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Matias takes the Gold!

image: 29zqew

The second edition of the Crossfire Draft Tournament has ended! Finland Matias took on Netherlands xPERiA in the Grand Final to eventually take home the trophy for best Draft Team. Previous CDT winner Latvia Clown placed 3rd after a steady looking journey through the playoffs, before being knocked down to the Losers Bracket and then out of the entire tournament by Team xPERiA. Sadly Clown's first pick France kARn4J wasn't available to play, originally he was replaced by France kartez until the Losers Bracket Final where fragmovie superstar Slovakia filuS filled in.

Crossfire Draft Tournament II

image: 29zqew

The second edition of the Crossfire Draft Tournament kicks off in a little under two hours time, where 8 teams will battle it out in a double elimination bracket! 7 new captains have come into the fold with the sole aim of dislodging Captain Clown off his thrown as he tries to defend the title as current CDT Champion.

The teams were decided by the captains of each team who had to pick one player each in turn until everyone had 6 in their lineup. The player poule was based on who signed up being available. Below you can see the first round of games as well as each teams lineup.

ESL New Titans Versus Old Titans

image: winterseasonbannersmall

Nothing But Skillz is probably most active top team at the moment will face 'Cash Please' a team full of old school Allstars. One thing is for sure, its going to be an exciting match!. I will give you an overview of the latest matches of both teams. I also asked some of the players for their predicitions.Enemy Territory Television is also part of the reason I'm writing this.

CDT Backups & Brackets!

image: 29zqew

The Brackets are up! Last night the teams for CDT2 were formed by the captains of the 144 signups. Some picks more notable than others, one thing is for sure, we'll be seeing some highly action-packed matches tomorrow evening!

BeNe-Cup bracket clash!

image: 484benecupbanner

After 3 rounds of forfeits and forced matches it's time to really start the cup!The poule phase is over now and we went to the Bracket rounds..

CDT2 Team Formations

image: 29zqew

Drafting Process TODAY!

Upon changing the cup system to Open Signups, this has boosted the number of players in the Poule from the 48 invited players in CDT1 to 144 signups for CDT2. This gives each captain a very big choice over players, I'm quite sure nobody will be unhappy with their team and nobody will be 'forced' to play with anyone they don't want to.

Crossfire Draft Tournament II Signups Open!

image: 29zqew

Following the success of CDT1, the second edition of the Crossfire Draft Tournament is ready for the competitive ET community! Captains, Players and Spectators alike all seemed happy with the tournament. For those who didn't follow the first tournament:

Crossfire Draft Tournament I
  • Latvia Team Clown[/b]]
    Latvia Clown
    Germany Bl4d3
    Belgium dAv1d
    Canada monkey
    Germany sTOWNAGE
    Italy XyLoS

  • Estonia Team Night[/b]]
    Estonia Night
    Estonia frEeze
    United Kingdom koop
    Estonia Raul
    Finland Squall
    Germany urtier

  • Belgium Team Kevin[/b]]
    Belgium Kevin
    Germany butchji
    Poland dialer
    Belgium Gifted
    Finland Iron
    Netherlands saKen

Sunday NationsCup day - Share your predictions!

image: cb

One thing is sure, this Sunday you have enough to watch. We got 6 NationsCup games coming up. We are in the first round of the Playoffs. On Thursday 2 matches already got played. Turned out to be PolandPoland 4-0 Czech RepublicCzech Republic and NorwayNorway 2-4 FranceFrance. I'm going to give you a short review on the latest matches of the playing teams. Aswell a look up to their upcoming opponents. I got a bunch of predicitions for you aswell gathered by GermanySPU9.
With the help of the community we will probably do an other live update!

Missile_b4 Cup

image: missilec

Since GermanyeiM and Netherlands xeoxis released Beta4 of Missile, this gives a perfect occasion to make a cup dedicated to this map in order to give them some feedback, pushing who project towards the final version of the map. Rules are pretty simple, each rounds teams fight their way to the final on Missile_b4, in case of double fullhold decider will be frostbite.

xFx.eSports to win CG Premier League?

image: 2a4r9tc

In what could well be the deciding game for the Premier league, xFx.eSports will take on Horses for the crown of Premier league champions. The winner will walk away with $400 and the MvP will also be announced shortly after the game, taking home $50.
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