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Gotfrag interview Doekoe

image: mint_doekmain
Gotfrag have sat down with former Kreaturen RTCW, Fnatic.CoD1 and now H2k.CoD2 player Laurens "Doekoe" Cortvriendt.

Quote You and Joepoe have somewhat of a unique relationship.. The first time I saw you two together I think you were sitting on his lap in a car singing love songs to each other at 6am in the morning. Can you explain to the readers the background of your love-love relationship with Joep?

Haaaaaaahaha crow thats private stuff you are sharing, but ok. Joepoe and me were drunk, we don't care and just wanna have fun. We are not gay, we both have a straight relationship (with two of the most beautiful women). We both were in a sport class together and he lives across the street. We like going out once a while, and we have no-limit with our alcohol consumption and I think that explains most of the crazy stories :D. Anyhow friends4life jwt.

The article debates his gaming history, his favourite moments and the mixed back of results for the H2k Side! You can read the full interview Here

Germany vs. Spain on TV tonight

image: banner

The Enemy Territory World Cup has been shaken quite a bit this week. Following the ban of perfo and what is said to be conclusive evidence that another player of the Netherlands cheated, their team got dropped from the cup. A team that had to deal with a national player being banned is going to hit TV screens all over Europe tonight.

Germany Germany has a flawless record in this World Cup so far. They didn't drop a single map so far and have won all three matches. The loss of Germany keran won't hit them too hard, he has been on their roster but didn't play any match for them. Germany goes into the match as the clear favourite.

Germany butchji
Germany snoop
Germany wEAK
Germany ramiN
Germany drago
Germany haZer

Spain Spain had its difficulties in the group stage. Losing a map against Japan and not being able to overpower mighty Poland they only ended up second in group G. With Spain Winghaven, the man who has risen from panzer whore to being the man of the match several times, in their lineup things don't look too bad for them though.

Spain Winghaven
Spain morbit
Spain dr3am
Spain a1rs
Spain Gengis
Spain MaRTe

The match will be broadcast live in German on GIGA at 23 CET. You can tune in on Astra Digital or via the live stream (free). GIGA 2 users can watch the spectacle on a high quality stream.

image: giga

As usual, there's also ETTV available.

GamesTV war page
GIGA stream

OOFley good!

TeK-9's second LAN offering, Outpost on Fire (oof), is shaping up nicely and its roster of teams is nothing short of beautiful with Europe's finest very much in attendance. The event takes place on the last weekend of July and should prove to be one of the hottest events this summer!

Invited Teams

Belgium TeK-9 (3rd CPC2, 2nd shGopen)
Netherlands Serious Gaming (1st shGopen, 1st CPC2)
United Kingdom Dignitas (1st CPC1, 2nd EC XIII)
Germany Speedlink (1st OOF1, 1st EC XII)
Netherlands H2k Qpad (2nd Netgamez Spring)
Czech Republic eSuba (4th CPC2)
Belgium defusekids (EC XV)
Italy Impact (ESL IPS.it Finals)
Austria Gummi (ESL IPS.at Qualifier)
United Kingdom Reason Gaming (2nd i30)
Germany HfD (EC XV)

Germany Komacrew
Belgium Retroactive
Netherlands overload Gaming
Belgium Aksioo Gaming Group
Germany gfive
Germany Hyperactive.eSports
France eXtreme Gaming
Belgium Team Fides
Belgium iDstar eSports
Netherlands Influx Gaming
Europe neco
Belgium dfiance gaming
Germany n!faculty
France Coming Soon
Netherlands Team EDiT
Poland FLS Gaming
United Kingdom Magnitude
France Don't Touch
Netherlands H2k.Thermaltake
Czech Republic cZklan
Germany OCRANA

For those teams their payment is now due, more information can be found by contacting Belgium dfb in #tek9 or by visiting the event website HERE

Tough Decisions

Due to the recent 6 month ban of Netherlands Perfo and the many other accusations that have gone on over the past couple of weeks, the World Cup admin team would like to announce a major change.

The decision was a tough one but as an admin team, we have decided that Netherlands Team NL will be removed from the World Cup competition.

