CyberGamer Grand Finals tonight
29 Jan 2017, 18:46
Season 4 of CyberGamer's ET tournament will find its champion tonight as Team Solo B will try their best to make their way from the lower brackets to the big stage to face Teamoxid in 6on6 and haxByjam who are flawless in the 3on3 tournament and in the favorite position to take the title against Teamoxid's 3on3 Team.
DHW11 Live: QL Duel Tournament about to start
25 Nov 2011, 18:58
Day 2 of the duel tournament is also the final day: Decisions will be made live from 15.00 CET with the biggest names known to man - or the quake live community.
Final Standing:
4th k1llsen
JeeET - Anexis won the first JeeET tournament!!
16 Oct 2011, 02:03
21:09 Gold got taken, Truck is driving and sqzz is getting the last frag. Anexis has done it. Well played both and congratulations to Anexis - SPU9 is out now! See ya next time!
21:06 Anexis now attacking - Tank is repaired and still more than 10 minutes left on the clock. Night pushing forward to the last Axis spawn as Field op to take 3 of the Queen guys out with his support and 1 more with his Thompson. Seems like the Queens will lose their crown tonight!
20:50 What an" Objective returned" razz and miNd were just 5 centimetres away but sqzz was able to kill them once again and secured the gold. razz and Co. will be a bit upset because Anexis is changing their gamestyle every few seconds ranging from nice crossfire positions to annoying command post covert destroy actions.
JeeET: Spread the word!
14 Oct 2011, 10:49
The sign up for the first ET prize money tournament in ages has been announced five days ago. Looking at the sign ups only 7 teams did make it so far and only one of them has enough members in their account to actually play the cup this Sunday. That's why we need to ask for your help: Spread the word and tell your friends, visitors and opponents about the opportunity this Sunday.
JeeSports to launch ET section
10 Oct 2011, 10:41
Looking at the recent drama happening in ClanBase and quality of admins around in many one day cups it is time for a ground breaking change leading us to the roots and bringing a great thing for Enemy Territorys future: Next to Quake Live, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Starcraft 2 it is Enemy Territory to deserve its spot at Jeesports.
In a first tournament it is on the ET community: Proof that we are worth it and deserve prize money distributed by one of the very few organisations that actually pays you out nearly immediantly with regular prize money cups spread over the entire year. The concept behind all this is to hold a monthly cup series called JeeET Series with finals for 4 teams qualified. For players and teams this cup will feature a regular tournament in the best quality you can currently get including experienced admins and a great platform to celebrate the game every week.
The first set of JeeET Series will feature a prize pool of 120.00€ up for grabs in the final tournament distributed to the winning team.
ESL QL Bundesliga Finals
23 Sep 2011, 02:10
Ladys and Gentleman, oldschoolers of crossfire - This Saturday will be your chance to see the comeback of Ulrich Schulze aka FlyingDJ to your favorite online stream. He will be the host for the ESL Quake Live Bundesliga Finals on ESL TV and Take TV. Make sure you save the date as it is this Saturday live from 13.00 CEST Live!