Qualifiers to one of the biggest and most compact ones in ET history ( Image ). Althought it was our first tournament with such a dimension the response by all teams, players and fans were quite unbelievable. Without a doubt, the IPS was a great success. But who knows Europe's biggest league and the whole Admin Staff behind it, should not forget: We have several new features in mind and are working day by day for season 2.

ESL IPS - The Final Match

image: 30599Today it is time for the last game of the first ESL International Premiership Series season, which will find it's end in the third place duell between the teams of Europe aMenti and Poland The Netrunners. After losing against Europe uQ.Gaming and Estonia idle.ee in a row, nothing seemed to go as planned for aMenti in Europe's biggest online tournament of ET history. But consisting of experienced, talented and motivated players, aMenti has improved a lot over the past few weeks, defeated Germany Team-Helix last Monday in a thrilling three mapper and came back into the fight for third place. Now they need just one more win to end third and get a big part of the 1500 € prizemoney.
On the other hand we have The Netrunners. The Poles put up a nice performance so far and could establish themselves behind idle.ee and Team-Helix on third place. With a nice prizemoney from PGA LAN they earned and achieved already a lot, but today's match should make 2006 even more successfull for them. Since both teams are totally equal in terms of points, DeCL and score only the winner can take over the third place today. Do not forget to tune in when both teams will finish ESL IPS season 1, brought to you live with our beloved United Kingdom TosspoT and with Germany GIGA 2 in front of thousands of viewers!

image: amenti image: et aMenti Europe vs. Poland The Netrunners image: net

Latvia aMenti.Clown
QuoteAfter NETR and FF dominated PGA lan, and us doing good in our matches there is no clear underdog tonight. So it will be a good show for the viewers, i don't know who will come on top, but with IPS 3rd place at stake we will do our best to win this one.

Poland Netrunners.kot
QuoteHere comes the time for our last match in the IPS, this time we'll face a strong and well-known aMenti. Even though we might seem to be the underdogs in this match, we'll do everything to win this game, all in all the 3rd place is at stake!

Europe aMenti: Winghaven, dAv1d, marv, Clown, CrozZ, aCoZz
Poland The Netrunners: kot, buzka, robol, chester, gotti, rio

Time: 23:00 CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, Supply

Live on German TV
GIGA 2 with Germany FlyingDJ: Tune in! ( German )

United Kingdom Radio iTG - TosspoT ( English )
Poland HeadShot Radio - bandiT ( Polish )

image: giga2_klein image: game1694
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