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ET-Cup #11 reaches it's final!

image: et-cup-xi493p

Tonight it's time for the Final of the 11th ET-Cup! With 2 great teams there'll be a nice show tonight. After elite have beaten Team infrag in the Semi-Final they came into this final, but also sYnod5 showed a great performance. s5-Gaming is more unknown than elite, they are the former sFx duaLity squad with not that known players but after there matches they showed alot of potential towards next CB season.

Both teams will fight for the honour to be the winner of our 11th ET-Cup tonight full covered by ETTV and Shoutcast!

Croatia elite.clan vs sYnod5 United Kingdom
Date: 25 June 2006
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: radar / supplydepot2
ETTv: GamesTV.org
Shoutcast: Germany FlyingDJ

image: game695

elite.clan lineup:
Austria day_
Croatia raptus
Estonia reload
Austria sick
Sweden smutzig/eddie
Croatia ZL1NkO

sYnod5 lineup:
United Kingdom Andeh
United Kingdom Bucky
United Kingdom DaForce
United Kingdom DarK
Ireland mthd
United Kingdom MuD

The match for the bronze final will not be showed on ETTV because ELE are expecting a ping fuckup again during the World Cup game which will start at 21CET too.

Besides this, ET-Cup is going to host there 12th ET-Cup straight after this. There will come an 3on3 cup, free for all. Today and tomorrow we'll discuss the details, then we'll probably post full information about it tomorrow!

If you have any further questions you can pm an op on #ET-Cup. Good luck and Have fun.

Roll on QuakeCon...

After a very nervous wait for alot of QuakeCon regulars which has been filled with the fair bit of controvsery and worry, the final dates and location for the event have been annouced.
image: quakecon05
August 3rd to the 6th
Hosted at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas

Although this is good news for the BYOC crowd, there is still worry for any competitive team that is interested in going as the QuakeCon staff still havn't released the list of games that will be played at the event except for this lovely little piece of information

QuoteThe public’s first chance to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

Now seeing as E3 already had a demo for ET:QW, it seems that QuakeCon will have a full playable version of the game, so if you want to get a sneak peak at what the game is like before it's released to the masses then go book your ticket!

Heres what Athrax said

QuoteWe know you all have been waiting to find out about QuakeCon 2006, and we want to thank you for your patience. We’ve had some unexpected issues locking in the dates and location, but don’t worry, we’re still bringing you another kick-ass QuakeCon event, and it’s already right around the corner - August 3 – 6 in Dallas, TX at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in their Trinity Exhibition Center.

With about 1,800 BYOC spots, QuakeCon 2006 will be a bit more exclusive than it has been the last couple of years, but we hope people will enjoy the more personal touch this year. QuakeCon 2006 will of course include all the great activities that it’s known for, including high-stakes tournaments, workshops, exhibitors, the BYOC Area, parties, and the public’s first chance to play Enemy Territory: Quake Wars.

First-come, first-served online registration for the BYOC area will kick off at 9 p.m. EST on Wednesday, June 28th, 2006, at www.quakecon.org.

To read the full article click here

Enter Ferus...

2nd Place at Optihack, Eurocup X Gold Medal, Eurocup XI Gold Medal, former iNfensus member, oh and all that before he was 16!image: DSC00800
Sweden FeruS has come back to his roots and has gotten back to the business he does best. The most successful Swedish ET player has joined up with Eurocup semi finalists Northern Darkness in a bid to secure Eurocup Gold. As for ND, they saw this an oppourtunity to get an extra nationality on their roster, that and replace gmx

I caught up with the lovable swede for a quick chat about his return and ND's Eurocup prospects.

QuoteWell, around 1-2 weeks ago i was at an party, i came home, and started to chat a bit with irZ. And she got me into installing ET again, played a bit and it was pretty fun. So wednesday night kris messaged me if i was interesting to play finish EC for them and i thought it was going to be fun to play a bit again. And since i have hurt my back and cant drive cross anymore at the moment or do any 'rough things' i got some free time again. Well, i think we have a great chance of taking home the gold. But since im in an CS(1.6) ladder with prizemoney wich im competing with my irl mate, that doesnt end until the 27th, we wont be able to practise that much until our first eurocup match.

