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Let The Show Begin! *UPDATED*

image: templogoimage: name

So here we find ourselves, in the week preceding my birthday, staring into the void of the weekend without a game listed yet on the gtv schedule. And normally, no, there would be no problem with this - after all, the weekend is designed for visits to the `culbs`, for visiting your grannies, and for giving your fellow skinheads a good serving on the sports pitch. Hell, some of you make even mark the weekend by chucking an extra between-map dellekes into the frituurpan. Regardless of what you do, it`s all going to change this weekend. And why you probably wonder. After all, those dellekes sure are tasty. Well I`ll tell you why:

This weekend marks the opening match of the King of the Hill tournament so widely publicised in Crossfire ever since it`s first mention all those weeks ago. Because it`s the first week, we`re limiting it to only the one game, but I`m sure you`ll agree it`s rather more than just a tasty prospect!

image: e%5ebanner [img|left]http://www.warning-team.org/users/foonr/hx.jpg[/img]The two teams taking part are the formidable force of Croatia elite and the mighty Europe helix, both hoping to emerge with the coveted crown and title, King of Crossfire.

image: game533 We`re already arranging the ETTV, and hopefully soon a shoutcaster will join forces to make this a truely memorable first match for the KOTH format. Until then, all you need to know:

Match: Croatia elite vs Europe Team Helix
Date: Sunday, May 21st
Maps: sw_goldrush (hx), adlernest (elite)
Time: 21:30 CET
ETTV: GTV id / 533
Shoutcast: Listen - http://www.flyingdj.net:8000/listen.pls

So lets forget about all the hard work that has gone into getting this far, and lets just enjoy the action!

GGL Features ET Quakewars

The GGL's flamboyant writer and Americup winner Mahmood Ali has posted his first impressions of ET Quakewars on Clanbase.

QuoteThey cleared us out and we were pushed back into the tunnel, a good chokepoint to stop the MCV. I scrambled in there from my new spawnpoint and the Splash Damage employee advised me to use my rocket launcher again. I pulled out the beefy gun and disabled the MCV. Unfortunately, I couldn't switch in time to pull out my blaster, and was promptly mowed down by GDF infantry.

You can read the full item over here on Clanbase

Eurocup Tonight - Kujuneb vs. sFx Evil

ONE of the rum things about football is the way that the very best are so often the most beautiful. The most effective way of playing football so often pleases us, not only because it works supremely well, but because it also thrills us with its beauty…we are all gonna be watching the football right?

Apparently not. For the select (weird) few that decide against, Gamestv.org & ClanBase have once again teamed up to provide you with the very best Enemy Territory has to offer. Finland vs. Estonia, sFx Evil vs. kujuneb - the NC consolation final that never was.

The highly anticipated return of “rifle nading supreme” r3vers has proved somewhat anticlimactic, as kujuneb have looked awful so far this season. A defeat to Polewka in the opening week leaves them languishing at the bottom of Group C. And the recent defection of Estonia asd only compounds what has been a miserable few weeks for them.

sFx Evil however, seem to be hitting form. Recently overpowering Polewka in their opening encounter, and although losing to Team Helix, have since had that result overturned and awarded a victory thanks to the actions of United Kingdom razz. Meaning sFx Evil are your current Group C leaders, having played 2 won 2 - needing just one more win to guarantee a playoff spot.

As ever the FlyingDJ will be on hand to provide another excellent shoutcast.

Finland sFx Evil 0 4 Estonia kujuneb

Time: 20:30 CET
Maps: Supplydepot2 & Frostbite
ETTV: Gamestv.org
Shoutcast: iTG FlyingDJ

Last night Estonia idle.ee where the first team to secure their place in the playoffs thanks to a comfortable 4 0 win over Sweden noll8.

In related news, there‘s a scandal brewing - CB admin United Kingdom Adacore was recently photographed wearing a demiurge shirt…

ESL Federations cup incoming for germany

[img|left]http://gfx.esl-europe.de/gfx/news/teaser/23000/23831.jpg[/img]Today, we are going to present you some more or less interesting matches in ettv. The esl germany is going to present you the german federation cup in order with some matches.
This will be the groupstage for the cup on this weekend and we are going to present you 3 matches of this in the upcoming hours.

