Buddies (91)
- aAAl
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- aNdr3
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- beuNtie
- biiTeee
- boss20
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- Cnfys
- Cobraa
- deac11113
- Deactivated3052
- Deactivated6138
- DiePuma
- Elviss
- Fab
- FaKy
- Flashi
- gari
- gro3ne
- HansoO
- HeavyG
- Hellgast
- Hirdhor
- hns
- hoshy
- hotshots
- HugTheSub
- huumemikko
- iiky
- iMmi04
- Jere
- jetro
- katsutoshi
- Keyzzer
- Krein
- Krosan
- labroz
- Lomex
- M1st3r
- maggot
- martini
- mAuxPete
- methodj
- MichaelKelso
- milZ
- mOsq
- MrBombastic
- Musashiii
- nebu
- Nemesis-
- PatrickBateman
- Pickelschwanz
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- Query
- rAffou
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- reVo
- ridji
- Rusji
- sacr
- saNjih
- sc0rpi0n1
- SchneeMan
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- Sh1zzle
- shOuij
- Skull1
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- surrealje
- synthic
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- tieQ
- ubrxzz
- v1ncNtt
- Worm!
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- Xzz
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Follows (46)
- _Karrde
- AL1
- AnnieMac
- CptHook
- crAshh
- DabSter
- dahPEARL
- Deactivated5873
- Deactivated6106
- Deactivated6436
- dEzIrE
- duKe_
- essah
- fakeccount2390123
- freeze
- heretiic
- Johney
- kaZer
- kiwi
- kolumbianer
- kyzr
- laNgo
- M1ghtyBro<3sauna
- manhunt
- MissioN
- Moisander
- nuggan
- Phatfinger
- pulZa
- reAz
- Rhand
- savatjee
- ScaTmaN
- sexyhot
- spiROZE
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- stownage
- tiimoo
- TosspoT
- unblind
- varit
- winAct
- xrifZ
- ziqvpix
Followers (4)
Recent News (3)
one4one.et becomes versatile
11 Jan 2009, 17:51
Due inactivity of the staff, Alexander “HeavyG” W. and me (Oliver “c3nty” P.) decided to bring the 141 project to an end. We just could not see any options for the year 2009. Of course one4one will never die for real as long as the community reminds itself on a very successful time in past. We both joined “versatile-gaming”. I would like to thank everyone who supported the project.
- zero time left 7 Jan 2009
- Crossfire Challenge 5 - Movie 29 Dec 2009
Recent Journals (4)
- c3nty needs bnc 5 Mar 2009
- adress of cc5 12 Dec 2008
- 8bits the power of 4 nations and good bye 6 Mar 2008
- The6.gaming joined #8bits-gaming 18 Feb 2008
Recent Topics (8)
- logix.eV on the look 16 Jan 2010
- manager avi hmm? 17 Sep 2009
- recruting for ET Masters [VerS] 18 Jan 2009
- 141 c3nty cod5´cless 9 Dec 2008
- one4one|recruting 12 Oct 2008
- the c3ntynage part 999 28 Sep 2008
- some martini for c3nty plz 4 Jun 2008
- [8b] -c3nty and skydriver ;) 13 Feb 2008
Recent Comments (8)