There were a number of reasons for this:

» Captain Netherlands Perfo banned from ET-Cup.
» Member Netherlands Rocky banned from ET-Cup.
» Accusations from 3 teams throughout the tournament with more then enough evidence. Rocky.rar

We didn't want to remove Netherlands Team NL but under the circumstances, we decided it would be best for the other national teams, the competition and for us.

Netherlands Team NL will now be replaced by Norway Team Norway and they will face Portugal Team Portugal. This game will more then likely be played on Sunday 21:00 CET.

We hope you understand our decision,

Quote by NxMAfter perfo was banned from the ET-Cup we asked him which NL member should replace him as captain, i am not able to join their national channel because I got banned their so quite hard to contact them. I asked Azatej to replace perfo as captain, but he said he's too busy at the moment and he told me N30 was interested to replace him.

Later on yesterday, koto sent me a zip with evidence to ban rocky from the ET-Cup. The ET-Cup got their own admin, Olly, cooperating with the CheatBusters who make decisions to ban a player or not. Before the WorldCup started we decided to allow rocky to play with NL because we didn't have the evidence by then and we didn't ban them. It seems that Olly and the other cheatbusters found enough evidence to ban rocky from the ET-Cup too, and based on that NL have been removed from the competiting.

We don't want a nation, even if I'm born in it, to participate in the WorldCup with a captain who is banned and a player who is banned, who both played more than one match this year. Both players were banned from the ET-Cup after their match against Portugal, so there is nothing we could do about it before. We as WorldCup Crew don't have anything to do with the bans made by Olly, we make our decisions on the bans he makes, we are sure he makes the right decision and we fully trust him.

If you need to know anything else about this case, feel free to pm me on #ET-Cup so i can explain it to you or anyone else. We think we made the right decision to ban him and we will not change our mind. Thanks and unlucky for the other NL members and good luck to Norway in their match against Portugal.

The World Cup Admin Team

perfo banned in 48 hours!

Some in Clanbase might say theres no satisfing the ET community but we'll see. Just 48 hours after perfo's case was put forward by the community he has been banned for six months forcing his team junk52 into a lineup change for the Eurocup final.

This now leaves Clanbase with three Eurocup ET cheat cases and three different results;

Scotland RazZ - Caught whilst playing for helix and banned for twelve months and had all of helix's results forfeit

Germany kerAn * _shy - Caught whilst playing for zeroPoint/pro5 and played a further three Eurocup matches before being banned, no results were forfeit

Netherlands perfo - Caught in the same season as kerAn and _shy yet banned within 2 days, no matches were forfeit

Was his instant ban correct? Should Clanbase have given junk52 the same allowances they gave pro5 which would have allowed him to play the Eurocup final? Which of the three cases was the correct way of handling the situation?

CB Chiefs of C&A Speak Out

It seems there have been a number of issues brought up surrounding the recent case of keran and shy of Germany Pro5 receiving bans for cheating on a public server. The following news item will hopefully explain further details of this case to those of you who have only heard a certain point of view regarding it.

Firstly we shall take the player bans themselves. Each player was given a 6 month ban in accordance with the ClanBase cheating and abuse policy. During this time they will be unable to participate in any ClanBase competitions as punishment for cheating. We at ClanBase think the punishment should fit the crime. There is absolutely no evidence of keran or shy having cheated during any ClanBase matches therefore there is no reason to change the result of any match in which they've played. ClanBase will only take action when we have solid proof that an offence has been committed, not just someone's opinion that because a player has been caught cheating in the past that automatically means they must be cheating every subsequent time they load a game.

Giving out 6 month bans for cheating outside of ClanBase is not what we would consider lenient. Whatever the context or excuses given in this case (or others) everyone is, and should be, treated the same way. The bottom line is, keran was not caught cheating in a CB match, similarly 1000s of other players are also not caught cheating in CB matches. Their results are never changed, so why should we do it now for keran?

The other bans brought up in comparison were all dealt with in accordance to the ClanBase cheating and abuse policy at that time. In the past we have removed all of the player's results as it was deemed they cheated in all matches they had played. That rule has now changed.