You can find all details of the upcoming cup on the following pages:
- ESL News (de)
- Cuppage
- Rankings
- Match 1: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=511
- Match 2: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=512
- Match 3: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=513

image: game511 image: game512 image: game513

Get your mother ready to give her the best possible present with a cup off coffee and some ettv!

Eurocup ETTV tonight

Not one to disappoint, Gamestv brings us 3 exciting Eurocup matches this evening, with plenty of ettv slots for anyone to tune in.

First Match

In the first match of the night we will see if Estonia idle.ee, after winning their first match against Germany vae, can justify the widespread opinion of being the best team in this Eurocup. We will also see if Europe Maybe can recover after their loss to Sweden Noll8 and make a dent in the strong Estonian side.

Competition: ET Eurocup XIII group A
Maps: Adlernest \ Radar
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=496
Shoutcast: http://www.flyingdj.net:8000/listen.pls - English || http://radio.pr3dators-klan.com/ - Polish
Score: Estoniaidle.ee 4 - 0 EuropeMaybe

Second Match

The second match for tonight will consist of Czech Republic Singularity taking on Hungary Underscore. Both teams lost their first match, making this one important if one of them is to advance to the playoffs.

Competition: ET Eurocup XIII group B
Maps: Adlernest \ Radar
Time: 21:00 CET
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=489
Shoutcast: None at the moment
Score: Match cancelled

Third Match

An hour later, Europe Helix will no doubt be eager to win against Poland Fear Factory, to prove that despite having their 4-2 victory against Finland SFX changed to a forfeit loss and despite losing one of their players, they are still serious contenders in this Eurocup.

Competition: ET Eurocup XIII group C
Maps: Adlernest \ Radar
Time: 22:00 CET
ETTV: http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=490
Shoutcast: http://listen.radioitg.com/listen1.pls - English || http://radio.pr3dators-klan.com/ - Polish
Score: EuropeHelix 4 - 0 PolandFF

The map combination of the old trusty Radar and the shiny new Adlernest will surely make for some interesting matches tonight, so don't miss it.

League Statements Regarding razz

Having consulted their Cheating and Abuse section the ClanBase admins have finally released an official statement regarding razz. Spain DoneX writes:

QuoteFollowing reports that EuroCup player United Kingdom razz was or is currently using external disallowed hacks, ClanBase has issued a full permanent player ban. The use of such tactics to improve gameplay is strictly prohibited by ClanBase regardless of whether or not it is during an official match.

As per ClanBase rules, razzs participation in any ClanBase league or cup is forbidden. Clans fielding disallowed or banned players are themselves liable to permanent bans and removal from ClanBase competitions.

While Europe Team - Helix will remain in the EuroCup as razz himself was considered a player and not a senior member or leader, all matches involving razz will be forfeited. Helixs clanleader has complied with ClanBase in removing razz from their lineup.

PunkBuster Screenshots:

[*] 1
[*] 2
[*] 3

This means that Finland sFx Evil will take a forfeit 1 0 victory in Group C, leaving helix joint bottom having played one match.

We advise any players unsure about the legality of a tweak or external program to contact a ClanBase admin for clarification, you should always be under the presumption that a program isn’t allowed - and risk being banned if you use it. Ignorance is never an excuse.



Team Helix are currently competing in the Premier Division of Warleagues Season VI. They have echoed the sentiments of ClanBase and issued razz with a permanent ban from all competitions. All matches involving razz for Team Helix are now defaulted.

This is an extract from a news post over at Warleagues:

QuoteWe would like to point out that cheaters will get a permanent ban on Warleagues, without further discussion. Team Helix clan has been informed that they can still participate in the Cup as razz himself has been kicked from the clan.

Further more, the game Team Helix vs Tank Thirty Four in Season VI where razz was fielded, Tank Thirty Four gets a def. win 0-2 instead of the 2-0 for Team Helix as Warleagues states that recent games where the cheating player was fielded, get a def. win for the other team!



Team Helix has also been competing in the ESL, with their match versus Germany vae recently televised live on GIGA TV. ESL head admin has released this statement regarding razz.

QuoteTeam Helix and Vicious and Evil played one of the most important matches for the ET Scene 2 weeks ago. Since drago told me, to make some punkbusterscreenshots of razz on this game, I made them and published them to him and the esl admin team.
In this official, razz didn't use any tools for a better optic. The ESL hx team is not effected in any point of the stupid acts of his player, cause there was no point of prove in the official matches at the ESL. Razz recived a barrage for his cheats and is banned for the upcoming years in the ESL.

