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Humm3L can finnish murso!

image: game2015Its the last chance saloon for Rewind and sFx Murso tonight, one of these teams will be bowing out of Eurocup 14.
For sFx it could be the last match in an rather unconvincing Eurocup season, they crawled outta their group in a decider tournament after all the teams came joint 2nd and in their first playoff game the team even changed to a super pink tag, but were on the wrong side of a cdap mauling.
Rewind can boast taking a map from zP in their first playoff game, and in general putting in a more convincing display throughout the cup, however the only fact to be really convinced with, is that they have to win this game. Both teams face elimination or the prospect of facing either NETRunners or Idle!

Germany Rewind 2-4 Finland sFx
Time: 20:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT

In the Call of Duty Eurocup, its the last chance saloon for Dignitas and Reason, these two UK Hotshots sit way down in Group C, however Dignitas have 3 games in a week to salvage their Eurocup season. Successive victories should save their season from an embaressing early exit. Earlier on this week, Group C took another twist as german side dSLASH took down digitalMind who lead the group. You can read about that game on GotFrag.

United Kingdom Dignitas 13-7 United Kingdom Reason

#20 ET-Cup - Semifinals!

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It's time to present you what is going on in the #20th '6on6' #ET-Cup.

We have now reached the semifinals with 4 skilled teams who will fight it out for a spot in the final.

There will be a duel between Germany
England Sheep
Belgium Kevin
Finland Squall
Finland Iron
Finland Lepari
Switzerland Vegi
and Finland
Finland chmpp
Finland kmble
Finland MulSu
Finland Sanda
Finland Spirea
Finland You?

Although Negative-Image is participating for their first time in this Cup they are looking forward to earn one of the 3 honorable first places in this competition but the silver medal holder of the 17th Edition one4one will do all against their aim!

I cought one member of each team for their predictions - here we go:

QuoteKevin: Negative Image has been around for a long time, I think that they aren't back to their full potential yet atm, but they still will be a very hard opponent. We're gonna have to play a really good game if we want to take home the victory.

Quotechmpp: Well I know it will be very hard for us. We are like a new clan, we dont have very much experience about tactics yet. On the other hand our Lineup is not yet confirmed to 141 game because lettu is playing EC game. We are recruiting one finnish backup so everyone interested contact please! And about the match: We are doing our best to win the game and I am confident - we have chances to do that, although 141 is a clan who played long together and they got a pretty nice Teamplay!

Now let us introduce you the second semifinal: Croatia
Finland Matias
Finland kentsu
Hungary cs4fi
Latvia dunno
Poland krein
Austria day
vs. Germany
Russia humM3L
Poland z3RO
Finland JJameson
Germany criatura
Turkey fireBall
Germany haZer

The "6-man-mix" Elite won the 11th ET-Cup - but since then we haven`t seen anything special. But this time around, they have shown potential by knocking out cZar and Beaver.et. Will they be ready for the final?

Their opponent, Rewind, played very well against A+R and Fear Factory but, was that good enough?

QuoteMatias: Rewind will be a very hard enemy, but after we won mesq's almighty cZar and Beaver, I think we could have some chances to win them also.

QuoteCriatura: The Monday Semi-Final against elite will be a strong match. Elite got a lot of experienced players and it will be hard to take this match. But at the moment, we got a lot of motivation after our good matches in EC and the 2 wins about A+R and FF. I hope we can take it with a 4:0.

The Semifinals will take place on Sunday and Monday evening. Check GamesTV.org for ETTv-IPs.


Helix drop from EuroCup XIV

image: helix_small_unbeatWith the temporary absence of key player Germany Evil extended, Germany Team - Helix have made the decision to withdraw from competition in the current ClanBase EuroCup season. Helix would like to make clear that they are not quitting ET, although they will be looking to make a change to their roster in the near future, citing motivation problems and internal conflict as reasons.

Helix player Germany Biqq had this to say:

QuoteHelix will drop from EuroCup, [there is] no point in playing without Evil. [This] does not mean that Helix is closed - there will be a lineup change [and] we're looking forward to attending shgOpen with a new player.

This unfortunate turn of events means that Europe aMenti will progress to the second round of the losers bracket where they face a tough matchup against Europe cdap - Team pi, who will be looking to put in a strong performance after their narrow defeat to Sweden zeroPoint! Gaming on Thursday.

Gifty Takes zeroPoint To WB Final

(Retrospectively once again [CB lost interest?]) Last night saw zeroPoint! become the first team to reach the Winners Bracket Final. They're now just two wins away from EuroCup glory, a title they intend on winning.

The match itself was relativly even with neither team dominating, it was only decided by a monumental mistake from the cdap team on supply. They'd previously rode their luck when zP held them for over 4 minutes on the tank stage of goldrush, yet collapsed during their courtyard defence allowing cdap to change what could've been a disastrous time, to about average [8:59]. This took the match onto a decider.

