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Thunder Thursday !

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After Wicked Wednesday, Thunder Thursday is incoming with a Match of two oldschool EC teams. In an surprising start of the CB EC XVIII, Europe S.N Battalion were able to win 4:0 vs the secret-favourite Finland VAE, so we can say the good old CB Eurocup is back with nice and stable teams. Tonight we saw a nice match between Finland Incomplete and Germany 8bits. Highbot. If you want to know the result just watch the replay. Just follow this link.

In the blue corner we have Europe TAG, who didn’t get a invitation this year. But they could take their Qualifier versus tA by aToOn kinda easy (4:0) . With players who got EC and NC experience we all should not underestimate Europe TAG. In the red Corner, CDC 4 winner, Europe The Last Resort. Some guys were sad that they didnt play the Spring EC for sure, but now they are back. With maybe the strongest Lineup of all teams they will try to take their Group for sure. I dont have to say anything about the lineup I guess, we just can hope they will deliver us a great show.

ESL ET Weekly, MMC and more

image: fallbanner

Last week we saw our #8 Instant Cup taking place with the following result:
Finland Vicious and Evil
Europe Baroque workS
Russia black
(Hall of Fame)


This week we will see two more cups in our Instant Cup series. One in 1on1 and another in 6on6 format. See the following for more details on the 1on1 Cup:

2nd October 2008 17:00 CET

16 Slot , Double elimination , best of one & checkin (means with Looserbracket & 1map)

ctf_multi, ctf_well, mp_sillyctf, multi_huntplace, te_valhalla

Here (until 16:30) & Checkin here (16:30-16:40) (late signup possible until 16:55)


The result of the 1on1 Cup:
Germany crush3r
Germany soLo
Estonia JyrkZ
(Final Bracket)

The 6on6 Cup will be as follows:

Crossfire & Expekt.com to work together

Crossfire is proud to announce that it will supporting the Expekt.com cup with integration into the Crossfire site. Where currently there is the Nations Cup tab in the navigation bar soon there will be the Expekt Cup tab.

After lengthy discussions with head admin Flash of NecroRaisers he went to great lengths to secure communication between Expekt and Crossfire to confirm their financial support for the event and as such Crossfire is proud to be involved as a hosting partner. The Necroraisers team will still be administrating and delivering the tournament, however as a new partner of your tournament registration you must keep your Crossfire clan account up to date.

Flash has followed up this with a tournament update here

Wicked Wednesday!

image: img_ac62e8e024152b9320644a902305de36
Thank to Sean' for the banner!

Yes, wicked wednesday is upon us! Just today, the new season of the ClanBase EuroCup has started off with a suprising game between AnonymousS.N. Battalion and Finland Vicious & Evil. I wont tell you how that went, if you want to, just watch the re-play! A promising start it was at least!

But thats not why we find ourselves here. Tonight we'll see one game, but a very interesting one at least. I am talking about the old thrill of the mill, The all known confrontation between Finland Incomplete and Germany HighBot! Always a nice game a watch, they have already confronted each other last time in the EC which went straight to the Finnish side after a thrilling game on braundorf and supply. But will they be able to step up to that same performance again?

  • Finland Fel
  • Finland crosby
  • Finland Spirea
  • Finland Tunesa
  • Finland Raptor
  • Finland vauhtikissa
  • Finland Stuka
  • Turkey fireBall
  • Germany FlixX
  • Germany haZer
  • Germany duKe_
  • Germany HumM3l
  • Germany TBA

GCRC 6v6 Qualifier

image: qualifier

ETL Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Qualifier
Sponsored by ETL & zOMBie

I will be sponsoring 1 team for the 6v6 portion of the Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup & offering half sponsorship to a 2nd team via the following qualifier.

: $30 Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup
: $15 Towards Entry to Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup*
*this is half the entry fee for 2nd place. In the event the 2nd place team cannot donate the other half, prize will go to 3rd place & so on & so forth

ET is going FAT again

image: fatgamesetcr7

FatGames is proud to announce it’s comeback to Enemy Territory!

With the forthcoming EC and CC5 LAN announced we want to make an Impact and target Gold in both competitions, clearly this is a daunting challenge with the quality of teams that are about in the scene and the return of some previously champion squads, that being said we feel we have put a team together with a working formula capable of winning all that is currently out there.

XF NC Awards - The Results!

image: nc

Voting is in and we have the results. It was only supposed to be a little bit of fun and it's just a shame so many people had negative comments towards the nominations, even though they didn't nominate anyone themselves.

I agree, some of the nominations were shocking but I did state it would be done entirely in that way, with no input from myself regarding nominations. So what I've decided to do is to take the results from the voting but I'd also like to mention a few names I personally feel deserve a mention and should have been nominated in my mind for certain awards.