Crossfire's King Of The Hill

image: kothlogo6or

We have been through the wars here at Crossfire, plagued by downtime and a few unfortunate individuals who seek to abuse the trust given to them with such a site. Nevertheless, we are back, the bugs are being busted, and with them too comes the resurgeance of the KOTH which garnered so much publicity when it was first announced, all those weeks ago.

Now however the site has returned to something close to its former glory, and we judge it as good a time as any to open the competition once and for all. But to do that, we need you, the players, to place your challenges to become the very first King of Crossfire. A web-based challenge system will be on its way, but until that happens, please submit your challenges to an op in #crossfire (BNC messages get logged! ;>). The deadline for challenges is Tuesday May 16th 20:00 CET, with the schedule being published on the same day.

If you need a refresh of the format, or have any questions, just refer to the KOTH article which I wrote recently. Readmore reveals the current clans involved in the competition. Good look to all teams!

HighBot.et is back in buisness under Royality.

image: 200602182121252lc

HighBot.et is back! After some changes we decided to play together again.

It was a shock for the team after 8 weeks of hard work to drop out in the qualification for the Eurocup.

But the time is ripe to begin afresh and the team around fireBall got an offer by royality, which is a very lucrative clan.
The old team gets support from 2 very known players.

After one year of break Raqtor and the little more known player sacctji, who was the leader of team.de and played for kojak, are playing for the team again.

Royality.et is going to participate in the Opencup in Group E and will fight against Clans like KKP , WoW , and Razer.
Furthermore they will play in Warleagues Premier League and take part in some Cups.

The old Highbot.et team, which is now playing for royality, consits of:

Turkey roYality | fireBall (C) (HighBot)
Russia roYality | humM3L (HighBot)
Germany roYality | haZer (HighBot)
Germany roYality | jiggy (HighBot)
Netherlands roYality | sacctji (Kojak.et)
Poland roYality | z3R0 (HighBot)

You can contact them in #rY.et @ quakenet. They are searching no new players and its invite only.

roYality eSports

Statement by Manager humM3L:

Quote I'm very proud to play with HB.et again.
We aim to place as high as possible in this OpenCup and to try and get an invite to the next EuroCup.
This is our main objective at the moment.
Other goals we have include staying in the Premium League and to try and win some other cups on the way.
I dont think its a shame not to be in th EC and I doubt that we are still an underdog.
I hope our two new players will settle fast and that we can provide some surprises in the future.

logitech vs eSr (After the win of eSrael)


In Game ET:QuakeWars Footage

Over on esreality United States of America RogerR1 of Planetquake.net has posted a video recording live from E3.

QuoteThis 6 minute High Definition movie will give you a never before seen glimpse into real ET: QuakeWars gameplay, not some pre-rendered demo video. You will see medics handing out health and engineers repairing tanks along with many other cool gameplay aspects.

As you’ve most likely already seen from our man on the ground over at E3… ‘just in from TosspoT: “The TosspoT ET Quakewars verdict: ET:Quakewars officially not for the ET community.” We’re promised a more detailed review shortly

Judge for yourself:

[*] High Quality (269 MB)

[*] Low Quality (21 MB)

It’s rumoured that an online playable demo will be released for download sometime this week.

Introducing the new riZe.ET

image: new_etteam

Team-Beta have become the latest addition to the riZe Gaming Ltd family. The squad consists of:

Germany pumu
Germany butchji
Germany keran
Germany hatred
Germany ernie
Germany elc
Netherlands licid


Germany pumu
“We are happy to have joined up with riZe Gaming LTD. We consider this as a huge step forward for us and the ET scene, with yet another huge MGC taking interest. Now we can concentrate more on our play, to improve and hopefully become extremely successful under the riZe flag.”

United Kingdom Billy “Genui” Smith, projects director of riZe Gaming LTD
“After leading the project of taking on team-beta I have become familiar with the team and we as an organisation have come to a decision to incorporate them into our organisation. After several weeks of research into the community, I felt there was only one real choice as to who to take on as riZe.et and I’m sure they’ll have no problem living up to the name. I’d like to wish them a long and successful career under the riZe gaming name and would appreciate it if you could show your support."

riZe Gaming
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