You all know that our policy has gone under a few changes since then. To bring up old bans as an example is just futile, unless they were handled with the same policy. We try to keep our policy updated and it is always evolving to take into consideration unique situations and events.

Secondly we had a point brought up that ClanBase took too long to ban the player in question. Punkbuster logged keran's catch on the 7th of March and the ban was proposed to the Cheating and Abuse Chiefs on the 16th of May. Due to some of our personnel taking time off (yes, volunteers can take holidays too!) it took longer to process the ban than we would have liked, but given the amount of work our C&A team have to get through it certainly wasn't an obscene amount of time. During this period we cannot disallow the player from playing in our competitions purely because people are innocent until proven guilty, and players are only guilty when their bans have been properly processed and verified by our C&A team.

Thirdly we have the interesting situation brought up by the fact keran's ban was processed whilst he was playing in a ClanBase match, it's fair to say that common sense should prevail here. We should not punish the player for playing when there was no way he could have known a ban for him had been processed, by the same token his clan should also not be punished for playing in the same match as him. It is ridiculous to suggest that we should take an unnecessary hard line and punish the player and clan in this case since there was no opportunity for them to take action by dropping the player for the match. We will, however, be looking at the wording of the policy to take into account the small possibility of a situation like this occurring again. As with real life law there is always the likelihood that we will update our rules based on cases that arise.

Finally we'd like to thank all the people who continue to put their hard work and effort into the ClanBase ET community. It is easy to sit on a pedestal and criticise others who are trying to do their best, it's quite another to actually get off your bum and be one of those selfless people who are willing to give up their own spare time for the benefit of others. There may have been some inconsistencies in the past, we're only human after all, but we will now work hard to eradicate these so that everyone gets the same fair treatment. We only hope that others will mirror this attitude and perhaps realise actions do in fact speak a lot louder than words.

Source: ClanBase

evolve gaming wins CODQCUP!

Another month gone by, another CODQCUP gone by. This season we saw strong teams like United Kingdom Team Dignitas, Finland Logitech.fi, Netherlands Serious Gaming, Czech Republic eSuba, Germany High Fidelity, Finland Insignia Cadre and a lot more of the top teams Call of Duty 2 has to offer right now. Yet it was the relatively unknown Slovenia evolve gaming climbing up the loser bracket (after being tossed in it in the first winner bracket round already) and facing Team Dignitas in the CODQCUP finals.

Evolve had to do the almost impossible, beat Dignitas twice. However they ended up victorious in their clashes versus HFD, Logitech.fi and Serious earlier in the cup. The clash took place in France, on the maps Dawnville and Burgundy.

The end results of the match:
mp_burgundy: Slovenia Evolve Gaming 13-10 United Kingdom Team Dignitas
mp_dawnville: Slovenia Evolve Gaming 13-7 United Kingdom Team Dignitas

We at Crossfire would like to congratulate Evolve Gaming for their awesome performance in the CODQCUP, only losing versus France Coming Soon in the first round of the winner bracket.

junk52 on the rocks

The final three teams in the Clanbase Eurocup will lineup with 18 players, Of those 18 players on Tuesday, 3 now look destined for the cheating blacklist...all lan proven.

This thread which has drawn more than four hundred comments already has IP based evidence that long suspected but now lan proven Netherlands perfo is headed for the ET slammer for 6 months. Resident cheat expert United Kingdom Bulld0g and the player himself have both made statements:

PBusted in 2006: Link
PBusted in 2005: Link
Yawn: Profile
Crossfire: IP Crossreferenced

"sad but true his IP matched on CB fro july/august 2006. 6 months ban coming and for once i feel sorry for having to do it"

Okay case is I've got a big family 2 brothers and 2 lil' brothers. One of my bigger brothers used to play ET with me in a clan (fckd.ThaBomB) the other two are just random public players. As you can see from the icehook.dll bust the IP clearly is mine, but as we all live together in the same house the IP is the same for every computer here.