ESL 6on6 Instant Fall Cup

image: fallbuttonThe next round of the ESL Instant Cups is incoming! The Fall has just begun and we will continue running our cups in it!
Last Sunday we saw another 3on3 Cup take place and the result was as following:
Finland red as a beetroot
Canada heroes For Ever
(ESL ET Hall of Fame)

This time we will see the Instant Cups in 6on6 format again. The most important details right here:

28th September 2008 15:00 CET

16/32 Slots , Single elimination , best of one & checkin system

Supply, bremen_b2, sw_grush, frostbite, sw_battery, radar ,sp_delivery

Here (until 14:30) & Checkin here (14:40-14:50)


Premium Accounts & 1 Month 18 Slot ET server by eicher (20€/month if you want to keep it afterwards)

If you are new to the ESL you can follow the Starter Guid & Team Starter Guid or ask an admin in #esl.et

Pay attention to the Check In 30min before cupstart!

The Cup turned out to be a big success with the following result:
Finland Vicious and Evil
Europe Baroque workS
Russia black
(Final Bracket)

Most Matches Competition:
For the first time there will be the so called "Most Matches Competition" in the european section of the ESL. If you want to know more about this follow this link to the ESL newspost in which everything is explained. Basically one ladder is chosen per month (1on1 Ladder in October) in which the player with the most matches played in the specified month wins the competition and some month of premium accounts!

ESL Newspost
Most Matches Competition Newspost
ESL 6on6 Instant Cup Brackets
ESL 3on3 Instant Cup #7 Final Bracket
ESL ET 6on6 Ladder
ESL ET 1on1 Ladder

CB EC Groups & Rules

image: ecxviiilogo_smallClanBase have just recently announced the groups for this fall seasons EuroCup. As the qualifiers have successfully found the final participants, we have now the total of 16 teams for this EC's groupstage to start. Prizes remain yet to be announced, the teams that take part at this EC will anyway guarantee a hot battle, which will hopefully be more entertaining than last years dilemma.
[center]Group A[list][*]Netherlands Zero Empathy[*]Europe Re-Play Sleeperz[*]Europe S.N. Battalion[*]Finland Vicious & Evil[/list]Group B [list][*]Germany 8Bits HighBot[*]Finland Incomplete[*]Poland Re-Play Devilry[*]Slovenia Team mamut.si[/list][/center]

[center]Group C[list][*]Europe TLR.AMD[*]Croatia Cortana[*]Europe Team FatGames[*]Europe TAG.ET[/list]Group D [list][*]Belgium Overload Gaming[*]Poland Fear Factory X-Fi[*]Europe Vital Gaming[*]France Muse Gaming[/list][/center]
Next to the group announcement ClanBase have reveiled some rule changes which look as follows:

Quote by ClanBaseLike always all the EuroCup matches will be prescheduled. This means you do not need to challenge your opponents. If a selected time is no good for you then there are 2 options available.
  • Either you talk to your opponent about moving the match to another day in the same week(meaning from Monday to Sunday). You all know the dates well in advance so do this in time. There is a limit to moving the match which will be set to 48 hours before the time it is currently set to. If you choose this option both teams leaders or war arrangers have to notify the supervisor of this by mail or via IRC.

  • The second method is to use your one wildcard. This means that you can postpone a game to a date later in the week or at the latest one matchweek after it. You only have one of these so use it wisely. You can use a wildcard up to the point of the normal starting time. Using the wildcard is simple. announce you will use it before the normal starting time of the match to one of the cup supervisors and to your opponent. Wildcards are only valid during the group stage.

Quote by ClanBaseAbout the allowed players: As I have posted before any players that have played a qualifier game aren't allowed to play the first match if they lost that game. Any players that won their qualifier game aren't allowed to play for another team during all of the group phase of the EuroCup.

Also all players not on the APL before the start of a match will be considered freelancers. A red card and forfeit loss will be given if they weren't allowed to be on the APL and a yellow card if they would have been allowed to play had they been on the APL.
Example: Fear Factory play Overload and use a player that was used by authentic in the qualifier. If this match is in the first matchweek this will result in a red card and a forfeit loss due to the rule about players losing the qualifiers match.
If however this happens in week 2 or 3 the punishment will be a yellow card only.

ClanBase News

Crossfire confirms CC5 Prizes & Payment

image: cc5_large
Crossfire is today proud to announce a sustainable increase onto its prizepurse for CC5! The Call of Duty tournament will have a purse of €7500 and the Enemy Territory will have a €5000 prize purse for the upcoming CC5 Tournament.

To Signup to the tournament you must Register Your Clan and add your members to it. Then you must click 'manage clan' and tick that you are attending CC5. Beyond that you must then send payment to the following bank:

Entry fees are different for CC5, so pay attention. If you pay before October 15th you get the early bird discount of 10 euro off your entry. After October 15th all payments increase 10 euro per player.

- Payment - ET 40 Euro Per Player - CoD4 50 Euro Per Player (with earlybird included)
- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC
(There are no refunds, so make sure you're coming before you pay)

As mentioned in the first newspost - There are NO qualifiers for CC5 anyone who signs up will be welcomed to play. In November all entrants will be entered into a seeding competition, the higher you finish the higher your seed for the event.

Map Pools - The ET Map Pool has been decided, though the COD4 one has not, dont expect any surprises there. The ET Pool is as follows: Supply, sw_Goldrush_TE, sp_delivery_te, adlernest, frostbite, radar, bremen_b2.
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