All in all this has been a success. Ideally i would have got the responses from the most noteable teams that were excluded from the top 10, i.e. EuropeNulli and EstonianOu! 2 teams that recently beat United KingdomImpact.Gaming. Also BelgiumBelgian Fraternity the team that placed 5th in the recent CiC7 and EuropeTAG.ET who finished 3rd in last seasons Eurocup.

As stated earlier I will be conducting this research again in 3 months time and hope that it will continue to be a success. I would like to thank everyone that was kind enough to respond to me in IRC and take their time to give their opinions and their statements. I hope this helps in away way shape or form for those teams looking to find the support that they need to attend AEF and more. I also hope that new and upcoming teams will strive to reach the Top 10 and that it is some kind of influence and achievement to teams.

If you think there should be anything added or edited then id appreciate a comment or a pm here or on IRC (/q R0SS). Id appreciate it if you didn’t flame this news post to shreds seeing as it took me a very long time to compile together. I apologise in advance for any spelling mistakes including player names where I haven’t put the right capital A or number in. If you are that annoyed by it I can always change it.

There are a few things that need to be added, 3 team reactions (Rockit, Colt45 and Speedlink) but I will add the statements when I receive them and then eventually delete this comment.

Congratulations to all of the teams that made it into the Top 10 and commiserations to those that didn’t. Hope to see all of the teams mentioned and a hell of a lot more at AEF and future tournaments.