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ET EMS: signup reminder

image: et-ems With the end of CDC 4 the time has come for a new chapter in Enemy Territory's online competition history. The next weeks and months will be full of hot and enthralling matches at several competitions, headed by the ESL Major Series of Europe's most important league. While other leagues are featuring prizes only for the best team or just some hardware prizes, the ESL Major Series promises a higher prize money of € 1,000 and prizes for the best three and not only the winning team. As announced previously, the ESL Major Series is open for all and it's up to you to take the chance and win more than just a golden_cup.gif to your team profile.

The signups for the ESL Major Series Season II are open already for about two weeks and will close Sunday evening 23:59 CET. Premium will not be required for any stage of the EMS, the only thing you need is an ESL player and team account. If you need help for registering at the ESL, please check this page or contact an admin in #esl.et. Detailed qualification information will be published next week, some of them can already be found in this newspost.

But before the signups will close at Sunday midnight, we will see the third and last Sunday Night Cup starting at 18 CET. This is the last possibility for your team to get an advantage in the seedings for the EMS Qualifiers. For more details please check the original ESL newspost.

ESL Major Series Sign Up
ESL Major Series Teams
ESL Newspost: Sunday Night Cup #3
ESL getting started guide

ET's Major Series: Qualification details

image: et-ems The national and international qualifier for most ESL Major Series Season II games have already been started, today it is time to present you the qualification details for the Enemy Territory tournament. The Enemy Territory ESL Major Series powered by ASUS features a prize money of 1.000 € and will see Europe's best ET teams live in action. Europe's most important online tournament in 2008 is waiting for you, read on for further details.

As you may know of the ESL International Premiership Series 15 months ago, the competition is open for all of you. The qualification system consists of three different stages, starting tonight with the registration. The signups for the 1000 € competition are open from 20 CET on and will close on 07.03.08 at 19.00 CET:

ESL Winter Cups ready to start

image: teaser_news As announced, the group stage of the ESL 4on4 and 6on6 Winter Cups will start at the beginning of this very week. Yesterday, just one day after the sign ups had been closed and one day before both cups will start with the first match week, the groups have been published. A total of 64 teams have signed up for the two cups in Europe's biggest league and will show us several hot and enthralling matches in the upcoming weeks.

image: banner_news

The first matchweek starts this Tuesday and will end on Monday February 18. All further matchweeks will also be scheduled from Tuesday till Monday. We will not switch to ETQWPro today, but it is highly probable that the situation will change in the next days. But anyway, if both teams agree to it, they can already play the match on an ETQWPro server. The first and second team of each group will join the playoffs, which will be held directly after the last matchweek of the groupstage has been played. For further details please read the official ESL Newspost.

ESL Newspost
6on6 Groups
4on4 Groups

EMS: Dignitas vs. Four-Kings

image: ems Just one day after we have seen Germany OCRANA winning against Poland DEFAULT.Team it is today time for the second match at the ESL Major Series Playoffs. The first match of the winner bracket semi finals features the almighty Europe Team-Dignitas facing at 21 CET the British lords of United Kingdom Four-Kings. One day after the premiere for ETQW:TV you can watch today the next match as GamesTV.org will once again host enough ETQW:TV servers.

Who will be first team in the winner bracket final, Team-Dignitas or Four-Kings? Both teams could win their first match in the last week with 4:0 and are one of the four remaining teams in the winner bracket. Tonight the European powerhouse, which could win nearlly everything in the past few weeks, wants to make the next step towards the biggest part of the € 2000 prizemoney. On the other side is Four-Kings. The winner of group C is today the clear underdog, but not without any chance. But even if they should lose the match tonight, they will still have another chance in the upcoming week at the lower bracket.

Team-Dignitas against Four-Kings - matches between both teams promise always eSports on the highest level you can think of. Today the duell will take place on the finest ET: Quake Wars maps, do not forget to tune in on GamesTV.org!

EMS with ETQW:TV premiere *up*

image: ems The second round of the ESL Major Series playoffs sees two matches being played back-to-back tonight, with one of them featuring ETQW:TV in all its glory. Now that developer Splash Damage added the long-awaited technology to the game by means of the 1.4 patch, you'll be able to watch any match live as long as its server has been set up. And this happens to be the case for one of tonight's fixtures, so be sure to head inside in order to check out all the details.

In the upper bracket, Germany Team SPEED-LINK now awaits a standoff with Sweden Kompaniet. These Germans aren't feeling very confident either, but at least they'll have a lower bracket to fall back on. ETQW:TV has been set up for this fixture, and you can find all the details on the matchpage or here.

ESL Major Series: Four-Kings vs. Random Gaming

image: ems Two matches of the ET: Quake Wars ESL Major Series Playoffs have already been played, the other ones will be played this weekend. With United Kingdom Four-Kings facing the Polish team of Poland Random Gaming we will start tonight for the last two matches of the first round. The match will be played at 21 CET, featuring at least two hot maps - on Sewer and Refinery.

