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EMS Grand Final - Second Match

image: 9avxjah2

The last match from season VI of the ESL Major Series is about to start, seeing two of the best teams that managed to get into the Grand Final without many problems. As for the prizes, there are a lot of money that both teams could get. Winner of this season will get 400 euros and the 2nd place will receive only half of it, 200 euros. Who will it be? Leave your interesting opinion using the comment section below!
image: linebreak

Second match will be played tonight, at 20.30 CET. In the first match, Finlandfintastic 5 has won with 4-0, after giving dignitas a tactical lesson on goldrush and after a close call on adlernest. The final encounter will be tonight, don't miss it!

ETTV IP's (thanks to Anaconda`GTV, you're great!):

image: s_head

image: s_news

Finland Fintastic 5

Finland ENSAM
Finland olBaa
Finland Matias
Finland Lepari
Finland Sample
image: s_news

United Kingdom Dignitas

Estonia Anderson
Germany drago
Belgium uNDEAd
Finland Squall
Netherlands Lightning
image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: to be decided
League: image: etESL EMS VI Playoffsimage: game20681
image: s_foot
On a short note, there were many statements released for this epic match, so please check them all out here. Also, for the polish players, the match will be shoutcasted by sokl, so don't forget to listen to him while you watch this epic battle! As for those who will want to listen to a decent english shoutcast, well, just pray for Owzo or Mashed to be online tonight! We need you guys, be there!

QuakeCon 2010 Day 2 Wrap-up

Sorry for the delay, had to get some sleep. QuakeCon 2010's second day is over, and the problems continue. The tournament once again stalled for several hours without any notice from anyone at QuakeCon. It seems DNS issues continue to plague the event, only briefly resuming for the United States of America vamp1re vs Australia dandaking match before lag struck mid-way through, calling it a day once again. Evil Geniuses' player manager Stuart Ewen comments: "This even has been the single most disappointing Quake tournament I have attended, while the head admins are not at fault the lack of organization and preparation leading up to and during the event is deplorable. If the buzz around the forums is true as well, then the BYOC is in a similar state."

Gamespot decided to restream the event on their site, which was pretty cool for however long it was up.

Esreality Meets QL Devs

Over at the home of Quake reformed Esreality troll United States of America seven has met with QuakeLive lead developer Steve Nix & community liasion SyncError for a sit down at Quakecon. It's the type of column that England foonr would be proud of.

QuoteThe team juggles the desires of greater than a million users. To give everybody some perspective of just how complicated a task it is to orchestrate such a massive undertaking, imagine keeping a room full of one hundred 5-year-olds entertained for 8 hours without pause. Each child needs to visit the bathroom, each child has a different level of intelligence, each child requires a different approach for engagement. 15 minutes into this thought experiment I am standing in ten inches of preschooler blood.

Head over to Esreality to read the rest.

ET & RtCW Engine Source Code Released

id Software has finally released the source code for the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory engine, along with the source code for the Return to Castle Wolfenstein SP and MP engine. During QuakeCon 2009, John Carmack stated id Software's plans to release the source code, shortly after being acquired by ZeniMax.

The news comes during SLAC's development, as well AxisRevenge's development, a community game based on the Wolfenstein multiplayer series.

Releated Journal[/url]

Dignitas vs Impact - Report

image: CB_EC_XXI


What turned out to be one of the best games this year ended in a staggering 5-3 victory for United KingdomImpact Gaming. Impact was eager to gain retribution having lost twice whilst creating few chances against a dominating dignitas side at the Antwerp eSports Festival. The match was so tightly balanced, it took a total of four maps in order to seperate the two teams.

The match was a total delight for the spectators having reached a viewer peak of 632, the second highest viewer peak this year since the CIC7 Grand Final. Many were those viewers who expressed their opinions stating this game was the "best match they have ever seen" along with "sick & intense game!", GTV Admin Germanyskooli stated that "this is what oscars are made of". Not only was the match exciting because both teams were evenly balanced, in all four maps, they all had an adrenaline and heart thumping finish nobody could bet on.

QuakeCon 2010 Day 1 Wrap-up, interview with DaHanG

As I mentioned in a journal earlier, due to circumstances beyond my control, I am not attending QuakeCon 2010 this year in person. I had planned on providing on-site coverage for Crossfire and TeK-9. You can find more information on that here and various other places around the net.

QuakeCon 2010's first day is over and a long one it was. In what seems to be a theme year after year, the QuakeCon tournaments did not start at all today, fueled by an electrical fire in the tournament area, and continued by delay after delay, which resulted in the decision to call it a day to the dismay of unhappy and tired viewers.

Brackets for Duel and CTF have been released with some interesting match-ups ahead.

United States of America chance and United States of America destrukt will meet each other in the second round after their heated encounter at the IVGHOF last weekend which saw destrukt forfeit to chance in the end out of frustration. According to United States of America DaHanG, destrukt has already proclaimed this "to be over already." Sweden proZaC has been practicing and is trying to make a real run at this year's event, but will have to face a tough Canada sparks in the first round, and a determined Italy stermy in the second. A stermy who's still one of the very few to take out United States of America rapha in a set of maps. On the other side of the bracket, unless Netherlands draven can continue to impress and United States of America LoSt-CaUzE can make a next to impossible comeback, we will most likely be seeing Belarus Cypher versus France strenx and Sweden Spart1e versus Russia Cooller quarterfinals.

