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ETQCup: Upper Bracket Semi-Final

image: etqcup2

You might have wondered what happened to the ETQCup hosted by Cadred.org in cooperation with Qpad... Well it just went on and the matches were played, some forfeited. But why didn't I hear of anything then could be your next question. Good point, I don't know. So here we are, nearing the end of the cup with only 3 teams left in the Upper Bracket and a whole bunch of matches to be played in the Lower Bracket.

Team Dignitas already qualified for the Upper Bracket final, after a disappointing Eurocup, by beating the fairly new and unknown side of Fear Factory X-Fi who surprised everything and everyone by winning over the Eurocup Winners Evolve Gaming in a two map game.

Now as the first Upper Bracket finalists is already known we'll have to focus on the second finalist and that is still a vacant spot, tempting two sides to step up and grab it.

So tonight Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll see the tense second Semi-Final in the Upper Bracket of the Cadre ETQCup. The fight between Insignia Cadre itself(!) and Impact Gaming. Two sides with the words "Finland" dripping all over it, one more than the other.
image: ic-ig1

Quote by Statement eVo: Impact ManagerWell although Impact haven't been practicing much I'd like to think we have been playing well in the Cadre Q Cup. The maps will be a deciding factor and also if bremen is chosen Twidi's ability to lame with the MG42 might make a difference. Close game however I think Impact will take it.

Quote by Statement twidi: Cadre PlayerWe haven't been practicing much lately due to summer holidays and so on, but Impact hasn't been practicing any more than us what I've heard. So I guess both teams are not in their top shape, but I'm expecting it to be quite an exciting game and definately worth to watch!

Tournament Page

CoD2 Eurocup

image: COD2-3

Where the ET Eurocup was finished a week ago; the Call of Duty 2 S&D Eurocup is still in it's Play Off phase. With 4 teams left in the Upper Bracket. And 4 teams left in the Lower Bracket.

Call of Duty 2 has been a part of this community site for quite a long time now but despite the efforts by some newswriters here, I recall Sainted and there are more out there, the game never felt like it was really covered here at Crossfire.nu. But still the game gets just as much prize money as ET on the CPC tournaments. And how many of those CoD2 players are really actively participating on this site. I'm not sure, but think not many, and you can't blame them; there's nothing for them to watch here.

After covering the final stage of the ET Eurocup XV I decided that now is the time to get the CoD2 community more involved here on Crossfire.nu. So where do we start. Let's just take a look at the current stage of the Eurocup: the Play Offs.

image: COD2

Quakewars Open Beta launches in Style

If anyone thought that ET:Quakewars might slip off the radar or not fill its beta spots, they were well and truly shot down tonight as the ET:Quakewars Open beta began with 3000 user bang. That is to say, 3000 beta keys were registered within the first five minutes of the open beta going live!

3 hours later and more than 15,000 more people had crushed fileplanet in their attempt to get their hands on a precious ET:Quakewars Key. Fileplanet, one of the web's leading download sites was pummeled by anxious gamers and eventually brought down to its knees, buckeling under the pressure before resurfacing.

Anxious players filled the game to its capacity. The initial 3048 server slots available to the public filled quickly, and the European servers were left full instantly with slots spare only across the pond in America and Australia.

Here on Crossfire, the day of the release of the beta slots has seen a little under 200 new Journals of varying opinion on the game, and those united in their complaint about the hit detection will rejoice in the news that SplashDamage have publically stated there will be a patch for the open beta in the week.

In addition, the ET:Quakewars Forum section is open you can put threads in it rather than journals should you chose, Here

Crossfire Quakewars Key Competition Winners!

We've had some fantastic entries into the competition and just like our last competition this community proved that it can be quite creative when it wants to be! However, where there are winners there are losers, and we would like to thank everyone that entered and promise that this wont be the last competition on the site!

However, the congratulate the winners, we the Crossfire admin team have chosen our winners in the following categories:

YouTube Winners:
Captain 1337
(Honourable mention to Meez's Entry)

Motto Winner:
Hype - Crossfire, more than a community

Wallpaper Winners:


Journal Winners:


Congratulations and happy hunting! All winners will receive their keys in their Crossfire inbox's, if Captain 1337 could make himsef known to an admin that would be most appreciated!

Quake Wars keys available tonight

image: etqw_banner

If you've been trying for days to get your hands on a beta key for Quake Wars, tonight may just be your best chance.