Look at the offence, my IP that's true, but the guid connects to the public family PC here at home where my older brother and my younger brother used to both play ET on (I have had my own pc since end 2004/early 2005, when I started playing ET on a competitive level)

So the pb guid is from the other PC my brothers used to use. Note the punksbusted webpage tells us that the hack has been used on BiO server when he got kicked from the server. The pb guid links to the public PC here at home, and so does the etpro guid and the IP (but the IP links to my PC as well)

this is the etpro guid of the public family pc

and this is the laptop they're currently playing from. thabomb = my older brother, omega and nyr are younger brothers

to conclude, IP is the same but the PB guid and the ETPRO guid aren't the same meaning that the hack hasn't been used from my pc but from the other (public family) pc

OF course this doesn't 100% prove my story right but I mean the kick was executed somewhere in august iirc and under my brothers name under his guid and NOT under my guid.

my guid at the time of the icehook.dll kick


it's not like i am ferociously trying to insult everyone thinking it was me (well i know better) but please don't act like i've always used hax in online competitive play. for those who think that i recommend you watch the sHgopen lan demos and have fun with watching me suck on lan :/ and to those who still don't believe me, i dunno what's weird about me seeing as whenever i'm playing a game different of ET i'm still fairly skilled

a ban would indeed be justified even though it isn't fully my fault. ( iwas gonna quit ET after EC anyway) but if CB is gonna take action then please make sure to be righteous :P

:: First of all I believe perfo when he says it was his younger brother, after all the pbguid and etproguid are different from that of perfo. What happened to innocent till proven guilty.. If he were to get banned, as he already has been on et-cup, his replacement is Azatej, who we recruited specifically to replace perfo after EC as he was going to stop competive ET. We've known this for a month [him quitting]. I've heard since his brother doesnt have a CB account, he will get banned.. but we don't know yet, and hopefully we can play with perfo in the EC final.

Clanbase took some two to three weeks to process Keran and shy's recent bans, those weeks saw them combine to knock out 3 clans from Eurocup. Will they wait to let perfo lift the most exciting Eurocup in ET history?

ETQCup Round 2 starting tonight!

image: etqcup2

Tonight sees the second match round of Cadre's ETQCup, prized with 1000 € cash and several hardware prizes powered by our very own tournament sponsor QPAD. As the first matchday had almost everywhere clear results which could be known before the match took place we have today some very nice clash's of top Enemy Territory teams. Some examples may be the matches Dignitas versus OVERLOAd, infrag facing Incomplete, FF X-Fi against eC4 or aRt taking on AuxiliA. We hope to see some hot battles tonight so make sure to visit GamesTV.org to brows for your favourite match.

Here is the complete list of all upcoming matches for ETQCup's second round starting today:

CoD2 IPS - eSuba vs. dignitas

While the EuroCup is coming to an end, another tournament has just begun and it boasts a wide variety of names, all well known in European and international Call Of Duty 2. Thursday night brings you an encounter that can without a doubt be called absolutely high class.

United Kingdom Team Dignitas have struggled in the past, after dropping out of the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge 2 in the quarter finals they have lost their first match in the International Premiership against Germany Ocrana 10 to 13. The team that was once top of Europe has yet to show that they are still among Europe's finest. With WSVG approaching, Dignitas' mixed bag saw them win C2e in controversial fashion and beat Logitech in the QCup this week, but consistency has deserted them.

Czech Republic eSuba are in a far better position. A fourth place at CPC II and a streak of three victories in a row gave them a good start for the IPS. The Czech players have slowly but steadily climbed to the top of European CoD2 teams and are now eager to prove that this is exactly where they belong.

What might make this match interesting is the return of the smoke - that's right, after WSVG announced that they would not follow the recent decision to ban the smoke grenade it has now made its comeback in the ESL as well.

The map will be carentan, the time of the match is 23 CET - and you can watch it live on GIGA 2, where special guest GermanyMichael "Trigger" Sowa will be doing the commentary together with host Uli "FlyingDJ" Schulze.

If you do not own a GIGA 2 account yet, here's your chance to win one - 10 free accounts will be given to the most creative comments written here until 22 CET on Thursday.

ESL match link
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