Buddies (81)
- AlleViate
- ansikte
- anticimex
- bagarNN
- beNNN
- Bilgrim
- bira
- bitch
- cadea
- Canniii
- cApo
- crook
- Deactivated7001
- DiazZ
- ecnuob
- Ehax
- envyy
- FaClon
- Fasolka
- flushje
- Frauwe
- fred
- fritsie
- Gillis
- goldfarmer
- h3ll
- Hornet88
- iMmi04
- Jenniey
- Jihadii
- jnO
- JobCohen
- julianK<3foonr
- kad
- Kaj
- Kayleigh
- Kiewan
- Kristoffersson
- kVESPonG1
- Loekino
- MarcoCarola
- MecreAx
- mesq
- moldu
- MrLint
- nAz
- Nils
- Notorious
- Ollz
- P5Y
- Panda
- Paytuen
- pirat
- ponte
- Rehall
- rizza
- schNee
- si9n
- Siberia
- solomon
- spiROZE
- stjaernan
- stKz
- stormeh
- stownage
- Thomm
- tjimboo
- triflip
- vargen
- viBertje
- Vindicator
- Viperius
- walle
- Wesbo
- x3NJa
- xelenz
- Ztinky
Does not follow anyone.
Followers (685)
- _bAlu
- ...del
- .X.!__
- 0V1E
- 1aunch3r
- 1ucky
- 3mppu
- 4live
- a1mer
- Achileus
- Acksaw
- aCoZz
- Adornit
- adze
- Aeval
- Afterlif3
- agnosis
- ahhhfri
- ahsthx
- AjaK
- aka
- Akwel
- alexander
- alone
- Alvo
- aLzD3vi7s
- AmAzOn
- AmCorp
- Anaconda
- Andersqn
- andyF1
- ANGAiil
- Animal
- anzz
- Aqueous
- archy
- ArDe
- AreS
- AriCk
- Arise
- Arnie
- aSe
- atemi
- athex
- atv
- awir
- azarni
- Azzu
- B1KK
- Bait
- BallackZ
- baMs
- Bamsen
- bANGi
- barti4
- bassie
- bAsTi
- bbqs
- Beafuums
- beanhead
- Beestje
- beNyy
- betaa
- bettina
- BigDaddyVane
- bine
- blackboy
- BlackJack
- bliss
- blitzz
- BlueRay
- bobAx
- Boese
- BoRi
- brickfist
- BrooodjeAap
- BrunoBanania
- brutalman
- Bryan
- Buceman
- Budha
- Bulld0g
- bustaa
- Buta
- c3nty
- Cachucha
- caNdy
- caracal
- caveman34
- Cazey
- chelmianin
- Chigoami
- chuckii
- cid
- Claim
- cmsASD
- Cnfys
- Cold
- collamity
- ColtmAn
- Coookie
- coppacity
- couchor
- crAsha
- crawazaky
- crod
- crssr
- CuCkoo
- cymky
- DaeF
- Dakagon
- dantes
- Dara
- Darren
- dart
- Deactivated3035
- Deactivated5114
- Deactivated5159
- Deactivated5162
- Deactivated5169
- Deactivated5178
- Deactivated5187
- Deactivated5195
- Deactivated5269
- Deactivated5446
- Deactivated5459
- Deactivated5519
- Deactivated5570
- Deactivated5605
- Deactivated5663
- Deactivated5710
- Deactivated5738
- Deactivated5743
- Deactivated5756
- Deactivated5764
- Deactivated5773
- Deactivated5924
- Deactivated5925
- Deactivated5950
- Deactivated5966
- Deactivated5982
- Deactivated6075
- Deactivated6097
- Deactivated6117
- Deactivated6120
- Deactivated6122
- Deactivated6444
- Deactivated6525
- Deactivated6632
- Deactivated6877
- Deactivated6932
- Deann
- Deltharac
- DeMeNtEd
- DerHaase
- despero
- Deuger
- Deuzzeer
- DeVito
- dididoggy
- DiePuma
- disgrace
- dITRqLmaN
- Dizortje
- diZzz
- dMan
- Dolar
- DonLuiGi
- doppler
- Draakon
- DrEamEr
- dundy
- Egoderko
- EhnEn
- Eicher
- eiven
- elFje
- Endarked666
- eque
- ertS
- Esse
- Expired
- eXtr_
- fabregas
- famos
- Farnnish
- fast
- faZe
- Felix
- Fennex
- Fets
- Fierro
- FiLuS
- finkregh
- firsti
- FirzEns
- fishbot
- Fist
- Flaaaashy
