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EC show must go on

image: banner1

Twentieth day of September, twentieth EuroCup season. Today, Clanbase will announce invitations for their most prestigeous tournament. From over 200 signups, we have selected 4 teams which will receive direct invitation and 16 clans who will be fighting for remaining 12 spots.

This season's Qualifiers formula is different from previous one. 4 clans will be directly invited to EuroCup, 16 clans invited to EC Qualifiers. Directly invited teams will create poule 1. Qualifier teams will make 8 pairs. 8 winners will create 4 pairs. Winners from "winners" - clans who won 1st game will create poule 2. Losers from "winners" will create poule 3. Then we got 8 "losers" - clans who lost 1st match. They will create 4 pairs. Winners from "losers" will create poule 4, while losers from "losers" will be automatically put into one of the OpenCup Premier League groups. Each EuroCup group will consist of 1 clan from each poule.

First match needs to be played between 20 and 27 September. Second match needs to be played by 1st October.

Celsus with Fresh Faces

image: 3733664_bigAfter a decent eurocup where celsus finished joint 5th with h2k and a respectable finish of 4th in summercup celsus were left with a huge hole to fill when United Kingdom w3st decided he wanted to play for zZz and Netherlands Ati wanted to play with dnan (now 141). We were left with a lineup that wasnt so Poland Polish. After a few days we managed to pick up Germany haZer who wasnt actively playing for any team, the player who himself isnt short of any achievements with a Nationscup XI and a Eurocup XVII. However, there was stil a huge hole to fill with the departure of United Kingdom w3st. Our luck changed when we saw the recent forum post of Finland Reikkeri who has a vast amount of experience from finishing last eurocup and finishing at cc6. With Polandwiesiu going inactive we had to fill the last spot with someone who was as good or even better. After impact went inactive/folded due to United KingdomMalta toxic moving to the uk for a year of studying it gave me the chance of getting United Kingdom syK to join who himself has won many achievements with teams like 141 and impact.

So the new Celsus looks like this:

United KingdomR0SS
United KingdomsyK

United KingdomTEKNO

We will be competing in the upcoming eurocup and the ESL EMS. You can contact us at #celsus

zeroE add Element

Whilst reading some of Belgium Sui's fine work on the Dignitas site for my previous newspost I noticed that long time ET supporter zero Empathy have added to their Wolfenstein ranks by adding team eLement.

A lineup featuring some old ET:Quakewars players in the shape of Sweden dohfOs and Netherlands StrykY with a mixture of new faces to the scene has joined an organisation with a proud ET history, suporting many teams and many famous faces over the years. The new zero.E lineup will be competing in the upcoming CB Opencup and ESL Wolf tournaments, their lineup is as follows:

Italy armisael
Belgium Flocky
Germany kypez
United Kingdom MarshL
Netherlands riXzZ
Sweden dohfOs (backup)
Netherlands StrykY (backup)


$9k GGL Wolfenstein tournament...

image: 4749_boxshot_us_smallThe Global Gaming League have thrown $9000 the way of recently released Wolfenstein, but dont get too excited - its $9k in Wolfenstein limited edition gear! Including $6720 worth of posters taking over two thirds of the prize pool! The tournament is split over PC, PS3 and XBOX with the all entered teams claiming some form of memorabilia prize down to 32nd place.

The official blurb from GGL is as follows: "The Wolfenstein “Take Them All Down” Team Tournament is a team competition with over $9,000 in Wolfenstein prizes up for grabs, including hoodie sweatshirts, posters, and Limited Edition Wolfenstein Medals. The tournament consists of simultaneous month-long ladders for PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 players."

Should you wish to take the oppourtunity to win a poster go on over and signup here

Modern Warfare 2 MP Footage

image: i20krb

GameTrailers have released several new videos showing Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer component. The footage was captured on camera at a recent press release, dedicated to the multiplayer component. According to FourTwoZero, a lot of new footage and content will be released in a few days, as well as further Q&As with gaming sites and interviews discussing the multiplayer.

GameSpot also managed to get their hands on Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer, revealing further information on the game modes as well as several new perks that will be included. Unfortunately, there is still very little information on the competitive side on Modern Warfare 2. However, this is expected considering the competitive community is a lot smaller compared to the casual Call of Duty 4 gamers. We can expect the competitive CoD4 community to contribute to competitive gameplay, rather than IW

ESL EMS and Fall Season Signups

image: ems_fall_banner
The summer takes its last breaths and so are our ESL Summer Leagues. The last matches are being scheduled and the playoffs are close to their end. With the recent announce of the ESL Major Series Season V featuring Enemy Territory with a prizepool of 500 € we are also ready to welcome the ESL ET Fall Season!

