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JeeSports Open Today

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It has been a while since G-DATA's Saturday cup has been gone from Quake Live. As replacement the new installment of the JeeSports cup series is up and running for a felt decade already. The system from JeeSports is to gain points through regular cups and ladder to qualify for the monthly final with € 160.00 up for grabs.

Next to the monthly prize money the JeeSports Open held on Saturday offers a prize pool based on its sign ups. For a bracket of more than 128 players the organization offers € 100.00 prize money for the winner of the cup. If fewer players take part this pool is reduced by 25€ each bracket size (128, 64, 32).

Today the JeeSports Open for September will be live from 14.00 CET with everyone allowed to participate.

Streams: United Kingdom JeeSports TV, Russia Emire TV (both live later on)

A change in format? A change in activity. A change in number 1!

With the recent rise from the community regarding the format of Enemy Territory and its future, Clanbase was quick to revive the once prestigious "EuropeEnemy Territory 6on6 Stopwatch Ladder". With that announcement came a host of teams (more than 30) registering/signing themselves up to compete in the ladder within 10 days of the ladder revival.

The ladder once hosted some of Enemy Territory's most exciting teams including the likes of EstoniaIdle, FinlandSkit Evil, EuropeStronger than Hate etc. Back then it was considered a major achievement to be contending for that shiny golden ladder pictured next to your clan name.

With the recent revival comes a loss, with records of the old ladder including some of those names/teams mentioned above being erased from the glorious past. It seems that with the switch from 6v6 to 5v5 the ladder was deleted and so be it the teams, the reports, the scores! But its now time for the future and just recently Clanbase crowned its new 6on6 Ladder Champions. A team that is well renowned having members who have won prestigious tournaments such as Eurocup, a team that illustrates the newschool touch of the game and the ladder. That team is none other than FinlandKRP!

ESL Summer League Final!

image: 160071i The ESL 5v5 Summer League started with its first broadcasted game 3 months ago and since then the community were able to watch more than 120 intense Enemy Territory battles and tonight will bring us the grand final right on the screen with the crew of Netherlands Mouse Control fighting against the all-Polish side of Poland tMoe. Both teams have shown a great performance during the tournament and with beating clans like Bossid or RAAB they surely have deserved their final spot. According to the GamesTV.org schedule fanatic and co are more active but I am sure that the likes of Ati_ and joshua will get back in shape faster than the warmup timer counts.

Check the Read more section for the lineups and some community predictions and head over to GamesTV.org and save a slot for the last (?) exciting 5v5 battle this year!

K1ck.ET is back after summer break

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Now that the summer of 2011 is fading away fast, it's time for our EstoniaK1ck Enemy Territory team to resume activity. After a short stop for the vacations period, our Estonian guys got back some old acquaintances and they will come back right at the Clanbase Eurocup XXIV with a 6 man team, as the ET competitions have reverted to the 6on6 format once again.

More Downtime Incoming

image: downtimeDue to an upcoming server move, Crossfire will be OFFLINE tonight from around midnight for approximately an hour. Our engineers will be hard at work allowing us to migrate off our hosting with Heaven Media and onto our own. We apologise for this period of maintenance.

Update 2 - The website will be OFFLINE tonight (Sept 5th) from 23:00 CET as we complete the migration.

Update 3: We're moved!

Update 4: Having issues with cookies? They should resolve themselves within 48 hours.

#ET-Cup.com - Final standings!

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Our first 6v6 custom map ET-Cup is over. With 7 teams, more than 46 players and 4 matches live on GamesTV.org it was a really nice event. Not that big as expected but it was fun to admin, play and spec as far as I know. Both new maps showed some potential and according to the feedback I got from the players the final version of Pirate is more suited at the moment and to be honest I really enjoyed speccing the games due to some refreshing environments, nice positions and multi kills - especially the winning team - Poland b2k, had some great last minute "objective returned" moments during the whole cup. So I want to thank all the teams for their attendance and patience during the tournament and all the other people involved. In case you have missed the fast paced actions take a look on the GamesTV.org replays and let me know what you think about both maps!

Read More for the final standing and more information about upcoming events!

Crossfire Leaves Heaven Media

Crossfire.nu has today left the Heaven Media group and will now operate as an independent entity.

Despite the best efforts of both parties, we have come to the realisation that we are unable to assist Crossfire in reaching its full potential, and as such we cannot in good conscience continue along the road we are on. The right, and sensible, action for Heaven Media to take is to hand back ownership of Crossfire, to give the community what they need.

Mark Reed, Chairman of Heaven Media, said: "Whilst we have made efforts to engage and grow Crossfire it hasn't resulted in the success we had hoped for. Having reached a fork in the road as to where next to go, we decided in the interests of the Crossfire community to release the site from the Heaven Media group."

Stuart Saw stated: "The Heaven Media opportunity was one that was too good to turn down. Unfortunately, the operational realities of the deal proved that eventually both parties were losing out from the relationship. We've taken the decision to part ways out of a joint feeling of responsibility to Crossfire and the gamers within it. I'd like to thank Heaven Media for their selfless behaviour in this move and look forward to maintaining a good relationship with them going forward."

Crossfire and Heaven Media will continue an on-going strategic relationship. Crossfire will be looking for ways to best support the ET community going forward whilst Heaven Media will continue to support their gaming community that includes Cadred.org, Tek-9.net and EsportsHeaven.net.

ClanBase OC & EC go on!

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As topic says, by many of you called " fail " ClanBase OC & EC are now on the right way. Every controversial and unexplained issue is currently clearly clarified.

Enemy Territory Fall competitions are on !

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It is time to start our ET SW OpenCup Fall 2011 and EuroCup XXIV season. Everyone knows that there will be 2on2 and 3on3 teamsize for sure, but what about the main format ? Is it going to be 5on5, or maybe oldschool style 6on6 ? We realized that following the ET community requests about coming back to the roots of ET we managed to give you chance to vote for. If you are going to be a part of upcoming OpenCup/EuroCup please leave your say HERE (poll).

ESL SL Finals tonight

image: 160071The ESL Summer Leagues season has reached the finals stage and I'm pretty sure that there are some cool matches to see, even tonight.

First off, we have the ESL Summer Leagues 1on1 Grand final, where the two best players of this season will fight to become the Summer's number 1 player from ESL. Tune in at 19.00 CET to see this legendary battle.
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