- Flashi
- flAsq
- FlixX
- flocky
- fockj00
- Fortes
- fosteer
- foxi
- foxje
- foXyb0t
- Fraggle
- FrAgOn
- fragus
- fratske
- Freedune
- frio
- Frizen
- Furtif
- FWRaven
- g_man
- g1Ntje
- G1ova
- gari
- gAvin
- gAz92
- Gemini
- GERJonny
- gerumba
- Gibri
- Gnomie
- GoodGuyGary
- gruszek
- grzesiekk1337
- Gsonnn
- gunar
- GunRu5
- gutii
- H0m3
- H0uD!n1
- h4desz
- Haffle
- HansoO
- HardyRah
- Hariboo
- haste
- HeavyG
- hell
- hello
- hensie
- Hexagon
- heya
- Hirdhor
- homiee
- Hopea
- Hursteh
- IcEcrusT
- Icem4n
- ifntc
- iiky
- Imp3
- indu
- inf1sticjezor
- IntuQk
- ioopa
- Irmeli
- Italiano
- J0ash
- jAmiro
- JarZa
- Javax
- jeidnam
- Jeti2
- jetro
- JeyAem
- jhon
- JimboJones
- JiMiNi
- Jin
- jin_
- JingJangJong
- Jinosta
- jnz
- Joeboo
- JohnCiber
- jonas
- Juga
- Juiced
- juliosaar
- junioRRR
- junkZi
- k1tT
- kaeRfo
- KaL
- kanata
- katja
- kAviar
- KesneL
- kevlar
- killerPL337
- kilt
- Kim
- Kirark
- Kit4na
- Kito
- kiuffje
- klejf
- knabL
- knuX
- knz
- koiza
- kolibri
- koNe
- koodi
- korguy
- kosstji
- ksenofoobia
- Ksr
- KuRoaRi
- Label
- lActr
- Lady
- Lakaiii
- lanGiii
- laska
- lau
- lehtine
- LeRaxt
- Lest
- lexo
- licious
- luc1fer
- Luk4ward
- lupio
- m1chalek
- m1Ke_
- M1R53
- M1st3r
- m4nlux
- m4rk
- M4xBD
- M8D_Achilles
- maaadz
- madi
- MakizZ
- malakomunis
- Malos
- Mamalukes
- manhunt
- mAnki
- Marsh
- martinius
- matec
- maxi.
- Mayzzee
- MeatSpin
- Ment
- Mephzjizz
- metal
- mia
- MichaelKelso
- michaole
- michat
- miho0
- mikeTHEbike
- mimE
- ministro
- Mistaken
- mIstiek
- mitan
- mlo
- mojitoo
- Momentum
- monkeey
- Monte
- morfine
- moz4rt
- MrWhite
- mthd
- munchies
- mUnduS
- mupp3t
- Mxt0r
- MyGod
- N0rtH
- na4ck
- naga
- nakato
- needmoney
- Nephelim
- Nexjeee
- Ney
- nickii
- Nickoloi
- nickz
- noexx
- nollaa
- novat1c
- NoXi0us
- Nsane
- nTo
- nuBlet
- Nud3L
- nueVa
- Nugis
- nuMbe
- numloCked
- nuNca
- odear
- Offsprng
- oldvid
- oneofTHEM
- OneSpot
- onYx007
- Otyg
- overboost
- overdrive
- Overhit
- Panj1z
- Pansy
- ParaDoXx
- part
- peehoo
- perdaj
- peta
- Phanty
- Pickelschwanz
- Pigeon
- pii
- Player
- plekter
- powelcheck
- pr0mm3
- Preacheri
- Priit
- Protech
- Przemus
- psycheee
- PsychoShimmy
- punkii
- punkk
- Puupkee
- qert
- Quazz
- Quiki
- Quinne
- Qurbey
- qwik
- R3ap4r
- R4ptor
- raastA
- radioshag
- Rafacz
- Ragnja
- Rand0mkke
- raptus
- rares
- raslov
- raz3d
- razedBot
- rebelii
- Relaxyjew
- Remishi
- ResP
- riCo
- rinse
- rize
- riZla
- rizziek
- Roadkill
- Rockjee
- rodo
- ronjigsaw
- rorpedo
- rosa
- Rosfor
- rqmbo
- Ruathain
- rusa
- Rusji
- S1xtuS
- S2xtuS
- sa1Rox
- saddam
- samAel
- Sammeh
- Samura
- Sauce
- sauri
- sayow
- Sc0rpi0n
- Scooob
- sCyter
- secco8
- Sector
- Seigen69
- Seilori
- senseii
- sensuaL
- sentj
- Sepje
- servOo
- sesn1
- sh1tty
- ShaD7
- Shanuh
- Sheep
- shivji
- shkz
- Shnaps
- sHoWw
- shpeKje
- sHuKa
- Sigur
- Sile
- siNi
- Sinnu
- sjco
- skepty
- Skitzo
- Skydriver
- slajdan