Fileplanet will be releasing keys to Non paying members around the following times:

All keys have now gone, there will be more available on Sunday[/u]

You will need to visit this page whilst being logged in with your free Fileplanet account to even get a sniff of a key. If you do manage to get a key, post your name over in the Quake Wars forum and hopefully the crossfire community can get some games up and running!

i3d ET:Quake Wars Open Beta Cup Announcement

i3d.net in association with QuakeWars.net are pleased to announce the first ever cup for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The cup will take place using the Public Beta during the months of July & August.

All European (top) clans, teams & communities are invited to participate in this cup, which will decide who goes home with 2 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Game servers from i3d, and 8 corepads!

The Cup will have a maximum of 40 Clans, which will be divided into 8 poules of 5 clans, each team playing all the other teams in its poule. The top 2 teams from each poule will qualify for the knockout stage, which will take place in Single Elimination. We feel that this will give all competing clans the chance to play a number of matches in a relatively tight time-schedule. The first matches will take place during the first week in July.

All matches will take place on Sewer using the very same ABBA format seen in Enemy Territory. It will be played in Stopwatch mode, with a time limit of 20 minutes. The matches will take place in 6on6 mode (6 players per team). It is allowed to substitute players, however they must leave the server before the replacement connects. Certain vehicle restrictions will be enforced. Any team found using the prohibited vehicles will automatically forfeit the half.

It is not allowed to exploit any bugs (of which a list will be circulated prior to the competition beginning). If you think you have found a bug, please contact the i3d Admin Team as well as posting it on the FilePlanet Beta Forum. Teams found to be breaking this rule will be subject to round forfeits or possible disqualification, at the admin's discretion. All teams who play a match in the competition will be required to submit feedback which will be passed on to Splash Damage to aid the ongoing development of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

In order to be eligible to compete, teams must have at least 6 players with a legal Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Open beta key. These keys are distributed on FilePlanet and a select number of Enemy Territory: Quake Wars websites. They must all be registered and added to the team at i3d.net in order to be eligible to compete.

Spectators are not permitted, other than i3d Cup Admins, and recognized shoutcasters/commentators. Both TGBF.tv and QuadV.com will be providing audio and video coverage of this cup.

Coverage Partners:

i3D.net is one of the largest European gamehosters, hosting the Battlefield series, Counter Strike PREMIUM servers and America's Army Honor. i3D.net's PREMIUM servers offer high quality Counter Strike gameservers. They will also be hosting servers in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars as a trusted partner.

i3d also have an unique Quake Wars gameserver offering. The servers are hosted in The Netherlands (Amsterdam and Rotterdam) and Germany (Frankfurt).

What is the ABBA mode?
For those that are not experienced with this format, the team listed first on the i3d.net cup web page will play as GDF in the first round, with the team listed 2nd playing as Strogg. The attacking team (team A) will set a time to complete the objectives. The teams then swap sides, and team B must try to beat that time. If they beat the time of Team A, they win the half. Ig team a do not set a time, and team b do not complete the final objective, the half is a tie. Team B then attacks again, and sets a time, which Team A must then try and beat. If they do so, they win the half. If after this the score is tied at 1-1, the team with the fastest time to complete the objective can choose whether they will start on offense or defense for the deciding round.

Vehicle Restrictions
The following vehicles are prohibited:
It is only allowed to use 1 (ONE) Cyclops

The cup IRC channel is #i3d on Quakenet

ET:QW Keys To Be Won

Crossfire HQ here, and we've good news. As you well know we're always looking out for our userbase, and having seen that 65% of Crossfire users still don't have an ET:QW beta key we had to act. Crossfire HQ forumulated a plan, Fusen would skip work and hack into locki's wifi - freeing keys for all. Unfortunatly, we found out at the last minute there was one slight flaw to this near perfect plan, Fusen doesn't have a car. So failing that we asked Splash Damage nicely.

Now most middle-of-the-road, tiny userbase sites threw theirs away without a care. But here at Crossfire we think you're better than that, that we should reward the talent. We've 10 keys available and they'll be distributed as follows:

3x Keys for the best Crossfire & ET:QW related wallpaper (1280x768 or 1280x1024)
3x Keys for the best Youtube plea as to why you deserve one
3x Keys for the best journal plea as to why you deserve one
1x Key for the person that comes up with the best motto for Crossfire


The wallpaper needs to integrate ET:QW and Crossfire
The motto should represent what our community (site) stands for, what it is, what we do.
Youtube and journal plea's are a free fragging yard. You can use anything at your disposal to get our attention - but a certain quality has to be guaranteed.
Youtube submissions should join the Crossfirenu group and then post their entry below
Journals should be labeled [ET:QW] <rest of title>
Motto entries should be posted below
The contest closes Saturday 23rd June, 18:00 CET
The Crossfire Crew will decide the winners

Each winner will be awarded one key. #x signifies the number of winners.


