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CB NationCup XV: First Playoffs

image: ncxv_medium

LIVE:[list][*] 22.58 CET France gained their self-confidence back and improved their whole gameplay. Tank already destroyed the bank doors, gold got taken and truck is driving with more than 11 minutes left. GG`s coming from both sides. So 4-2 for France Team France [*] 22:53 France established a superb bank defence, it was impossible for Norway to take to gold. Now the pressure is on the frog`s shoulders. they have to set a time. Otherwise we will see a second decider! [*]22:45 Poland was too strong for the Czech`s. 4-0 for Poland Team Poland[*] 22:40 CET Another sneaky action by Snuble brought Norway the tank - 12:38 left on the clock![*] 22:34 CET sw_goldrush_te will be the decider for France vs. Norway (Norway is attacking) and Poland have done another fullhold on Radar just as a small sidenote[*]22:29 CET France is pushing and Norway is in trouble. We most likely go for a decider![*]22:25 CET In the meantime Poland have done a fullhold @ tank. So 2:0 for Poland and Radar should start in a few minutes [*]22:23 CET Norway was able to do a last minute escape. Time set to 14:27. France now attacking![*]22:20 CET Although skAldE was able to sneak through and build the crane controls the truck is stuck inside the base.[*]22:16 CET Snuble and co were able to capture the flag, build cp and open to gates as well as driving the truck to the crane controls and still 7 minutes left on the clock. France really have to improve their teamplay![*]22:11 CET Norway Norway just won Missile against France France and Supply is going to be played right now.
[*]22:08 CET Poland Poland set a ~12 minutes time on Goldrush and Czech Republic CZE is currently attacking but it seems not that good with just another 6 minutes left on the clock and still no tank for the Czechs!

Missile Beta4

image: missile
Astonishing 29 months after the last beta release of Missile we are happy that the map has recently made its way back into the competition mappools. Thus, with the feedback gathered, we decided to pick it up again and create an improved Beta 4.
Major changes are listed below and screenshots of all changes are attached. We would love to get as much feedback as possible to get this map into a final stage soon ;)

connect; password missile


ESL Winter League - a.ToOn vs. tMoe!

image: grush

LIVE:[list][*]aToOn just won Supply and sw_goldrush_te is going to be played right now.
[*]aToOn`set 9.59 on Goldrush but tMoe managed to beat them!
[*]Off to a decider and Radar it is!
[*]aToOn just fullheld tMoe even again.
[*]tMoe didn't manage to hold aToOn off and lost with 4-2.[/list]

Library_b3 released!

image: 2Last week Austria BlAcky released a beta2 of his Library map but with the previous Library tournament, some player feedback as well as some bug fixing we are now able to release an improved version of this up and coming competition map. In case you want to see the cup replays (old b2 version) check
image: game31230 image: game31229

So without further ado here is the downloadlink for beta3: Library_b3 and YCN Hosting was kind enough to host a public to test the new map - IP:

Tuesday ESL 3v3 ET Games!

image: et1
By heading over to GamesTV.org the schedule for today seems very drowsy but with a closer look one will discover two very interesting ESL Winter League 3v3 playoff games with 1 of them being a "make-or-break" clash.
The first game I want to talk about is the winner bracket match between Europe randomZ and Netherlands Mouse Control. According to the ESL site both teams have won their first round games without any problems but tonight they will face new circumstances and after the sunset just one can advance. Personally I would bet my money on the all Dutch lineup consisting of three top players but we should never underestimate the new up and coming talent mental as well as one of the more known Belgian players chry and the "pracc hard go pro" player razz.

Next up is the above mentioned make-or-break game between Europe Queens and Europe wiSe-guys. I am sure that during the group games a lot of people have voted for Queens taking home the cup victory but with beeing beaten by mCon the are on the skids. By comparing the lineups on GamesTV it seems nearly impossible to predict a clear winner and with Artstar, phyZiC, stexx or sqzz playing for the Queens side their final lineup isn`t sure yet. Regardless of which plays it will not become a walk in the park for zMk, hunter and fanatic - that`s guaranteed!

Fervent Sunday ET Games!

image: coverage
Sunday evening treats us to what will hopefully be some high quality Enemy Territory action as the first lower round of the 6v6 ESL Winter League playoffs gets underway and the 2v2 winner bracket continues. Kicking things off early are the ambitious Germans Germany credibilis who take on the all French lineup Belgium Wolf Crazy Killers. Although this is a 2v2 game and some might say that`s not what Enemy Territory is about I would still keep an eye on it since we can see some nice aiming machines trying to get their two versus two trophy.

Clashing at roughly two hours later are Finland CodeLust and Europe Zero Empathy, the "new" home of inteRaction. Both teams claimed defeats in the upper playoffs and they really have to establish a superb performance - the one to be a bit under the weather will get no mercy and consequently leave the most attractive competition at the moment.

ESL Ladder Team of the Month

image: 174060We're glad to announce the start of a new cup series within our section. In order to gain more activity in the ladders, we have modified the mappool and also the rules so all players enjoy playing our ladders and we have also decided to create this monthly event to decide which team is the best in our ESL ladders! Every month we'll announce which ladder is in our sight, so you better sign up in all to be sure that you'll be part of this competition! Prizes are a must so keep on reading!

CB NationsCup XV: Playoffs

image: playoffbanner

With the group games finally behind us, the CB NationsCup XV is now moving on to the PlayOffs!

Congratulations to all teams that made it to the playoffs. We've seen some thrilling games, mostly those for second place in the group. Top teams might have been a little bored during the previous weeks, but it is now time to wake up and switch to serious mode in order to achieve the best possible result!

Library_b2 released now on BiO and Hide&Seek

image: 2

The beta 2 of library is here, after hard work of AustriaBlAcky I can proudly introduce the second beta of this hopefully new competion map. We recived a lot of feedback since the last two show matches, you can find the replays
image: game31075 image: game31095

#1 Download
#2 Download
#3 Download
#4 DownloadAfter downloading you can check the map out on a public server provided by United KingdomPotty from Wolfa Hosting
Public server: by Wolfa hosting.
BiO with Library:
eLemenT'Hide'N'Seek with Library:
With the upcoming Library tournament of tomorrow(16-02-12) we are hoping for even more feedback, constructive criticism is more than welcome. You can give the feedback over at #Library @ Quakenet. There is still room for more teams to jion this one day cup you can sign up here and find more information about the tournament here

Adroits ET Masters

It's been over 8 months since ET has seen any sort of notable LAN action. The last event of course being SAGE where Anexis took the win. Since then, it looks like the community has settled back into the 6on6 format for online tournaments. In order to not rock the boat, we've decided to make our return to ET and this time with a 6on6 offline tournament. Whilst the ET community may be familiar with the name "ET Masters", I'd like to clarify that it is in no way connected to the previous tournaments.

Read on for all the available information at this time.

Essential information overviewimage: logo
Dates: 2nd & 3rd June 2012 (09:00 each day)
Entry: €350 per team of 6
Slots: 16
Prize pool: €3,000
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