- Smakk
- smAsh
- smOke
- smokey151
- Smudla
- Snapzy
- Snoook
- Snorfiets
- snyp0r
- solitude
- Sonight
- sOrab
- sorrow-
- spart
- SpeaKeR
- speci
- spho
- Spik3
- Spirea
- Splodge
- spng
- spongebob
- spooz
- SpriCa
- sqiK'
- squitsy
- SqZe
- steel
- stephii
- stevenaab
- Stevji
- Stiou
- stownd
- StrAf
- Strider
- stv
- suVi
- Sux0r
- svEn
- Svepe
- sw1Zzey
- swedey
- Switch93
- Syko
- sylvester
- Synt3r
- szyker
- T-Shot
- t0mo
- t1mmAe
- t3rra
- Talek
- TeamDesire
- tehbLaNe
- TeRm111
- ThadCastle
- The Economist
- TheEnd
- theExz
- thekaZe
- TheM1sc
- thesajt
- Thir13en
- thomas1234
- Tico
- tips
- Tommeh
- Torrent
- Torres
- toxic
- Tressort
- Trixor
- txcxL
- Tymo
- ub1quitous
- ultimATE
- uLtraaa
- Uniq
- upsz0r
- urkelo
- UrMa
- UtaH
- uTk
- v0rteXc
- v1tal
- VaakO
- valiant
- vAPoRr
- VarmaIS
- vectra
- VeeTh
- venoM
- vensteR
- venus
- verunA
- VesaZ
- viborator
- Viince
- vikeh
- VilleYkskyla
- Vloetje
- voffcka
- waaK-
- wargot
- WeeBull
- wfd
- wierdo
- winAct
- woody
- wrook
- wsLy
- xAeee
- xarQi
- xplosiv
- xRio
- XsoLoX
- xstacy
- Yamazaki
- yellowpowerranger
- yoshii
- yuppie
- Z1P
- z3f
- zafoga
- Zealix
- Zeku
- zeplaya
- zeqq
- zifff
- zOMBie
- zomec
- zomme
- zphn
- zupAn
- zwitter
- ZyGo
Recent News (6)
KKC, back in bussiness.
16 Mar 2010, 22:34
As those of you who have been fortunate enough to play versus us in the past few days/weeks might have suspected, one of 's oldest and most respected ET-clans has resurfaced after a 2-year inactivity spell. We saw in what a desperate and miserable state the 3v3-scene was after we left it and we decided it could not stay like that.
- BeNe-Cup Tournament 4 Mar 2009
- Belgian 3v3 Championship 27 Jan 2009
- Belgisch Kampioenschap 3v3 2009 18 Jan 2009
- eNorma Cup #3! 16 Jan 2009
- eNorma Cup #3 12 Jan 2009
Recent Articles (3)
Interview with mesq (Waki)
21 Apr 2007, 11:48
After an amazing performance at CPC 2, I (Wakizashi) wanted to know more of mesq so i decided to catch up with him and find out his thoughts and feelings on ET:
For those people who don't know mesq already please describe to them who you are
Hey everyone, I'm Steven 'mesq' Van Acker from Belgium. I just turned 16 a week ago. I'm playing ET for 4 years now. Besides ET, I like going out with friends, playing football, etc.
For those people who don't know mesq already please describe to them who you are
Hey everyone, I'm Steven 'mesq' Van Acker from Belgium. I just turned 16 a week ago. I'm playing ET for 4 years now. Besides ET, I like going out with friends, playing football, etc.
- Why CB OC remains the best option for me. 16 Mar 2009
- Crossfire Challenge: a history 25 Mar 2010
Recent Journals (4)
- Me and my Polish beer buddies say hello 7 Jun 2020
- FPS problem Win10 only ETPro 19 Jan 2019
- ET Windows 10 strange problem 10 Nov 2018
- Germans, hilfe! 31 Dec 2017
Recent Topics (1)
- Need sponsor! 15 May 2011
Recent Comments (7)