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The show must go on

image: logo
After a change by the team leader, Portugal Qkr headed up a new team that shows promise for the future and will be representing Team SixthSense from now on.

6s.et are:

Portugal Qkr (ex 6s) captain
Portugal jet (ex 6s)
Portugal sajk (ex mYr)
Portugal setupj (ex uP)
Portugal arto (ex gamesense)
Portugal mno (ex gamesense, k1ck)
Portugal d0g (ex gamesense)

With the current Clanbase cups already well underway, the team is forced to compete in other leagues until the next season, however will be prepared and ready when called upon.

6s were quoted as saying:

QuoteAt SixthSense we are confident they will do a good follow up on our former team performance and maybe bring in some new achievements.

IRC: #6s on Quakenet
team sixthsense website

Goliath find their new home!

The team that we all originally know as goliath left rewind just a week ago. The main reason for this move were some major problems within the rewind management and the lack of suppport the organisation could offer them.
We all know that goliath have had an amazing start this season, qualifying for EuroCup with a 4-2 win against Poland WoW and winning 3 matches out of 4 over at warleagues, taking the second place after Germany riZe.
And then perhaps the most surprising result just this thursday, taking a 4-2 win against, according to many the only real challengers for Estonia idle, Europe deMiurge.

After their departure from Europe rewind, Goliath have been looking out for a new roof above their heads and have now finally found one that truly matches with their results of late.


Without further ado, I would like to present to you Europe Northern Darkness . ET:

Netherlands team-nd kris
Croatia team-nd aCoZz (teamleader)
Estonia team-nd asd.
Slovenia team-nd Jakazc
Croatia team-nd gmx
France team-nd emoReJ
Belgium team-nd dAv1d

and Netherlands team-nd rbnt (manager of nd.et)

I have gathered a statement from both teamleader Croatia aCoZz and from manager of Northern Darkness Netherlands Reckstar.


We have been working incredibly hard together these past few months to get this team on the level we are now. I am very satisfied with what we have reached and with nd behind us I feel we will only be able to push our performance further.


We're glad that the negotiations finished in both parties advantage. We as Northern Darkness scouted several teams as possible addition to our already succesfull line-up of teams. Looking back on all those teams, I think we made the right choice by adding this talented squad as our ND.ET squad because of the potential they showed us the last weeks. We hope this will turn out into a succesfull co-operation in the upcomming time we spend together.

I wish the team good luck for the rest of this season and I hope it will be long lasting cooperation.

Idle #nd.
For Northern Darkness website click here

The witch hunt continues

Not long ago the ET-player United Kingdom razz was permanently banned from both ClanBase and WarLeagues activities. The witch hunt for cheaters has ever since continued on the European Enemy Territory scene; people crying out Cheat!!!111... left and right; of course some being busted for cheating.

Now the activity has moved on to the mother of ET, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as the player Sweden bhstyle[niggah]/nackjee was banned from WarLeagues today, with the following statement from WL:

QuoteWe do not tolerate anyone that cheats and if you do you will eventually be caught red handed. bhstyle[niggah]/nack was busted for .dll mismatching and he is guid is now currently banned on warleagues and all PBBANS streamed servers.

And further on it continues:
QuoteRemember - Cheating will not be tolerated and we will hunt you down if you do so. We are on an aggressive lookout for cheating clans/players. We have a zero tolerance limit for cheaters and no-one that is using any kind of cheat should feel safe, because we will come for you!

There has been several journals and columns lately on Crossfire about cheating, which might lead to the questions: When will this witch hunt end? And will it ever end?

- WarLeagues.

A Violent Day 2

The afternoon a brand new fragmovie by viol popped up at swertcw. I have just watched it and I must say it contains some very impressive frags:

~A Violent Day 2~

This is the long awaited movie A Violent Day 2, performed by the
player Germany viol. If you liked the first part, you will _love_ the second part: it contains frags only against top clans, older ones and newer ones too. There is spam action stuff for lame guys, but also fast reacted + aimed frag scenes for the ugly ppl out there ;)

Click for more info and to download!

ESL federations cup finals

image: 23831 The german federations cup optimized your mothers day last week. 8 clans qualified from the groupstage to get in the playoffs. Today we are going to see the 8 best federal states of germany fighting for the crown of the cup.

Who will be the winner?
With chaoz, clawfinger, gambit and butch playing for Germany Bavaria.et and Germany nrw.et with duke_, conan, ohzora and evil we have another favourit and the last seasons winner.

Feel free to get the total package of yermans power, check out GamesTV.org for the full coverage of the upcoming matches.

image: game554 image: game555 image: game556

In addition, feel free to check out ESL.et Page for the recent reviews and all matches.
- Quater Final (Match1)
- Half Final (Match2)
- Final (Match3)

QuakeWars acclaim heightens

image: the-annual-e3-awards-2006-20060518023448382 Despite never having played it, the casual ET player sitting at home and looking at gameplay promo vids seems decidedly dismissive of the forthcoming Splash Damage offering, with users continuing to give their views on one of the more recent journals.

Cuba vaGgi thinks that ET:QW sucks hard, whilst Austria n3co went for the similar no-nonsense approach, by advising us that et:qw = poo. Yet those who have actually played it, appear in the majority to like it, even if United Kingdom TosspoT doesn`t reckon it`s what this community wants.