With three wins out of three matches is Four-Kings one of the still unbeaten teams in the ESL Major Series. The winner of the 2nd EU Qualifier and New Years Night Cup could easily get on the top of group C and secured together with Poland DEFAULT.Team a slot for the Playoffs. Today they will face the next team from Poland, called Random Gaming. As number two in group D they seem to be the outsiders today, but as always both teams will start with the same initial situation. The winner will face the winning team of tomorrows match between Europe Team Dignitas and Finland Team Pelit, while the losers of both matches will fight for their last chance in the upcoming week.

image: round1_4k-random

United Kingdom Four-Kings | nkm
QuoteWe've played random gaming a couple of times in recent cups, once again we look forward to another good game.

Poland Random Gaming| aA
Quote4kings, our next opponent in em series, they sure know how to play, i expect it's gonna be a nice and a decent game.

Four-Kings vs. Random Gaming
ESL Major Series Playoffs

ESL Major Series - Playoffs kick off tonight

image: ems Just some days after we have announced the playoffs for the ESL Major Series, the first round kicks off today featuring two hot and enthralling matches. Poland DEFAULT.Team, the former team of Frag eXecutors, against Sweden Kompaniet and Germany Team SPEED-LINK against Germany OCRANA are today's fixtures. The German duel will also be shown on a videostream, read on for more datails.

The duel between Germany's finest teams is a match many are really looking forward to. OCRANA, in the first weeks after the release of ET: Quake Wars the dominating team in the German ET:QW scene, struggled a lot in the last weeks and lost their top position to Team SPEED-LINK. But nevertheless, we saw them winning quite easily all matches in the ESL Major Series group stage and are happy to welcome them to the playoffs.

ESL Major Series Playoffs

image: ems With Christmas and New Year's Eve behind us, it is time to enter the last stage of the ESL Major Series for ET: Quake Wars. Two weeks after the group stage has come to an end, the best two teams of each group will now join the playoffs starting next Monday. In the upcoming weeks we will see the European elite fighting in a double elimination bracket for the € 2000 prize purse.

A vast number of teams joined our national and international qualifiers, where 16 teams qualified for the ESL Major Series Season I Group Stage. There we saw 16 teams devided into 4 groups of 4 teams, featuring 3 fascinating matchweeks. With the beginning of the new year we are going to make the last step:

Welcome to the ESL Major Series Season I Playoffs!

Europe Team-Dignitas vs. Finland Team Pelit
United Kingdom Four-Kings vs. Poland Random Gaming
Germany Team SPEED-LINK vs. Germany OCRANA
Poland Frag-eXecutors vs. Sweden Kompaniet

ESL Major Series - Playoffs
ESL Newspost
ESL Major Series

ESL ET:QW New Years Night Cup

image: banner_nync

Some weeks have past since the ESL announced a regularly Cup Series for ET: Quake Wars and asked all of you for your opinion. Now, we are happy to present you the result of the vote and the first edition of our Cup Series. This Sunday evening the European ET: Quake Wars section will celebrate the new year with an ET: Quake Wars 6on6 New Years Night Cup as well as nearly all other ESL Games. Read on for details on the cup, for all information on the official result of the vote please check the ESL Newspost.

Sign Up
Cup Page
ESL Newspost
All ESL New Year NightCups

ESL Major Series: 2nd EU Qualifier

image: emsThe first ESL Major Series EU Qualifier is coming to an end and the second one is already on its way. The last chance for all European teams will start next Thursday, seeing an unlimited number of teams fighting for the last 4 EMS slots.

Nearly all nations have found their representative already, only in some nations the final matches have to be played. With the end of our first EU Qualifier it is now time to announce our second and final qualifier and a major change to the slot distribution for the ESL Major Series. Due to the proceedings in some of our national qualifiers, we will reduce the slots from 24 to 16. This leaves the prospect of the EMS groupstage as follows:

Austria / Switzerland Alpen
Finland Finland
France France
Germany Germany 2 slots
Italy Italy
Poland Poland 2 slots
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden 2 slots
Europe Europe 5 slots

For all teams which are not from one of the mentioned countries or if a clan is too mixed up by different nationalities, there will be the second and last international qualifier where all those teams can participate in. If your clan joined a national qualifier which is not listed in our country ranking, then your national qualifier was cancelled due to lack of teams.

The best 4 teams of the 2nd EU Qualifier will get a slot for the ESL Major Series, starting next Thursday. That's why the signups are already open and will close on Wednesday afternoon. Based on the number of signups, we will decide if we will find the last four teams for the EMS in a single or double elimination bracket.

More details including the schedule can be found in the official ESL Newspost.

ESL News
ESL Major Series
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