Q: Could you maybe start by introducing yourself and in short tell the readers
why you're special enough to be featured in the most awesome column
series ever on crossfire?

A: Hi, my name is Cornel. I am 25 years young and living in Germany. Let's find
out with this interview, why I'm special enough for the column :)

Q: I assume you have played games while patrolling outer space, so why not tell
the readers a little bit about your gaming history and how you ended up here?

A: I started playing Quake 3 7 years ago, played in ESL, Clanbase, Kuh3liga,
Jolt league and I was captain/coach of the German Q3CTF Representation for
some time. I also played some BF2, i guess that's the reason why i like ETQW,
it features elements of Quake III Arena Engine Games like Q3 and ET but also BF2.

Q: Now to the reason most people are reading this interview, ETQWpro. Lets start
at the start - when did you decide you wanted to start this project and why?

A: I started playing ETQW with the beta version and noticed the same problem
every new shooter has: some features I'd really like to have are missing. In
forums i had found some discussions about how a competition MOD could be, but
nobody really showed interest in developing one, so I decided to do it by

Q: Is the ETQWpro team looking for more people to help develop the mod and if so
what battle stations needs manning?

A: We are indeed looking for people helping us develop the mod further. They'd
need to have good experience with C++ programming and should have already
taken a look at the SDK.

Q: You have had the SDK for a couple of days now, any progress worth mentioning
or any impressions on how it will be to work with in the future?

A: The development of the MOD started an hour after the sdk was released. We already have a list of cool features like gibbing with a knife headshot, generally faster
gibbing, automatically recording of demos, better naming of the demo file names and so on. We don't waste our time on implementing a pause function as it will be included already in the next patch for ETQW.

Q: In the upcoming weeks what will you be focusing on in development and what do
you think is most important to implant or change at this early stage?

A: At the moment we focus on adding features that make playing clanwars
more comfortable, so we are fitting the features of the mod to the rules
of leagues.

Q: The ETQW community is already gathered around the Community rule set which is used in all big EU leagues - how does ETQWpro fit into this picture? Will
ETQWpro let the Community rule set project (Discussion board consisting of
top teams, league admins and community VIPs) continue to decide balancing or
is ETQWpro planning to do balancing on its own?

A: I really don't like the idea of changing the balancing of the game, I prefer
adding some cvars so people can change the balancing and test it.

Q: How far will ETQWpro go to make the mod customizable through cvars and

A: ETQWPro will be as customizable as we can imagine. We are gathering many
ideas and suggestions from testers and clans and will implement them if
they are applicable.

Q: How do you picture ETQWpro in one year if things work out? And do you think
ETQWpro will play as big role for the ETQW community as ETPRO did for the
W:ET community?

A: If everything goes straight the MOD will be accepted by the community and the
leagues. I hope that there will be no 2nd MOD that has the same goal as it
happened in Quake 4 which split up the community. In 1 year I wish to see
the mod to be the default mod for leagues and nice broadcasted matches with ETQWTV.

Q: I am sure I wont get a clear answer on this question, but not asking would
still be very wrong. When can the public expect the first beta and how much
development will you put in before thinking about releasing the first beta?

A: We are planning to release a first version of the MOD this year. We are
adding new features/changes to the MOD each day. If the progress on ETQWPro
continues we are going to organise a closed beta 6v6 clanwar next week.

Q: Thanks for your time! And is there an outer space irc channel and webpage
where people can follow the project?

A: You're welcome. You can reach us at http://www.etqwpro.net and #ETQWpro on