Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, really appreciated.

Q: Could you maybe start with introducing yourself and in short tell the readers why you're special enough to be featured in the most awesome column series ever on crossfire?

A: I am Bjorn, playing for Team Dignitas and I am doing this interview because Reload didn't want to do it.

Q: Lets start with a short ego boost: who is playing for dignitas.etqw, what have you won so far and what cups and leagues are you playing atm?

Estonia Reload infantry
Slovenia Jakazc infantry
Germany Senji infantry
Belgium Bjorn apc driver, infantry
Denmark Utr hog driver, infantry
Denmark Sondac infantry
Denmark Huggo tank driver

Our biggest victories so far are Quakecon 2007 and Multiplay i32 Contimination Cup
At the moment we are playing in Clanbase Opencup, ESL EMS, ESL 6v6 opening cup, ESL 4v4 infantry opening cup and TGL Intel Extreme Quake Wars Championship.

1st Quakecon 2007
1st Multiplay i32 Contamination Cup
1st team-ephix 4v4 Inf Cup
1st ET:QW 4on4 Inf. hosted by #czar
2nd Scorched Earth Demo Tournament
2nd Quake Wars League Demo Cup
3rd i3D BETA Cup
3rd Clanbase ET:QW Beta Cup

Q: GROF dying after losing in the 2nd EMS qualifier versus Point Blank and on the French lan versus some random clan, expected or un expected?

A: GROF loosing to Point Blank was expected by many people including us, in the recent weeks Point Blank has improved a lot. GROF losing to a french "random" team was unexpected. I think they maybe underestimated their opponents and didn't practice enough but I am not going to talk about something which I don't know about.
I expected them to stop playing for a while after the French lan but not to die.

Q: How was it to play GROF on i32 after all the flame online and did anyone hook up in between the cyber fighting?

A: All of GROF were ok when talking to them in real life. I guess what they should do is unbind the globalchat button. Also I can safely say that they play better online than on lan.

Q: So far dignitas has been very dominant in the ETQW scene, only being challenged by Cph in the demo days of the game. Do you think this trend will continue or do you think the rest of the scene is about to catch up and give you a fight for the money in the upcoming leagues and cups?

A: I think anyone can beat us with the right mindset, practice, teamplay and tactics. While we used to walk over everyone in practices, we get beaten reguraly now. Even though it is only practice we can clearly see everyone improving.

Q: What clans would you describe as you're biggest opponents in OC playoffs, EMS and Enemy Down and why?

A: In no particular order

Team Pelit

All good teams with experience and skill

Q: Jakacz recently returned to your active lineup witch now have 7 players, how is this working out for you and do you rotate you're roster now or how do you make this work?

A: We are currently unsure, we might switch players on the infantry based maps

Q: ETQW-tv is right around the corner and ETQWpro is in development, how much do you think these two will do for the ETQW community and do you think they will attract more ET players?

A: I think if ETQWpro is any good it will bring back some players who quitted and if it is really good than it might attract ET players.
ETQW-tv would be nice for coverage and could result in more ETQW tournaments, cups and leagues.
Also some good custom maps should be coming out in the future which could help increase the number of active players

Q: Whats you're favourite ETQW map being played in competition and why?

A: Area22, good mixture of vehicles and infantry, shows most aspects of the game. Compared to other maps short times are always set here.

Q: Whats you're favourite ETQW objective and why?

A: "Drive the MCP"

Q: Whats you're least favourite ETQW map being played in competition and why?

A: Volcano, double fullhold every time nowadays, horrible last objective and nadespam in chokepoints thanks to supplycrates.

Q: Whats you're least favourite ETQW thing or gameplay element and why?

A: Team Speedlink with 4 Hyperblasters and 2 Rocketlaunchers.

Q: Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions! Any last shout outs or requests?

A: I would like to thank all our sponsors; Intel, Scan, XFX, Corsair, Creative; Abit, Qpad, Rock, Multiplay and bouncer4you