Q: Could you maybe start with introducing yourself and in short tell the readers why you're special enough to be featured in the most awesome column series ever on crossfire?

A: Hey there I'm Chris from the not so grim North of England, some may know me from my mapping exploits in W:ET and the Battle of Wolken map series which I created for that game. I guess I'm being interviewed because I'm currently attempting a custom map for ET:QW that is aimed at 6 verses 6 stopwatch play, either that or you emailed the wrong person.

Q: The SDK just got released and you have only had it for a couple of days, have you had a chance to get a first impression yet? Do you have any tutorial/learning material you would recommend for others thinking about trying to create maps for ETQW?

A: So far so good concerning the level design tools, a slight change from what I'm used to but I'm adjusting rather well to all the new features and what not. For others wanting to create maps, if you have already mapped for other id engine games in the past then you should be fine with just the Mod Wiki http://wiki.splashdamage.com/index.php/Main_Page if you are totally new to mapping then I suggest visiting Doom3 World http://www.doom3world.org/index.php which covers the basics.

Q: How did you get the idea of making a strictly 6on6 map and what challenges comes along when you try to make something for a whiny and very critic audience such as the clan scene?

A: Well I have always thought it be better idea to start a map from the ground up with 6 on 6 in mind than take a map designed for 12 on 12 and try and make it work for 6 on 6, so I set out to try and do just that.
One thing I learned when I tried to make competition friendly maps back in W:ET is that it's very hard to create something that the majority clan players will like, feedback from beta tests can often contain mixed thoughts and split opinions and its hard to pick who's opinion to go with in order the improve the map for the next version and can result in players not liking certain changes when you do come to the next map version. Hopefully this time around I can get it right from the start and get get some reliable feedback.

Q: Do you think you will regret later on that you didnt go for a big map with 1000 vehicles, nukes and fancy robot-Chuck Norris sounds?

A: Basically no, I don't care for making 'novelty maps' as I like to call them, like the maps I've seen planned, 16 anansi verses 16 tormentor map or something along those lines, just sounds daft to me. I will most likely make a 'pub map' though after this map , the single map Battle of Wolken spin-off I planned some time ago it will probably be.

Q: Could you give us a little sneak peak on the map? What kind of objectives can we expect, what kind of combat will be encouraged?

A: In this map we see the GDF trying to put an end to a major Strogg facility located in a once grand city. In order to reach the facility the GDF must first disable the shield generator to by pass the numerous shielded barriers leading to the facility. Once done the GDF must overload the facility's main reactor with additional energy cells, 2 in total should be sufficient for total melt down.
So basically what we have there is an urban map in where we have GDF are on attack and a simple 2 stage setup, destroy the generator for first stage and a double doc-run with the energy cells for the second stage. The map will be an infantry map similar to that of Salvage and Volcano.

Q: When do you think we can expect the first beta version of the map?

A: Hard to say really. Possibly a private test version by within the fortnight and maybe a public beta of the map some time after that.

Q: Any last shout outs or desperate calls for idlers?

A: Don't do shout outs but do idle #Battle-of-Wolken and check out http://wolken.gamedesign-online.com/otherwork.php?p=etqwsw for updates