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CC5: Ever met a cheater?

There have been many players performing online and on small LANs very well, but they sucked on the major events, hentai came up this time is naga from PolagZ, who numerous people have been talking about after fantastic performances. He gives us his views on the LAN from both a player and spectator's view, so read on to find out!

How're you finding the lan so far?

CC5: smithz about CoD

eiM met up with CoD4 player smithz of Komacrew and he gladly answered some questions:

How do you like the lan event up to now?
It is very nice. We have been to the cdc4 last year where we did not perform too well but stil played a draw versus the 3rd placers. Though there were some problems because of unallowed scripts in one of our matches, because of which we actually did

CC5: R0SS's flame and fun

Star player of re-play, R0SS has joined me in Baggiez corner to discuss the last minute substitution of toNi and his replacement Crossfire veteran Kitty.

After two wins and two losses your time in the ET tournemant is over. How pleased were you with your personal and your teams performance?

CC5: And now you see

Not all the stars at Crossfire events are players. Doing the thankless tasks behind the scenes and not on the screens are the hard-working admins who ensure the smooth running of the tournemant.

One such person is unblind. Now attending and assisting at his 4th event, I caught up with him to get his opinions on the tournemant so far.

Hello unblind, how are you finding CC5 so far?

CC5: xpaz looking back and ahead

While Impact Gaming is still on its road in the Winner Bracket Playoffs eiM catched up with well known xpaz for a little Interview about the Lan, ET's history and some future predictions on how our beloved game will develop!

How were your last matches, are you satisfied with your and your teams performence on the cc5 tournament?

CC5: All details over the head

It's not toxic this time, but TAG long timer overdrive. Landmine specialist, and engineer god, overdrive tells us about his experiences thus far.

How're you finding the lan so far?

CC5: Impact players toxic and syK on the chair

Impact Gaming managed to secure the top spot within their Group A without losing a single map. Now they are going on to the Winner Bracket Playoffs of the Crossfire Challenge 5 facing 8Bits/FiF who also showed an impressive performence within the groupstage.

CC5: Oldschool lesson with Ron and Mav

Ronner and Maverick888, you're both veretans of Crossfire LAN events. How would you would compare this to the previous events?

CC5: Twidi the evil!

Now we have twidi, a pillar of Vicious and Evil. After an upsetting map loss to Charism, and apparently poor practices during the bootcamp, the question is, what's going wrong?

How're you finding the lan so far?

CC5 Bit of a delay for Mark

Our first CoD interview will be provided by Mark of dignitas. Having just gotten in from a 7 hour delayed flight, he's kind of tired, but here we go!

How're you finding the lan so far?
Well, CDC4 was probably my favourite of the LANs i've played at, and things seem to be going just as well so far. It's still early though!

How do you feel you'll be coping with the competition?
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