This time we will combine the ESL Major Series V with our upcoming Fall Season. This means there will be one big signup for all 6on6 teams and the best of them join the EMS. But read on for more details and the signuplinks:

Signups Open:
Signups Close:
Qualification Starts:
Groups Online:
Groupstage starts:



Major Series
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6on6 Signup
Fall Premier
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Prem. Accounts

6on6 Signup
Fall Leagues

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Prem. Accounts

1on1 Signup
2on2 Signup
3on3 Signup
6on6 Signup

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ESL Major Series Season V

image: emsrotdgetready
Announcing the next season of Europe's top online league. Thirteen games, fourteen tournaments, more than a thousand players competing, several thousand will try to qualify - and €15,000 prize money. Get ready for ESL Major Series Season V!

The ESL Major Series is the highest level of European competition in the ESL for disciplines not included in the Intel Extreme Masters and has already awarded more than €70,000 in prize money to hundreds of gamers in the past two years.

We are back again for our fifth season to bring you more thrilling matches featuring the best players and teams from across Europe and the world.

CB EC/OC Fall 2009 Signups Reminder

Signups for ClanBase's EC/OC Fall 2009 Cup season are due to close on Sunday the 13th at 23:59 CET, have you and your clan signed up yet?

image: fall2009

What is the Fall 2009 Cup Season?
The Fall 2009 Cup season in which ClanBase hosts a mixture of OpenCups and EuroCups (often abbreviated to OC's and EC's respectively) is starting in September and ending just before Christmas (towards the end of December).

C2 Missile Beta3 released

image: missile
It has been quite a time since beta2 hit the ground, but still we've been actively collecting feedback of the summer season and ofcourse worked on all the bugs, which spawned in beta2. Now it is time to release probably the last beta of Netherlands xeoxis and Germany my latest map: C2 Missile Beta3

Quote by Changelog- extra way near ventilation shaft removed
- side way stage 1 smallered and more compact now
- stairs to flag smallered
- power supply objective moved under cp
- shortened magnetic seal delay
- axis only door remodeled (auto-opens for axis -> no coverts)
- big cave in stage 3 remodeled and moved (shorter now)
- "acid hole" near rocket completely remade without acid
- updated clips at stage 3 hills
- bugfixxes bugfixxes bugfixxes

Download Beta3 Download Mirror2

#et.mapping - Thx to #YCN-Hosting for the support

Tech3 Demo API - 0.1

Hi there,

This project kept me busy the last months and i still cant get enough of it! So i would like to share the fun with you!

What is this API?
This API can read and write Demos that are recorded with the idTech3 Demo format. At the moment it supports Quake 3 and basically all their mods, and Enemy Territory with all their mods.
The API makes it fairly simple to get something done, in a very short time. It provides a simple way of hooking into some of the game events like gamestate parsed, snapshot parsed and so on.

What can I do with this API?
Simple. Pretty much everything. Change popups, remove spam, change frametimes, remove lag, change names (this is blocked for a reason), cut demos in pieces, YOU NAME IT.
One could for example write a plugin that outputs the normal ingame console and then pipes the file through statswhore or any similar program. Or one could even write a total new stats parser.
You have basically access to everything for now. I have no clue if this will change in the future, we will see.

Download: http://forums.myhannes.info/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=133

How hard is it to get something done?
If you have basic programming skills it should be very easy. Everything is written in C#, the engine also.
Just go download the Visual Studio Express edition and start right away. Reference the attached DLL and keep us posted about your results.

What games are supported?
  • Enemy Territory, and all their mods
  • Enemy Territory TV (experimental for now)
  • Quake3, and all their mods

Installation Instructions
  • Download the attached File.
  • Unzip it.
  • Start a new Project in Visual Studio.
  • Reference the DLL in the Project.
  • Check out the Examples and start right away.

More questions, feedback or anything else? Let me know. Im eager to find out what you guys and girls are up to! I encourage you also to have a look into the snippets forum. And please share your work.
If you consider using this API for some of your Movies or Machinimas, i would be pleased for a small refrence :)

NOTE: This is Alpha Beta Gamma software, we expect it to crash. If it does, report back please
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