The Gigantium, Aalborg

Today one of Crossfire's finest members posted a email screendump from a conversation between him and one Gigantium's employees.

As seen almost everyone have started to think that this is a scam, but let me put it this way.
A half a year ago I had the vision to start a big ET LAN for the community, everything was in some sort of hurry that I didn't realize that people started to hate the idea that it was supposed to be BYOC.

I was out talking with almost every firms in Aalborg about supporting it with all different sorts of stuff, and finally I came across Matrix. I contacted them to see what it would cost to borrow it for a whole weekend for a LAN event, it ended up in almost 3500 € which was a pretty cheap price. The thing however was that the LAN venue was way to small, so I kinda had to put it on hold to find a better place. It was a really hard process as people started to loose the hope in it really coming to life one day, so I grouped up with some former staff members of The eXperience & SLAP to provide me with experience, we quickly managed to have the support from a place called UEG & Aalborg County that was offering us a decent amount of money to cover all the expensives. This was the deal. Therefore we never had some sort of sponsors as the people behind it was Aalborg itself to gather interest to the city.

After the reunion with the former experienced members I was put as a ET-chef to gather interest from the ET scene to the LAN. However this wasn't that easy, I quickly realised the hate toward ET and it's community from the former COD4 & CS Crew LAN members, so I always stayed in focus to be as positive as possible. Gigantium is a big place, and has different sort of departments, I was told that the deal with Gigantium was made regarding it being the host for the LAN and I was right away on writing some stuff about the LAN itself here on crossfire, where I promised that I will come up with a final annoucment about it on 1st of September, 2010.

University started and people started to from maybe 5-10 hours each week helping organizing the LAN to only 1-5 hours, I was however still working on getting all the details done as soon as possible. I managed to get arranged that afternoon trip to the city with the pubcrawl and club, and thought I might've had everything setteld regarding ET. However it turned out that Gigantium was misled by the dates where it was free, so we were offered a big LAN venue, with a small shop, sleeping hal, Internet connection and all the cables needed for about 10.000-12.000€. Some of the folks realised that the date was wrong and went to call me about it, but at that point it was already too late. I simply lost all the faith.

I started from the idea guy behind all to ending up as a simple ET organizor to now being the biggest idiot.

I am deeply sorry for all of this, I think I was just way to exicted about all of this.

Yes I am the one to blame but I am for sure not a scammer. When the moneysystem at BilletNET failed to respond to our deadline I was talking to Krosan about taking in the payments on his account as some sort of security to be 100% sure that nothing will happen to it and no one would get scammed. I hope Krosan can verify as this is true and was talked about 1-2 days before the offical annoucment.

All of this was never INTENDED as a scam, think about it.
Why would a scam people in a game I have played for almost 7 years?
Why would I scam people on a site where my IP ain't hidden?
Why would I scam people that I have played with ages?
Why would I scam on a site where most of them know my real identity?
Why would I scam when i post about 1 picture of myself each 2 weeks?

I have stepped down and won't be helping at all at this event, I however will still be playing this amazing beloved game with a deep sorrow of shyness & guilt. Already now I have been banned on almost every second mIRC channel.

Looks like times have changed, Kamz used to be the most hated now he's the most beloved I used to be a funny and chill guy that had too much passion for this game to now ending up as the most hated because of something I will regret for the rest of my gaming carrer.

Once again I'm sorry.


Rockit takes a break

image: 386514HMP2024The Antwerp E-Sports Festival was a great event for rockit as well as for the whole Enemy Territory community. Seeing our team really enjoying to be together and to be at the event was a pleasure for us. We are extremely proud on the ET side as a third place at such an event is a great achievement. Next to our ET team also the Day of Defeat: Source team was doing great by beating zeroPoint! Gaming and with that winning the ESL Major Series recently. Both teams announced to take a little summer break to re-gather motivation and then come back in fall for the big competitions.

Rockit as an organisation will accompany the teams and take a break to get new strength as especially the last months have shown a high level of inactivity within the managing staff at rockit. We will try to make use of the summer break to get back to where we wanted to be with an improved online service, probably new teams and some surprises.

Overload.ET types /quit

With great performances in the ESL Major Series and ClanBase EuroCup, Belgium Overload was expected to perform very well at the Antwerp eSports Festival, however lineup issues have wreaked havoc on the team leading to a respectable but lower than expected shared fifth place finish in Antwerp.

After the Antwerp eSports Festival, efforts were made to build a new lineup formed by some of the core players attending the AEF under the Overload banner. Sadly these efforts hit a wall which means Overload Gaming's Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory team is no more.

Overload Gaming has expressed not to be interested in receiving any offers from prospective Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory teams to join Overload.

Overload Gaming.ET's AEF lineup was:
Belgium lio
Belgium mAus
Belgium cherry
Belgium Jere
Netherlands joop

Crossfired version of the announcement posted on the Overload Gaming website.

RtCW NC I Group Phase Underway

image: flags

After the showmatches the groups for RtCW NC I were drawn, and the first set of games were known, these first set of games were played out over the last two weeks and they were:

The groups were already known to be quite tight and the results over the next 4-6 weeks should show this and it is anyones guess who will qualify into the playoffs.
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