As for how long you'll see one of ET's all time greats?
QuoteI would guess only until eurocup ends, so thats max 2 matches, so its just temporary.

Blink and you'll miss him so watch closely as Ferus and his new Northern Darkness teamates take on Crossfire Kings of the Hill Germany RiZe next Thursday in the Eurocup Semi Final. It was Spring 2005 when u96d added Intact and Ferus to their roster late in the Eurocup Cup season and they came up trumps, will history repeat itself?
Read on for a small interview with the Swede

Crow Interviews Mitox

After a thrilling Eurocup Playoff match Ireland crow took time out to interview man of the match Belgium Mit0x of TeK-9.

TeK-9 rounded off a stunning comeback with victory over benelux rivals DigitalMind, who were huge favourites going into this match. TeK-9 however showed their age and their class with a vintage performance that reminds many of yester-year.
Now that TeK-9 are back active after a month off for exams, it still remains to be seen whether they can go all the way and make the final four and secure a place at the lan finals for Eurocup.

QuoteCrow: What was the key to your victory, before the game the whole team seemed down?

Mitox: Well yeah, before the game we had davy with his connection problems. He pinged out in middle of the game and we had to get Seifer to play instead. And just the lack of practice and when we practice we had zero teamplay. But when ecu turned on his speakers and played Bryan Adams - We're Gonna Win the team spirit was amazing. Even when we were 2-7 behind we still kept going and we just didn't give up.

You can read the full article Here

Thursday Is “Yank Fight” Night

America, it’s a land of fast food, big cars and trigger happy presidents – there’s nowt they love more than shooting stuff. And tonight Dale, is no different. We’ve got not one, but two Grand Finals for your viewing pleasure.

Kicking off the night is a feast of three versus three ETTV goodness. The teams are Spookhouse and Rebels With A Cause. I caught up with TWL admin Canada Prophet to get his view on the likely winner “I really have no idea, there's a couple of good players on spook's roster, but I have not seen one of them in months. I don't know much about rwc, but I hear they have some good shots and 3s isn't as predictable as 6s, in my opinion I think rwc might pull it out, if their top players show up”

United States of America Spookhouse vs. United States of America Rebels With A Cause

Time: 22:00 EST / 04:00 CET
Maps: Tba
ETTV: (90 slots) & (90 slots)

With the formalities over, United States of America h3rf brings us a competition that might make some people wee themselves with delight, whilst it makes me cry. A competition dedicated to that overplayed map that we love to hate, or hate to love. It’s the Shootout On Supply Enemy Territory tournament.

The hot favourites and household name is Warped Sanity, having finished joint 5th/6th with those loveable Aussies Australia Modus Operandi at Quakecon. These guys where the surprise package defeating a hotly tipped Team Darkside in the losers bracket, having been knocked down there by eventual runners up United 5.ET. How they’ll perform is anyone’s guess, can they rekindle that form and take the title?

United States of America Warped Sanity vs. United States of America Commission
Time: 23:00 EST / 05:00 CET
Map: Supplydepot2 (dur)
ETTV: (90 slots) &

Insomniacs and no lifers alike should rejoice!

Excello 64 Player Warsow Cup

image: 53_bigIt's the flavour of the year! With the huge surge of players picking warsow up is already enough to justify a cup, the lack of critisism for a game aimed at electronic sports is indeed very rare. Although there are some Minor changes to be made to the game but overall it's size, availability and community are encouraging the rest to atleast try this game.

Excello are always looking to repay the community and with the success of our last Excello Quake4 invite cup accompanied by the fact that alot of our members picking up this game and playing for fun it only fuelled our descision to create this cup. At the moment it's a one time thing but if it proves to be a success then we may be holding more community cups for Warsow.