Here's an extract from match admin Austria n3co's report.

QuoteWith 1:30 to go they got the west radar parts and it seemed almost certain they would secure it, but gifty sprang out with an impressive tripple grenade kill and saved the ass of zeroPoint. One minute was on the clock and Xylos made another snatch but was easily cut down. There was time for one final grab, as kris got it with just thirty seconds remaining - but butchji, potter, and Darky where at main and they took down all 6 cdap teamates. So zP won this very exciting map!

You can read the rest of that report on ClanBase.

PBGuid Auth-System is active!

image: pblogodx1The PBGuid Authentication system has now gone active! Your profile has been updated and now allows you to enter your PBGuid, which is what is needed to be able to play on the Crossfire.nu Public.

The system gets updated every 5 minutes so don't expect to be able to play right after you've entered your PBGuid. You will have to wait for at least one map change for the system to pick up newly entered PBGuids.

20th #ET-Cup - Let the action begin!

image: 20th_1

I would like to introduce the #20th '6on6' #ET-Cup. We have chosen 16 teams to compete in a 3 day event to battle it out and be crowned King of the prestigous 20th cup.

You will see some fresh blood in the cup like the revived Finland Negative-Image, the newly formed mix Europe Beaver and the nearly forgotten Europe Team-Pistols as well as some Eurocup teams namely Europe cdap - pi, Poland FearFactory, Belgium Teamdtk,
Germany one4one and Germany Rewind.

Apart from this, we can also present the first real competition's of the Finish powerhouse, Finland sFx.Sextet with the well known player Redcross and the only italian team Italy A+R trying to snatch a good result. This is also a chance for teams to get some silverware without teams like Estonia Idle.ee playing.

All teams and lineups are below.

Last but not least a short reminder: The admins will organise ETTV Matches - all other games have to be arranged by yourself. Times and Dates are forced - there's no chance to reschedule them!

For questions, lineupchanges and all other stuff qry an @ in #ET-Cup.
Additionally you have to report your scores after the match to SPU9, Skydeh or Frank.

The format will be a straight knockout.

The teams chosen are as follows:

NetRunners, zeroPoint Progress To Semis

Tonight, Sunday 14th January was dubbed "A Night To Remember" by ClanBase supervisor Belgium NightRaver. As two intense clashes left GBooky addicts near bankrupt. The first match of the night saw Rewind take an unconvincing zeroPoint all the way to three maps, whilst NetRunners pulled off arguably the biggest upset of the season over pre-tourmaent favourites team helix. Meaning both NetRunners and zeroPoint progress to the semi finals to face idle and cdap respectivly.

Upper Bracket Semi Finals:
Europe zeroPoint vs. Europe cdap pi
Estonia idle.ee vs. Poland NetRunners

Lower Bracket Round 1
Germany rewind vs. Finland sFx murso
Europe aMenti vs. Germany helix

Both helix and aMenti where touted by many as possible pre-tournament favourites, but this draw means we'll lose one of them at the first possible stage.

:: ClanBase EuroCup Homepage
:: Playoff Article

Negative Image - The Return!

image: img

Negative Image is back and proud to announce their 100% Finland finnish lineup!

Finland MulSu
Finland chmpp
Finland decem
Finland kmble
Finland lettu
Finland Sanda
Finland Spirea
Finland zzrpa

Modified polish version of the text written by Poland Hybrid can be found at et.owned.pl.

Australia < Japan

image: _41116520_japan_xbox203apAfter being defeated by Australia in last years world cup, Japan has come to get payback, ET style.

Last weeks defeat to Europe left Australia licking their wounds and Japan has stepped up to the challenge. Will we see them handed the same fate that ruined their world cup campaign, or will they put Australia to more shame in ET land? Find out this Sunday @ 12:30CET! The Japanese are expected to ping 150-200 and Australia 200-250. Maps will again be Supply and sw_goldrush_te with Adlernest or Braundorf (decided by cointoss) as a decider if required.

Australia riCo
Australia iceman34
Australia maxxxx
Australia ikez0r
Australia HM
Australia forty

Japan MiRUKU
Japan sirokuma
Japan Stain
Japan Shick
Japan Stacker
Japan Spirytus

Australia Australia 2-4 Japan Japan
Time 12:30 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT

Dignitas focus on zEm

MepH of CPC Champions Dignitas has put the Digi-spotlight on Eurocup Champion Sweden zEm of serious gaming. This lengthly interview features zEm's views on gaming, life and he relives his glorious victory in this past Eurocup season.

QuoteTeam Dignitas: What advice could you give the average CoD2-player if he wanted to step up to professional gaming?

zEm: Get a team that you fit in, dont look for a top team straight ahead, work on your aim, tp and when you feel that you are ready, take another step to a better team or try to make your team better. It's up to you. Try to get a player that you play with all the team, if you take me, I played with a person in 2/3 teams until I joined some others.

You can read the full article Here
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