Recent News (6)

Team NL Arrives

image: jeapc8

It took a while in making this lineup for the simple reason that there is a certain class in ET that isn't mastered by the Dutch gamers and it's called a smg engineer. Next to this some well known players from NL won't be playing in this Nations cup cause they are planning on quitting or aren't motivated enough to play ET at this moment.

Recent Articles (1)

5on5 is the way to go?

The year 2003 was the year that ET saw the light and the noobs started playing on the random etmain servers planting the 30 mines on one spot to stop one engineer from building something.

But with RTCW slowly dying and ET becoming more competitive people started to realise that the settings on etmain were not the way to play. First the teams needed to be fixed and looking at the game RTCW made pretty clear that 6on6 was the way to go.