Steelseries a dedicated supporter of teamexcello, will be associated with the tournament as always, and we will be providing a Steelpad 5L, it is indeed a small prize but it's the biggest ever prize for warsow yet!!!

The Cup is public, but we invited 3 players who accepted the chance to play, Netherlands Vo0, recently retired pro gamer will be playing in this cup along with Bulgaria K0Li0 and United Kingdom tom.

The Excello Warsow Community Cup (EWCC) will start Friday the 23rd at 6pm BST with TGS providing a shoutcast, participants are still welcome!

Information can be found here or visit #excello.warsow

ET-Cup #11 to the Semi-Finals

image: et-cup-xi493p
After we passed the 1/8 and the quarter finals for this 11th ET-Cup edition, we're going to start with the half finals tonight. Tonight there will be 2 matches for the ET-Cup semifinals.

After Team infrag won nicely against the new belgium AgonyRealm, they're going to play versus elite, who won there quarter final match against Reliably.et. The second match will be between sYnod5 who unexpeced have beaten the new Morrigu team. sYnod5 will have to win against the Israelian clan Elementals who didn't had much problems in the playoffs so far.

Tonight on ETTV the 2 Semi-Finals:
image: game691

Czech Republic Team-Infrag vs elite.clan Croatia
Date: 22 June 2006
Time: 20:00 CET
Maps: TBA / TBA, both chosen by the clans.
ETTv: GamesTV.org

image: game692
United Kingdom sYnod5 vs Elementals Israel
Date: 22 June 2006
Time: 21:00 CET
Maps: TBA / TBA, both chosen by the clans.
ETTv: GamesTV.org

If you have any further questions you can pm an op on #ET-Cup. Good luck and Have fun.

FlyingDJ Moves Over To GIGA2

image: UlikurzToday a good friend of mine announced his departure of Inside The Game. Germany FlyingDJ has been asked to join GIGA2 to help make it strong. After a lot of talks FlyingDJ has decided to go for it. This will also means we wont be seeing him around that much. Ofcourse this breaking news could not go unnoticed, and I decided to catch up with FlyingDJ for an interview. Here's what he had to say:

So mr DJ, this is your going away interview, but let's start by telling how you actually got here. How did you become a shoutcaster and when did you join iTG?
QuoteIt's actually not as big a deal as one might think. I started casting with the final of the tF Cup, wA! vs. uQ. I kept going, I got flamed, I received praise, and I really loved it. So I worked on my style, my grammar, my vocab and eventually applied to iTG. I became a part of iTG at the end of March 2006. The rest is history, as they say.

Prey Demo Released!

image: 41697-prey
Although this strictly has nothing to do with RTCW or COD, crossfire is now "A Gaming Community", so that shouldn't matter.

Prey has been touted as the next big thing in multiplayer deathmatch gaming in certain circles, it's revolutionary new gravity switching, strange weapons systems, and beautiful graphics mean that it could not only appeal to sponsors, but to gamers alike. The single player is reportedly not too shabby either, with the same revolutionary physics and weaponry, it's sure to keep us ADD gamers occupied for, what, minutes?

As a special bonus, it does look like the developers have considered proffesional play: the inclusion of hitsounds, and other tournament features, means that the desperate need for modding in other games, might not be so in Prey!

You can download this exciting leap in FPS gaming from the following locations:


RTCW League reborn

The (new) RTCW-League will be played in the old league-system. In season one only 3on3 will be played, because hoefully most clans will manage to build a team with 3 players.Clans will be devived in groups after strength and the league-system looks like a pyramid (one first or premier, two second leagues and so on). The first 3 of every group will win a (virtual) cup, the first 2, maybe 3 of every group will reach a higher league, the last 2 or 3 will have to play in a lower league next season.
So far the old system.

Statment of an Admin:
We don`t believe, that enough RTCW-clans will participate to fill more than 2 groups. Therefore here is the important renewal:
The same season is running for ET, but the special is to use a RTCW-like config: no mines, no rifle, no XP-System, faster fire-rate and so on, with other words RTCW based on ET.

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