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It's Getting Hot In Herrre!

Teams have gathered, maps have been uploaded and configs have been edited. Finally it is there, the Hot Cup Of E-Tea is starting!

We have made five divisons, the Premier League consisting of 16 teams in four groups and the other four divisions with 32 teams in 8 groups. There will be no league switching because of time restraints.

There are some impressive names taking part in that cup, among them Crossfire LAN participant Finland sFx EVIL, Crossfire LAN qualifier finalist Poland dtekt and the oldschoolers of Germany one4one.

The map list looks like that:

Week 1 (August 21st): braundorf_b4 / radar
Week 2 (August 28th): supplydepot2 / frostbite
Week 3 (September 4th): sw_goldrush_te / sw_fueldump_b3

We decided to remove Warbell since it still needs some changes before it can be used in competitive situations.

The config is the Euro Spring config with one change - there is no mortar. Everything else has remained untouched. Download the config here.

As announced, there will be small prices for those who reach high ranks in the playoffs.
ETTV and TV broadcasts for important matches will be shown on GamesTV and GIGA II.Start scheduling your matches now and have fun with the 6on6 Hot Cup Of E-Tea!

Thanks to Portugal i<3aNus for the banner.
Cup Page

Payment deadline passes

The payment deadline for the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge has now passed. We were extremely strict with this 19th of August deadline as we desperately required a window of oppourtunity to replace clans that were not going to attend. We have been extremely understanding and spent alot of time helping clans on how to best pay, and due to the administrative and geographical restrictions posed on some clans, accepted travel plans as proof of attendance. Each case has been treated subjectively as paying the bills internationaly, for gaming, from a mixed age group is not a straight forward procedure. Unfortunately the teams below could provide us with no travel bookings and no payments and thus with 14 days to go, we must actively search replacements to fill the tournament.

Any places that have not been paid, are now open on a first come, first served basis. This means that the teams listed below still can attend the lan, they just go into the same pool as everyone else.
The following places are available for replacement:

Call of Duty
Belgium dFiance - STILL AVAILABLE
Enemy Teritory
Sweden rewind - Replaced by dHb

Attention Replacements - Please do not just pay first and talk later, to avoid any double payments and complications please contact me on irc in #Crossfire - We will accept any team for the place, at this point we just want to fill all our spaces.

We will still accept proof of travel from these two clans as confirmation for their places and will still work with them to get the places at this event that they earnt. We have worked with the clans an incredible amount to make sure that we get the teams to the event, and have made the best of many mitigating circumstances. For that we thank the clans for their understanding and desire to make this event the best it can be.


Rewind have been replaced by dHb who are paid and have provided travel plans.

Braundorf Completes ET Map Pool

After 3 Polls we have now completed the ET map pool and Braundorf will be the fifth map in the ET map list for the upcoming Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge.
Whilst the methodolgy used in chosing this map pool has come under scrunity, the goal was to make sure that we got the RIGHT map for the tournament. When a poll ends 50/50 with over 800 people voting, the result is not only inconclusive but also clear that its possible neither map are ideal as there is such a split. We offered Braundorf a chance and by a huge margin it has been voted as an outright favourite to complete the pool.

Tonight in the ESL matchse played on Warbell we saw a prime example of putting in a map that just isnt right for such a large competition. We were not going to take the risk of getting the wrong map, and are now happy that we have the right map pool to set the stage for this prestigious tournament.

GGL Upload Quakecon Archive

image: ggl_logo The GGL have uploaded Radio iTG's full archive of Quakecon 2006 video coverage. Over 26 pages of action packed video, including the Enemy Territory 5v5, Quake 4 1v1 and Quake 4 2v2 tournaments.

You can relive the first ever live Enemy Territory induced orgasm, when Crossfire somehow stole Radar from idle.ee in the Grand Final. Or the two three mappers between KiH and Crossfire, arguably the most equal teams in ET history. Heck, there’s even something for the sadomasochists, you can watch again idle.ee destroying DfN.

Radio iTG took shoutcasting to a new level at Quakecon 06.

Hop over to the GGL TV site, sit back and enjoy.

Recent matches!

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Tonight, the first ESL IPS Qualifier matches are going to take place with the fresh Swedish blood of Sweden rewind facing the glory Finnish team of Finland overload - euthanasia at 20.00 CET and the almighty shoutcast of iTG's United Kingdom Tosspot.
Afterwards, there is not much time for a break, the Polish team of Poland dtekt - WoW will try everything to beat United Kingdom cdap - oddjob. Both matches will be played on Warbell and SW Goldrush TE.

Activision partners up with Callofduty.se

It appears like Activision has finally opened their eyes to the issues of Call of Duty 2 (PC). Little under a month we got to know that callofduty.se representant Johnny toker Törnvall were to meet Activision Nordic early in August. This has now happened and the pressrelease from Callofduty.se follows:

The first meeting between Callofduty.se and Activision has been done. Read more to see what is going to happen, better times lie ahead..

#GamersNation Cup Semi Final #1

image: etcup

Update: SPRD win 4-0

Tonight we see the first of the semi-finals for the Gamersnation ET Cup. Tonight, UK Team United Kingdom sYnod5 take on the ex-Morrigu Team, Europe Spreading Death.Although s5 are the underdogs for tonights encounter, but they should be taken seriously as s5 recently beat Europe SPRD in the current ET Cup.

United Kingdom s5 vs Europe SPRD
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: GamesTV.org

Read More for a brief interview with s5-Bucky about toinghts big game.

ET-Cup #12 Ended - #13 Semi Final!

image: 3v31

The ET-Cup #12 has finally been ended, and succesfully! Rewind are the crowned kings of the 12th ET-Cup after they walked over Team-Helix in a well played final. For the 3rd place we have violence is bad as winner of the Bronze Final match against Spreading Death.

The Top-3 for the ET-Cup #12 is:

1. Sweden Rewind (Gosu.et)
2. Belgium Team-Helix (Agony Realm)
3. Latvia violence is bad (tank34)

Congrats Rewind!

image: hkt_1

Tonight we got a nice match for the ET-Cup #13 - The Semi Final for the cup goes between violence is bad and sYnod5-Gaming. After we saw Team-Helix winning yesterday against mine.eu, it's now time fot these 2 teams to fight for the last spot in the final.

Crossfire reaches 8000

Crossfire today became 8000 members strong and to celebrate our 8000th member we've added a new ubb feature for users to spa....enjoy!

Yup we've now added score through to the ubb code section and you can access it the same way as you can bold, italics and underline, using S instead of b, i or u.

Poland Miks was our 8000th member and to him we award a pair of Fusens underwear, congratulations!

Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge - Payment UPDATE

Following a few mix ups with the Paypal system and ever shortening deadline of needing to complete our full clan roster we have decided to now accept direct bank transfers as a method of payment.

We are now accepting lump sum bank transfers for the total of:

ET = 180 Euros for an ET team (6 X 30 Euros)
CoD = 150 Euros for a CoD team (5 X 30 Euros)

To make a bank transfer you will require the following details:

- Payments Made payable to: Crossfire
- IBAN: GB24MIDL 403913 21363751
- Swift/Bic Code MIDLGB2152H
- Sort Code 403913
- Bank: HSBC

The Prizefight payment page will remain open for the duration of the tournament offering an alternative route for those that have already started a transfer via that method. You can pay there using the information Here.
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