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Game On: Cash

After a long period of inactivity, Game On is back. This time with a person who's very known throughout the whole ET community. He has done everything you can within the game and is currently writing interviews and articles for GGL. He made a
profession out of his hobby and is currently on the payroll of GGL.
Of course I'm talking about Remao "Cash" Tummers.

Cheaters running the show.

Every week brings more and more busts and bans for cheaters who hacked on a public server. They're all being banned even if no one has ever heard of them. With ET being a free game it's very hard to trace the identity of ET players. Anyone with a good sense of technology can easily get their hands on a dynamic IP, which is very hard to trace for the Cheatbusters our scene knows today.

Game On: Special Edition

Game On Special Edition


Game On: Adacore

Game On is originally posted on GamesTV.org

Game On #1.

In Game On I'm interviewing people from the gaming community. As we all know this month the Clanbase Eurocups began. That's why I thought it was a good idea to interview Adacore. The Enemy Territory CB Co-Supervisor.

CGS: It's huge.

Eurocup: MVP

The Eurocup has almost come to it's end with the Grand Final this monday. It was a hectic tournament with epic battles, heroic individual actions and of course the bans executed by the Clanbase C&A section.

Eurocup Medal Score

With four teams left in the race for this season's Eurocup and 3 of them being European nationality mixes, I was wondering which country actually got the most golden medals in the Eurocup. And not per clan, but per player. I clicked all the way back to Eurocup IX and started to count the nationalities of the players who played the final. So only those who played in the decisive match have been counted. Now I had some minor problems along the way.

ET Rankings

The Eurocup is fully on it's way and we had the CPC2 last month. Now there have been a lot of discussion about who is the best ET team at the moment. Some say there are three teams fighting for the Eurocup title at the moment... Dignitas, TLR and Impact. Others say Polar has a good chance too. Maybe even Cadre.

EC Tension Builds *UPDATED*

With Group A allready decided last week and Group C decided yesterday, the Group Phase of the ET Eurocup XV is becoming more and more exciting as Groups B and D move into the last matchweeks.

This article will give you a short view on the situations in the groups. Groups A and C briefly and Groups B and D somewhat extended with possible scenario's.

Group A

Game On: Sheep

After I decided to interview Sol, I had really NO idea who to ask for the sixth edition of Game On. So I made a journal on xfire.be asking who you guys wanted to be interviewed... Didn't get alot of comments about it, but Sheep contacted me. He wanted me to do the interview with him because he had some things to tell the community. So here he is...
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