One such name includes GameSpy, who have praised the game no end as part of their Annual E3 Awards program. The Awards sort games by a variety of different categories, including Best of Show, Best Multiplayer, Best PC game, and so on. Whatever the type of audience that will enjoy this game when it is eventually released, GameSpy judged it good enough to be awarded overall Best Multiplayer Game of 2006, and the fourth best game in the entire expo, from a guestlist that included both PC and console offerings:
Quote...in our brief playtesting time, we felt like we'd only begun to scratch the surface of all the different tactics that might be available on that map.
Obviously the issue with ET:QW we all want to know is how good it will be, but the question we should really be asking is how good a game it is overall, regardless of my personal preferences. And with awards like this coming it`s way, ET:QW looks certain to at least please some people this summer.

Game 'n shizz, yo.

Following the close of Season 1 of the Hip-Hop Gaming League (HHGL), Ryan Ford of the GGL went to interview the self-titled commissioner, United States of America Snoop -Commish- Dogg, to chat about the unprecedented event which saw rappers and hip-hop artists transcend through Hollywood to play games and get down with their homies.

Although not Wolf related, or anything to do with xfire, the combination of gaming and Snoop Dogg giving an `articulate`- not interview was too good an opertunity to pass up being on the frontpage.

image: IMG_2331

Here be an extract, word.

Do you have plans to continue your role as Commissioner?

I`ma have to get in it, man. I can`t let these dudes go ahead and keep winning this shit. And I just gotta host? (INDISCERNABLE) that! I gotta get in and put my hand down.

Improve your Friday night by reading the full article. :>

AusTourney RTCW Cup Results

image: moatchamps8ri

On Sunday May the 14th Australian RTCW clans got back together for a comeback to RTCW, in the first competition for the game in years down under. The competitors included past RTCW champions of Australia, Team.dot and Intel sponsored Team Immunity. It also included several teams with highly rated Enemy Territory teams, featured among these were Quakecon participants Team Modus Operandi. There were to be three rounds played, single elimination on Base, Ice and finally Beach.

Unfortunately two of the higher seeded teams came up short with numbers come game time, however an oldschool RTCW night continued on unabated.

The highlight of the tournament was said to be MO vs Elevation, a game which featured 4 players from the MO ET Quakecon squad - 2 on each side. It made for a fast paced and close game and demos are available on the MO website.

Overall it was a great tournament, run by great admins and made for a lot of fun. Fitting that it was on Mothers day here in AU, as the game was the mother of many of our gaming careers. Long live RTCW!

Final Standings:

1. Australia Team Modus Operandi
2. Australia Death Kill Verification
3. Australia Elevation
3. Australia Illusion

AusTourney RTCW Cup Bracket
MO POV Demos
MO Website

#modus-operandi @ qnet

sykotic presents its brand new ET team

After losing our first ET team to royal we've been on the move trying to find an equally good ET team, which was a hard task.

Today we feel we've finally found what we were looking for all this time.

syKotic is proud to present the following lineup:

Scotland Slash
Netherlands bubbu
Ireland h3
England jintah
Scotland kevlar
England lynx
Scotland vexx


sykotic site

Luger Frag - the ET show on Radio iTG!

image: lugerfrag

Do you find it hard to keep track of all the things going on in the ET community? Are you lost among all the information that seems to fly right by you? Do you think that ET finally needs a proper show on radio?
Well, don't be afraid, because there is a solution to all your problems - Luger Frag will air on Radio iTG, bringing you all the news and much more.

Immortalising the famous TosspoT quote from the EC XI final, the show will not only provide the hottest news but will as well contain some interesting features to keep you entertained. Guests will join us to be interviewed or provide information.
As a speciality, there will be a random, large public server that all the listeners are invited to join to have some gaming fun while listening to the show.

Sounds like a lot of hot air, you say? I agree. So let's just have a look at the first episode's schedule:

MVPs - who's the allrounder, who's the specialist?

We will take a look at ET's most brilliant players and analyse them. Who's capable of handling more than the needle and the SMG? Who has always played the same class and always will? Is there a player who suddenly changed the weapon he uses?

ET Quake Wars - worth a look or a piece of crap?

After E3 has ended, we know a lot more than we did before about QW. But will it be the saviour for all the bored ET players or is it a game that just doesn't cut it? What do those who have played it say? Might it bring attention back to ET?

EuroCup - who's in, who's out?

With three match weeks already gone by, we should have a look at the current situation. Any surprises, what does CBooky say, and who is most likely to progress to the next stage - the play-offs?

There will also be a map check each week - we pick a rather unknown map and show it to the public, including a server where you can test it.

This and much more will be featured in the first episode, airing on Sunday, May 21st, right after the KOTH game has finished. Luger Frag will return every Sunday at 22 CET, so be sure to check radioitg.com for the schedule.

At some points during the show, you will be able to contribute to the program by calling - either via Skype or via Ventrilo. Since Skype is just awesome quality and almost zero delay, it would be the best option.


Because of a traffic jam, LF will air at 23:00 CET tonight!

A website will be set up soon, you can find us in #lugerfrag on IRC!
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