CroatiasuVi from EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET

1. FinlandFintastic5
3. BelgiumOverload
4. EuropeRockit
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6. United KingdomColt 45 /
7. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
8. NetherlandsFiF
9. FinlandFinspastic5 /
10. GermanySpeedlink

well & fintastic5 are obviously the two best teams atm - bashed the lan while fins bashed 2 ec's already, from what i can tell, BelgiumOverload has been praccing a lot lately which we can see from their latest offi results, other 5 teams have the players and the teamplay to reach top4-8, in what order I’m not sure but it will certainly be interesting and i guess that there's a possibility to surprise with a 3rd place as well from what i can tell, SL and finspastic are somewhat newly formed but they already proved that they have great potential with their latest results, might surprise us, who knows!

LatviaZUFF aka FUZZ from EuropeTAG.ET

2. FinlandFintastic5
3. FinlandFinspastic5
4. NetherlandsDream
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
6. EuropeTAG.ET
7. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET
8. NetherlandsFiF
9. BelgiumOverload

Having played most of these teams, I am sure that both and FinlandFintastic5 are definitely best teams at the moment, untouchable by others. FinlandFinspastic5 and NetherlandsDream from my experience are solid 3 and 4.
I decided to put United KingdomImpact.Gaming number 5 only assuming they will manage to sort out their lineup and perform well. After 5th place picture is not that clear, every team is capable of beating each other so I put these rankings based only on my personal preference. Teams that I left out could easily replace anyone from 5-10, however I think most of them lack something to be mentioned in my awesome top.

RomaniaFoamea one of the GermanyESL Admins

1. EstoniaIdle.eee ,
2. FinlandFintastic5,
3. BelgiumOverload ,
4. EuropeRockit,
5. United KingdomImpact.Gaming,
6. NetherlandsFiF ,
7. Finlandfinspastic5 ,
8. EuropeNulli ,
9. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET ,
10. BelgiumBelgian Fraternity

I think has a very stable line-up and they are playing together for some time now. Finnish teams are very good, NC showed that us. As for BelgiumOverload , they are playing very well lately, beating EuropeRockit and other teams. NetherlandsFiF will surprise for sure.
As for United KingdomImpact.Gaming, line-up changes made me give them only 6th spot. (think theres more coming)
finspastic 5 has potential but I doubt they'll manage to surprise. We'll see after they play against EuropeRockit
EuropeNulli Secundis, a very good team, good potential, but not eEstonianOu! gh firepower.
Same goes for EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET .
BelgiumBelgian Fraternity , very stable line-up, definetly a top 10 team.
It's premature to say who'll be in the 5-10 spots or even 4-10 as EMS and EC are currently in group phase.

FinlandKapaa from FinlandFinspastic5

1. FinlandFintastic5 (olbaa, matias, lepari, ensam, sample)
I would like to say they are best at the moment but what I heard they have not practiced that much
2. (Nait, Anderson/Reload, karnaj, squall, drago)
they are always tough and they propably will win AEF
3. BelgiumOverload (Vila, maus, lio, chry, zeto)
mAus and lio are carriers so they are doing well
4.United KingdomImpact.Gaming (Gifty, sheep, snoop, sqzz, mystic)
I dont know if Gifty is already back but i believe that they will be a very strong team
5.EuropeRockit (Clown, hayaa, joop, zak, filus)
I have never seen them play but they have a few good aimers and clown as a leader
6.United KingdomColt 45 (Kamz, twidi, razz, nuggan, emorej, zMk
Kamz very good leader and I believe in him
7.FinlandFinspastic5 (miNd, stuka, vokki, repje, chmpp)
miNd as a ingameleader takes care that it works
8.BelgiumBelgian Fraternity (super, undead, gifted, Al1, phille, boss)
they are doing well as a team but I am not sure about aimpower
9.EuropeTAG.ET (zerender, lightning, med1xza, aphesia, fuzz)
decent team with oldschool players
10.NetherlandsFiF ( Jere, Worm, fostrum, sil, vanq, joof)
Worm will deliver

United States of AmericapAuz from

3. BelgiumOverload ,
4. EuropeRockit,
5. FinlandFinspastic5 ,
6. EuropeSleeperz/zZz.ET ,
7. EstonianOu! ,
8. NetherlandsFiF ,
9. United KingdomImpact.Gaming
10. United KingdomColt 45

it's a close call for #1 ranking but i feel that the fins will take it. idle will fall closely behind just because they have players like karnaj playing positions they didn't previously play. overload has been performing very well in officials, and i think this is much attributed to mAus (not to say they don't have nice teamplay). if rockit played vs finspastic5 i feel it would be a very close game. i do feel rockit would win simply due to fs5 being a newer team. the next few teams are a close call, imo, and the ordering on them could very well be debated. finally we have impact and colt45. impact has an awesome lineup on paper, but they just don't seem to be pulling through lately. colt45 sports some nice players but i still feel like they're just a mix team.