Hard evidence is what we really need in order to draw a conclusion, luckily enough various people have made little clips about Netherlands Jo0f. We have to examine these with a pinch of salt though since the only ones interested in making these are the same ones accusing him of cheating. Collecting all these so called “avi’.s” was an easy task as I had the help of Malta Killerboy, the one pretty much leading the hunt on our Dutch friend.

1. ( [urlnew=http://h-4life.com/lazio/Killerboy/Movies/5hs.avi]Clip one[/url] )

This first clip that I saw is one that made me laugh. Summing it up is pretty easy, Netherlands Jo0f shoots 5 headshots with a sten and he was rather lucky to do so. Nevertheless a lot of people got suspicious because of this coincidence. Objectivity forces us to decide not guilty here, just extremely lucky.

2. ( [urlnew=http://h-4life.com/lazio/Killerboy/Movies/jo0fwall.avi]Clip two[/url] )

The second clip is called jo0fwall, again we find ourselves on Bremen and this time doubt enters my mind. The whole action starts with Netherlands Jo0f shooting through a tree and/or wall but he doesn’t hit since bullets obviously don’t pierce solid material in Enemy Territory. This whole action can be explained by the fact that there usually are people in those windows and shooting at them mostly turns out to be good decision.

Yet right after this our friend takes a quick view at the command-post where you see an axis player hidden behind the wall and to our surprise Netherlands Jo0f’s aim stops there for a fraction of a second. You have to examine this closely though because r_shownormals 1 doesn’t show everything in the map, it only shows what is being rendered by the player’s pc. The player where he aims at is visible for a little while before disappearing, some seconds later he appears in the doorway again and Netherlands Joof his aim swiftly finds his way to him.

It certainly isn’t enough to convict him but it is a strange action, nothing more but certainly nothing less.

3. ( [urlnew=http://supraservers.net/bhstyle/joofbusted.avi]Clip three[/url] )

Our third clip is joofbusted but in fact it is nothing like that. While a player is 999 he can’t send any packets to the server. We’ve all experienced a situation in which we can still move our aim yet can’t move ourselves, and we of course see other players moving as well, this obviously is one of those.

While a player can’t send any packets to the server it doesn’t matter whether he has aimbot or not since whatever the aimbot wants to do doesn’t happen, his commands never reach the server. Netherlands Jo0f most likely moved his crosshair while being lagged out. The moment the lag ended his aim instantly jumped towards where he was already aiming, only to lag out again immediately after. This clip contains no proof at all, it’s a product of the ignorance of our ettv-viewers and the general paranoia.

4. ( [urlnew=http://h-4life.com/lazio/Killerboy/Movies/loljoof.avi]Clip four[/url] )

The fourth clip loljoof is a nice piece of aiming in which he hands out three headshots to night from a considerable distance. But is this really special I ask myself, and the answer I come up with is that it isn’t. The sten is the most accurate weapon in the game, it pretty much always hits where you are aiming at and Estonia Night wasn’t moving and wasn’t shooting back at Netherlands Jo0f. All these factors combined make it relatively easy to shoot these headshots, again we find ourselves in the situation of no proof at all.

5. ( [urlnew=http://w0nd3r.ls-et.de/superslow.avi]Clip five[/url] )

The fifth clip is called superslow and it contains a camping action on Goldrush. Netherlands Jo0f finds himself in a certain corner looking at side. The first 15 seconds equal jack since he’s just tracking a player way too slow not hitting him at all. But then something funny happens, he puts his aim back at side. So what, he’s meant to watch side you idiot… and yes he is meant to watch side and it would make a lot of sense to do so if only his aim didn’t stop on someone’s head. That someone just happens to be behind a wall with a grenade in his hand and it makes me wonder if this is lotto or a fatal mistake.

When the first medic leaves his side and goes into the corner it makes sense to keep your aim where Netherlands Jo0f keeps it just in case he comes back. This logic would conclude that the crosshair would be on the second medic’s head by accident. Fair enough I would say.

But when that second medic moves Netherlands Jo0f his aim moves as well and this makes no sense at all, this certainly is the most suspicious action I have seen from him in all these clips so far. Right now I would say that this was a fatal mistake and that our friend Netherlands Jo0f is most likely to be busted soon.

6. ( [urlnew=http://h-4life.com/lazio/Killerboy/Movies/joofmakesyoushatbricks.avi]Clip six[/url] )

Joofmakesyoushatbricks is the epically funny name of the sixth clip I received. A nice form of childish internet humour I’d say but then again, the internet wouldn’t be half the fun it is today without those precious kids annoying the rest of us. So far for my tirade, this clip needs to be examined as well.

And holy fuck this one leaves a lot of room for discussions. It is perfectly possible that Netherlands Jo0f was only checking the first corner to then check the second one right after because the engineer usually hides there after planting. This makes a lot of sense and I see no suspicious elements at all …

Call me stupid or retarded but I’d swear there is a medic behind the wall when Netherlands Jo0f preshoots the first time and obviously there is. There is nothing wrong with preshooting but being unlucky that there is a guy behind the wall for the third time in six clips forces me to question the validity of the excuses Netherlands Jo0f and his random Benelux friends make up. Here I will make the same conclusion I did with the previous clip, this is suspicious to say the least.

7. ( [urlnew=http://rapidshare.com/files/134741456/Untitled.avi.html]Clip seven[/url] )

The seventh one is called Untitled and after watching it I find myself doubting the honesty of Netherlands Jo0f again. It is less suspicious than the last two clips, however this one is open for discussion again. While he draws nearer to the exit of the passageway between side and main on Braundorf he’s looking in the direction the Axis are bound to be. So far so good I hear you think, so far so good is what I’m thinking myself. But he keeps on moving his crosshair a little bit as if he wants to improve the position it will be on when he comes out, and surprisingly enough it follows the strafing pattern of an axis medic on a parallel level. No need to use the word suspicious again, you should have figured it out by yourself by now.

8. ( [urlnew=http://h-4life.com/lazio/manji.avi]Clip eight[/url] )

This last clip is the longest one. It starts off with an action already discussed earlier in this column so I’ll skip that part. Then he happens to put his crosshair on someone who’s behind a tank and wall but this could be luck since his aim only stays there very briefly. However after this as Netherlands Jo0f is walking up the stairs under the bridge he puts his aim on someone’s head and lets it rest there for a second. Why someone would put his aim on that position on the wall makes no sense to me at all, I find this very unbelievable to be an unlucky action.

It’s not over yet as the clip continues and our comrade find himself behind the bank trying to preshoot someone camping on the left. That there was player in that vicinity can be explained by ventrilo communications yes but it remains very strange to see that Netherlands Jo0f happens to pick the exact right spot again.

The shooting at the docrunner is perfectly normal since they probably told Netherlands Jo0f he was going short.

Now that all the shreds of evidence have been discussed by my more or less objective mind, and on a more or less professional level it’s time to go to the general conclusion.