Let's switch to the newest and second biggest game on Crossfire : Call of Duty 4!
We have seen Top-Multigaming Clans picking up the best european teams supporting them with everything they need. The game competes for the biggest amount of players against Counter Strike and Counter Strike: Source. But I will take a look at the very competitive scene in the Clanbase OpenCup/EuroCup scene.

Call of Duty 4 has 872 Sign-ups for this cup. I was like WTF?
Call of Duty 4 is played with 5 players each team, so let's give them 2 Backups as well.
That means 872 x 7 = 6104 player are playing the game competively, of course excluding the immense number of public players.

I did not want to count every team who wants to be in the Eurocup or who is only Eurocup. But if you just take a quick look you see that like in ET many want to get in the EC as well.

To conclude: I cannot say a lot about the game at this point since it has such a short history and I never really played the game seriously, but we should keep an eye on it and see how it will develope now.