Large Crossfire Logo
Crossfire Youtube Group

SummerCup 2007

Hello and welcome for this years SummerCup hosted by Clanbase !
Clanbase wasn't going to organise a Summercup this year due to the fact that the EuroCup stretches into august (LAN Finals), so I saw it as my duty to provide the community a Summercup like last years.
But playing in this Cup isn't the only good news. You can also (by meanings of a poll) decide upon 2 maps you would like to see featured in this years edition !

More information about the Cup[/u]
- Format will ofcourse be 6v6.
- Several leagues according to skill. Each league will consist out of an equal number of divisions with 4 clans.
- We will use the latest CB6v6 config.

- Bremen_b1
- Supply
- Goldrush
- Radar

As mentioned earlier you will be able to vote for the map that has your preference. There's a poll open now where you can vote for a map (1 vote pp). You can find the poll on the webpage of the SummerCup.

Sign-ups will be opened Sunday the 1st of July and will be closed 2 weeks later on the 14th of July. The groups will be announced around Wensday the 17th and Monday 22 July will be the first matchday.

The first matchweek will start at Monday 22 July and the Groupphase shall be closed at Sunday 18 August. The following monday the play-offs will start. Hopefully the Finals will be played at the end of August or the start of September.

Such as every Clanbase season, this Summer Cup is no different. Cup admins are an essential part of cup maintenance, and the cup will not function without them. We need admins to referee as many wars as possible and provide good coverage of as much matches as you're able to.
Requirements are:

* Decent knowledge of the English language
* Being able to be active for the duration for the cup
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Being friendly
* A cool head.

Cup admins make a cup, they keep it going and without their support the cup won't be of a high standard. Click here to become an admin.

This years supervisors will be none other than Rhand and Frenky.

SummerCup webpage

ET:QW 4 Newbies

image: banner

The popular map maker and general ET philanthropist United States of America Ifurita - famous for his creation RTCW4Newbies has been busy at work bringing his site up to date with all you need to know on ET:QW. From individual CVARS to scritping if you are into ETQW it's definately worth checking it out.

A first stop for any newbie should be the config section, taking you back to basics - remember this is the doom engine not quake, so your +forward & +attack are useless here. That can be found in the scripting section.

The next port of call should be to familiarise yourself with Sewer, the only map in the beta. Luckily for us Ifurita has already jotted down a 5 point plan to victory.

Amongst other things you'll also find a detailed run down of the xp upgrades, which should look familiar to the hardened 40 man xp save veteran. http://4newbies.planetwolfenstein.gamespy.com/ETQW/experience.php

And finally the Newbies 12 Commandments, you should all learn how to be a good newbie.

Ps. There will be approximately 30,000 keys released for non-subscribers, so if you don't have a FilePlanet subscription, you can still sign up for a free account and chance your luck. It's expected that the free keys will be released this Saturday.

TLR pickup Coming Soon!

image: TLRClanThe Last Resort have today announced the pickup of their latest squad. They've added up and coming french side, "Coming Soon" as their Call of Duty division. The side have progressed well recently, and there are high hopes that they can both emulate the success of other french teams and go one step further and claim a crown. They will be competiting at the upcoming Tek9 Outpost on Fire 2, Wonderbase and LANs, as well as competing in the TGL online.

Team Manager Jean-François "DSP" Zielinski gave the following statement:
Quote by DSPWe are very proud to join an organization such as The Last Resort. We had contacts with several MGC but TLR was the only one which guaranteed us an important support for the Outpost on Fire 2. Moreover, our first impressions were very good. We saw that Mike, the owner of the organization, was very available and really implied in what he did. The other sections also seem really cool and talented.

The Last Resort Owner Michael "Chefinal" Robinson gave the following statement:
Quote by ChefinalTLR Return to Call of Duty 2 after 5 months without having a stable team. We return with a team that I am very pleased and happy to have representing TLR.eSports. This team is very well known and have gained alot of respect. TLR will support this team for future lans, including the upcoming Tek-9 Outpost on Fire 2.

The Lineup will be as follows:

France Darryl-Anthony "AnThoO" Lewis
France Mathieu "niejdan" Lascombes
France Thomas "THERE" Tharaud
France Mathieu "Woken" Ruiz
France Romain "XandeR" Lopez

France Cyril "Teemu" Besombes (Manager)
France Jean-François "DSP" Zielinski (Manager)

#TheLastResort - TLR-Clan.co.uk
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